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Posts posted by TMM

  1. Who was our best player during Euro 2004? Wayne Rooney. Second best? Ashley Cole. He improved leaps and bounds and at 23, is better than Neville. He tore Ronaldo to shreds during the England/Portugal game, as well as doing the same to Pires during the England/France game.

    Neville can go forward, yes, but he can't get back in time. Ronaldo doesn't cover him, so he really shouldn't do it because he doesn't have the pace to get back and he gets exposed because of it.

  2. I was playing SmackDown: HCTP in a Hardcore Time Limit Title match. I was Rhyno and was dominating pretty much the entire match, and was the champ all the time until the bastard hit me with his finisher and pinned me for the belt with 2 minutes remaining. Well, I took his ass to school for the remainder of the time and then out of nowhere GORE GORE GORE with 7 seconds left...1...2...GOD DAMN IT THE TIME RAN IT!

    I was so pissed off, but it was a classic moment.

    The was also the No Mercy moment. I was Jeff Hardy against my created Rey Mysterio in a ladder match. The match was even all the way through, but I eventually managed to knock him out whilst on the table. I set up the ladder in the ring, climbed up, Swanton Bom...BASTARD MOVED! I hit the Swanton Bomb through the friggin table as he climbed the ladder and won the match.

  3. Have to disagree, both Neville's are great players. I remember just a season or two ago Phil Neville pretty much destroyed Arsenal on his own at Highbury :P

    And I remember 4 years ago when Phil Neville pretty much destroyed England's European Championship Campaign :P

    I don't mind Gary Neville however, he is deservedly England's no1 Right Back.

    For the pure and simple fact that there is nobody else. Glen Johnson is the only other person vaguely close, but he's nowhere near ready.

  4. Gary Neville is one of the best defenders in the game. He is solid and you know that hes not going to cock up. He was very good once again at Euro 2004 and always has been a great player on the big stage. Everyone seems to overlook and under rate him though. He'll have yet another strong season this year and once again nobody will pick up on it.

    BWAHAHAHA...ah, that's almost like saying you know what hair cut David Beckham is going to have today! Neville is an average defender at best, and at times can be solid, but can get exposed by the opposition.

    If you wanna get what I mean look at Lee Dixon and Nigel Winterburn. They were solid, neither were world class defenders but they formed half of the best back four in Premiership history. That is because they knew what they were doing and where everyone else was ALL the time. They weren't the fastest, but they knew what to do. Neville doesn't. If the other team scores a goal which should've never happened because off the offside trap, it's generall Neville's fault.

  5. I think I have finally completed my Arsenal team. I had it completed more or less last year, except I didn't really have a back-up for Ronaldinho, but I do now!

    I sold Glen Johnson (£5m to Real Madrid) and Fabricio Coloccini (£3.4m to Valencia) to make way for Robert Huth (£2.7m from Chelsea) and Gabriel Milito (£9.5m from Zaragoza.

    Then Barcelona enquired about Joaquin, and with him being in the last year of his contract and demanding £90,000 a week (which I refuse to pay anyone) I ended up selling him for £35m up front to Barcelona! So now I've made £103m from Barca for three players, (£40m for Cole, £28m +Kallstrom and Motta for Edu, £35m for Joaquin)! Amazing.

    I just added Andres D'Alessandro from Man Utd for £25m and Andy van der Meyde from Inter for £21m.

    GK: Frey/Taylor

    RB: Hoyte/Toure

    LB: Clichy (I have amazing youth players as back-up

    CB: Campbell/Terry

    CB: Milito/Huth

    RM: Pennant/van der Meyde

    LM: Reyes/Motta

    DM: Vieira/Fredy William Thompson

    AM: Ronaldinho/D'Alessandro

    ST: Henry/Tevez

    ST: Bentley/Pazzini

    I have two players for every position (except for left-back which I'm sorting out at the moment) and have ELEVEN world class players!

    They are:

    Gabriel Milito, Fredy William Thompson, Jermaine Pennant, Andy van der Meyde, Thiago Motta, Andres D'Alessandro, Jose Antonio Reyes, David Bentley, Ronaldinho, Thierry Henry and Giampaolo Pazzini.

    Vieira, Pires and Campbell are legendary as well :D

  6. -- Chapter Ten --

    Tuesday 10th April 2001

    The Deal IS Finalised...

    It was all finalised. Eric Bischoff, Steve Borden and Ric Flair are now the proud owners of World Championship Wrestling. They each recieved all the papers by fax Sunday night, and by midday Monday all the paper work had been finalised and it said their names at the top of the contracts. He was so excited about owning the company that he had began to think of some storylines to implement as soon as WCW returned from it's hiatus.

    He had though about a TV show while he was looking at the contracts the other night and sent a fax to Ted Turner about bringing Nitro back on TNT as soon as everything had been sorted. He got a reply from Turner's people the next day saying that Nitro's timeslot had been filled by a new TV show. Bischoff thought about ringing up and trying to use his 'charm' to convince him to move it to another day, but he decided against it. He thought that he could easily get a TV show on another network, and thought that it wouldn't be much hassle. He said to himself, 'Tomorrow I'm going to pitch the idea to a couple of networks to bring back Nitro!'.

    Bischoff walked around a little with a smug look on his face, thinking to himself that WCW are alive because of him! All because of him! He convinced himself that Borden and Flair didn't care about WCW enough to buy it themselves, so he WAS their only hope in the end. He kept picturing himself in the wrestling history books as the man who was responsible for this; the man, the saviour, the...the phone?

    Bischoff looked around and picked up the phone.

    Bischoff: Hello?

    (Name kept out for legal reasons :shifty:): Hey Eric, it's _____.

    Bischoff: Oh, hey! How are you?

    ???: I'm good Eric, listen man, I wanted to talk about something.

    Bischoff: Oh? What's that?

    A few minutes pass, and Eric seems to be excited by whatever this person is talking about, evident by the huge smile that had formed across his face.

    (This part of the conversation is being left out because I don't want you bastards to know who it is :P)

    Bischoff: Wow...that's pretty big. You sure it's possible?

    ???: Yeah man, this shouldn't be to hard at all. I mean, give me a couple of months and it'll all be a done deal man! I was speaking to them yesterday, and they're VERY interested in it, you know what I mean?

    Bischoff: My god, if you pull this off...it could be one of the biggest things in WCW and wrestling history! I'll tell you what; I'll leave this for you to handle. I know you can do it...

    ???: Don't worry Eric man, I'll handle EVERYTHING! Talk to you later.

    Bischoff: OK then, bye bye.

    The two men hung up the phone and Bischoff stood and pondered for a minute...'Eric Bischoff...Genius...has a ring to it...'

  7. Also I think I'll list the world class players at Manchester United, Arsenal and Chelsea in my eyes.

    Man United = Roy Keane, Ryan Giggs, Paul Scholes, Gary Neville, Mikael Silvestre, Rio Ferdinand, Ruud Van Nistelrooy.

    Arsenal = Campbell, A. Cole, Henry, Vieria, Pires, Ljungberg

    Chelsea = Veron, Crespo, Lampard.

    Duff, Terry, Robben and Kezman all good players undoubtbly but haven't done enough to call them world class players. Maybe one day but the same can be said about Man Utds youngsters and Arsenals youngsters.

    All the plyers i've highlighted in bold are not world class players in my view. Ljungberg, Giggs and Crespo were a few years back, but are not any longer. Giggs has been inconsistant for the past 2/3 years, and Ljungberg was inconsistant last year. Crespo seemed to have lost it last year with Chelsea. Silvestre can become a worldclass player, but he isn't quite there just yet, same with Ashley Cole

    Gary Neville cannot be considered world class or anywhere near because he can't run, doesn't know how to hold a defensive line, and has trouble with tackling at times.

    I agree, Chelsea were lucky to finish second last season, but that is Man Utd's own fault, they blew it big time and let Chelsea in.

  8. I heard about this on the TV the other day and immedietly thought to myself 'sorry that you lost your kid, but quite frankly; it's your own fault'.

    If you're STUPID enough to buy your 14-year old kid an 18-rated game, then it's your fault and nobody elses. Basically, I'm gonna echo pretty much everyone elses statements.

  9. user posted image

    Saturday 26th June 2004

    Announcers: Josh Matthews and sable

    Matthews: Welcome everybody to Velocity tonight, and I’ve got another new co-host tonight! Let’s put it this way…Chavo Classic doesn’t come close in sex appeal! It’s Sable!

    Sable: Ha ha, why thank you Josh! That was a lovely introduction, and I’m glad you think I’m better looking than Chavo Classic!

    Matthews: I don’t think Classic will agree, but everyone else on the planet will!

    Sable: Thank you! You’re sweet, I think I’ll keep you!

    Matthews: We’re going to head straight into the action now, and in the ring we have Devon Storm and David Flair, the son of the legendary Ric!

    Sable: These two are former WCW Tag Team champions Josh, so they shouldn’t be taken lightly!

    Matthews: Well their opponents are the inexperienced duo, in the WWE anyway, the duo of Jimmy S. Long and Jo Ryan; Theodore Long’s charges! We’ve only seen them in action once before tonight, and that was in an impressive win over Akio and Sakoda on SmackDown a few weeks back.

    Jimmy S. Long and Jo Ryan w/ Theodore Long vs. David Flair and Devon Storm

    Josh Matthews and Sable talked about how Storm and Flair had had major success down in WCW, but how Flair was unable to bring any of that success with him to the WWE when they bought out WCW in 2001. Storm and Ryan started out, and Storm quickly took the advantage off a powerslam. The newly formed charges of Theodore Long soon took the match to their opposition. Ryan used his technical wizardry to take Flair down to his level. Flair certainly seemed to have improved in the ring; obviously he had been watching some old NWA tapes of his dad in action and had been actually paying attention! After some close fought action between both teams, Ryan and Long fought off Devon Storm to the outside and had David Flair all alone in the ring. Jimmy Long signalled for something, and he set Flair up for a powerbomb. Jo Ryan went to the top rope…and hit a ‘side-effect’ type move, and the two drove Flair into the mat! Jimmy Long makes the cover…1…2…3, they win the match here on Velocity!

    Winner: Jimmy S. Long and Jo Ryan (5:16)




    Matthews: Nice win there for the Players Club, and an impressive double-team move their to finish Flair and Storm off!

    Sable: You know I think that Theodore Long really has found himself some nice new charges here in Jo Ryan and his nephew Jimmy.

    Matthews: Gotta agree there. We’ll be right back in a moment when Matt Morgan will be in action.

    Commercial Break

    Matthews: Welcome back to Velocity, and here comes Matt Morgan!

    Sable: Wow! Matt Morgan is huge! I never realised it until tonight!

    Matthews: 6ft 10 inches of pure muscle, and Morgan’s opponent tonight, Jetty Chet is in for a long night I can tell you that!

    Matt Morgan vs. Jetty Chet

    Jetty Chet is Chet Jablonski who wrestles regularly for the HWA and IWA-PR. This was basically a squash from the second the bell was rung. Morgan used his size and strength advantage to keep Chet at bay before hitting a big and powerful move. Chet showed a lot of heart and resilience though by continuing to kick out of Morgan’s powerful spinebusters and powerslams, but soon fell victim to a sit-out powerbomb, which put him down for the three count.

    Winner: Matt Morgan (3:51)




    Matthews: Another impressive outing for the big man Matt Morgan there, but right now we’re going to take you back to SmackDown where Booker T and the Rock got into a heated confrontation!

    Booker was decked out in an Armani suit, and was wearing black sunglasses to add to the look. He took the glasses off and hung them in his jacket pocket.

    Booker: You know, next weeks SmackDown is being billed as a ‘special’ show. Sort of a counter to RAW’s pay-per-view, Bad Blood. But you know what? Next weeks SmackDown is gonna be as hundred times better than Bad Blood for two reasons; it’s free, and it’s the show where Booker T will become the no.1 contender for the WWE title man! Can you dig that? After I win that, I will go on to Vengeance and I will beat Eddie Guerrero, 1…2…3 to finally become the WWE Heavyweight champion of the world!

    The crowd started to boo Booker T loudly, and the Book Man’s laughter soon changed to a smirk, and then a look of disgust as he looked around at the crowd, who had started a small ‘Eddie’ chant.

    Booker: You can chant his name all you want, because he isn’t here. Apparently, your champion picked up an injury over the weekend and won’t be here tonight. That’s what kind of a man Eddie Guerrero is! I’ve wrestled matches where I could’ve been crippled for life man! And your beloved champion won’t even show up because he has a knock! What a pussy!

    The crowd starts to loudly boo Booker who just looked at them.

    Booker: But you know; I’m not out here to talk about Eddie Guerrero or to listen to you stupid Orlando fools boo me! No, I’m here to talk to the Rock!

    The crowd cheered loudly, and then quickly started a ‘Rocky! Rocky!’ chant that really got on Booker’s nerves!

    Booker: Shut up. Yeah, your boy, the Rock! Rock, I wanna know what in the blue hell did you think you were doing last week? Huh? What right do you have to come and interfere in something that doesn’t involve you? Huh? You don’t see Booker T turning up at one of your movies do you? And you all know that Booker T is a better actor than the Rock, and I know you can dig that! Anyway, Rock, that was my business! I owed Eddie that beating, and what did you do? You came out and stuck your damn eyebrow in my…


    The crowd literally erupted and went into a frenzy, as the Great One stepped out on the stage! The Rock came out and went to each side of the ramp, smelt the air and then walked down to the ring. After climbing to up the first three turnbuckles and getting a deafening cheer from the crowd, Booker T stepped in the Rock’s way, stopping him from getting on the fourth! The Rock looked straight into Booker’s eyes…before snatching the microphone from him and walking around the ring. The Rock brought the microphone to his lips, but had to stop because the crowd were cheering again, eagerly awaiting his first words. Rock arched back…

    Rock: …Finally, the Rock, has come back to Orlando!

    The Rock pulled the microphone away from his mouth, listening to the huge ovation that he garnered.

    Rock: No, no, no! The Rock said…finally the Rock has come back to Orlando!

    The crowd literally went nuts this time, as the Rock stepped back and soaked it up.

    Rock: So Booker T, you’re annoyed with the Rock, you’re upset with the Rock because the Rock interrupted your little beating session on Eddie Guerrero and Rey Rey? Is that right? Do you think the Rock was wrong to come out last week?

    Booker: You’re damn…

    Rock: It doesn’t matter what you think! Just who the in the blue hell do you think you are?

    Booker: I’m…

    Rock: Woah, woah, woah, WOAH! The Rock knows who you are; you’re Booker T! The five time WCW champion, eleven times WCW Tag Team champion, you’re Booker T man! Well the Rock doesn’t take lightly to people attacking his friends. Eddie Guerrero and Rey Mysterio; they’re the Rock’s friends! Just who are you to tell the Rock what to do? The Rock was winning World titles when you were G.I. Bro down in duyba SEEEE dubya…

    Booker: Would you…

    Rock: Know your role and shut your mouth! The Rock is talking! Next week on SmackDown, it’ll be Rey Mysterio, you Booker T, John “Bradshaw” Layfield and the Rock with the winner getting a shot at Eddie Guerrero’s WWE championship at Vengeance! Two years ago, at that very same event, the Rock won the Undisputed title, and the Rock is going to win the no.1 contenders match next week, and then the Rock is going to become an eight-time WWE champion! If ya smell…

    Booker T snatches the microphone away from the Rock, and the Rock quickly removed his sunglasses and gave Booker a wide-eyed look.

    Booker: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I smell what you’re cooking Rocky! It’s the same as usual. Blah, blah, blah, the Rock’s gonna whoop your ass! La la la, ya smell, well I don’t care about your little sing along crap! You come out here, try and embarrass Booker T? That just don’t happen man! You think I’m intimidated by you Rocky? I’m not! I beat the Undertaker at the Great American Bash dawg! The Undertaker intimidates everyone, but not me! Booker T isn’t afraid of nobody Mr. Hollywood, and next week, after I win the fatal-four way; you’ll see why people call ME the most entertaining man in all of sport entertainment. Do you dig that; sucka?

    Rock: Oh…oh so you’re the most entertaining man in sports entertainment? Well answer me this Book; do you have the millions (crowd: “and millions”) of fans all over the world chanting your name whenever you come to the ring (yet again, a ‘Rocky! Rocky!’ chant starts up)? No you don’t, but the Rock does! And that is why the Rock is the most entertaining man in ALLLLL of entertainment! If ya smell lalaa owwww, what the Rock is cooking!

    Rock quickly dropped the microphone and hit Booker with the Rock Bottom! The Rock’s music hit, and the People’s Champion stood over Booker T before going to one of the turnbuckles, raising the eyebrow and smelling the air.


    Commercial Break

    Matthews: We’re back on Velocity and up next we’re going to see the ‘Redneck Messiah’ Jamie Noble go one-on-one with the no.1 contender for the Cruiserweight title, the man who will challenge Chavo Guerrero this coming week on SmackDown for that very title; Ultimo Dragon! Sable, you’ve been watching SmackDown over the past few weeks, and you saw what happened with Ultimo and the Chavo’s, what’s your opinion on this whole thing?

    Sable: You’re right, I’ve been watching from the very beginning and I’ve gotta say, the Chavo’s are a very sneaky duo! I mean, they went through Ultimo’s stuff on SmackDown! I hope Ultimo kicks his butt this week!

    Ultimo Dragon vs. Jamie Noble

    Ultimo and Noble clash on Velocity for the second time in three weeks, and if this was to be anything like that match it would be excellent action! Noble and Dragon went back and forth, with the fans following every single bit of action. The fans didn’t seem to interested to start with, but soon got really into it, getting 100% behind Ultimo and booing everything that Jamie Noble did. Noble had Ultimo locked in the Trailer Hitch, but the Dragon just about managed to reach the ropes before the pain became too much for him to bear. Noble attempted to nail Ultimo with the Tiger Driver, but Ultimo hit a hurricanrana, sending Noble across the ring before running over to him and nailing a spinning heel kick! Ultimo went over to Noble and then locked in the Dragon Sleeper! Noble knew he wasn’t getting out of it, and so he tapped out on Ultimo’s arm!

    Winner: Ultimo Dragon (9:11)




    Commercial Break

    Matthews: Welcome back, and before we go to the main event, we’ve just got some free time to go over the SmackDown: Full Force card for this coming Thursday on UPN!

    * Winner gets a WWE championship shot against Eddie Guerrero at Vengeance *

    The Rock vs. Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Booker T vs. John “Bradshaw” Layfield

    * WWE Tag Team titles on the line in a table match *

    The Dudley Boyz vs. Rico and Charlie Haas ©

    * WWE Cruiserweight title match *

    Ultimo Dragon vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr. ©

    * WWE United States title match *

    Hardcore Holly vs. Rene Dupree ©

    * Special, one night only match *

    Tazz vs. Mordecai


    Sable: A packed card, no doubt there but you forgot one thing Josh.

    Matthews: What’s that?

    Sable: Kurt Angle is going to introduce the newest member of the SmackDown roster! The man who was traded for John Cena will debut this Thursday, and from what we know so far, this man will be competing at RAW’s Bad Blood and is a former World champion!

    Matthews: That means he could be a former WCW champion, a former WWE champion, who knows? But now we’re going to take you back to last week on Velocity where it was Shannon Moore taking on Danny Basham.

    Sable: The Bashams did the old switcharoo on Shannon, and they ended up hitting the Ball and Gag before Danny finally ended Shannon’s suffering.

    Matthews: But after the match, Shannon Moore’s old friend Jeff Hardy came out and made the save, driving the Bashams away. So now we’ve got Shannon Moore going one-on-one with Danny’s brother Doug!

    Doug Basham w/ Danny Basham vs. Shannon Moore w/ Jeff Hardy

    Jeff seconded Moore down to the ring tonight in order to counter the Bashams numerical advantage. All four men were in the ring at the same time, and eventually the referee managed to get Danny and Jeff to leave the ring. Josh Matthews and Sable talked about how amazing the match between Jeff and Chavo was on SmackDown, and that after Jeff’s big non-title win, he could be in line for another Cruiserweight title shot somewhere down the line. Doug dominated much of the match, with Shannon playing up the underdog gimmck. But Moore was certainly no slouch on the offence front himself! Doug tried to land a Russian legsweep, but Moore blocked it with an elbow to the head before landing an STO! Danny climbed up onto the apron to cheer on his brother, but Jeff had other ideas as he went to the top rope and took him to the concrete floor with a clothesline off the top! Danny got to his feet and saw his brother and Jeff lying in a heap outside and was going to check on them. Just as he went to leave the ring, Shannon Moore came from behind and rolled him up in a school boy…1…2…3!

    Winner: Shannon Moore (6:25)




    Moore quickly escaped to the outside where Jeff was using the steps to stay on his feet, and the two friends exited the arena up the ramp while playing to the crowd. The Bashams stared a hole through Jeff and Moore in the ring.

    Matthews: Well that’s all for tonight. Don’t forget this Thursday is SmackDown: Full Force, don’t miss it! See you then!

    Sable: Bye bye!

    Overall Rating: 64%

    Nielson Rating: 4.18

  10. The game is getting more unimpressive as the days go by. For every wrestler they make look better, there's 2 more that look worse than HCTP. Kane finally has a normal-sized chest and a proportional head, yet HBK and Orton look like shit.

    Chop battles? Shoving matches? Face and heel meters? Do they realize without any actual IMPROVEMENTS to the system it doesn't make a difference what little things they add in? There's still hardly any selling, and the gameplay is way too fast. They need a whole new engine, not just an updated roster and a few tweaks. My buddy will buy this game the minute it comes out, and I can save myself $50 and just play it at his place.

    Oh and maybe it's just me.... but if Kane and Undertaker are already in the games.... making them Legends is pretty f'n ridiculous considering Taker will just have on a different outfit for his non-Legened counter-part... but wait... purple gloves and purple shit under his eyes! It's a different Taker!!!

    And Kane.... had his mask on in the last game, so I don't care.

    Jesus Christ man! I've heard of criticising things, but man you literally tear EVERYTHING you come across on here to pieces! In the RAW thread you're criticising every little thing, and now in here I don't recall you even saying that ANYTHING looks/sounds good.

    I personally cannot wait for this game to come out. The roster so far looks great, and all the new features look as though they will add a lot to this game. I'm especially looking forward to the face/heel meters and the alteration of the submission system.

  11. I've literally fallen in love with Voyager. I used to see it as the inferior show, but since it's been on Sky One every weekday...I just can't miss it! If I do I get well pissed off!

    The best characters have to be the Doctor, Tom Paris and Q! How could nobody have mentioned Q? He might not have been a 'regular', but he was gold everytime he appears. The TNG episode 'Deja Q' was on today, and there were times when I literally burst out into laughter.

  12. I'm a huge Trekke. Favourite TV program going. I'm a huge fan of DS9, the Next Generation and Voyager. I'm still a little indefferent on Enterprise, as I can't really get into it to much.

  13. Arsenal have done very well pre-season. I'm impressed with what I've seen of van Persie, and Jeffers actually looks as though he might want to be there! The best thing is that we're fielding the young players, giving them a shot in the lime-light I guess, so they get to show what they're about.

  14. I expected Tyson to knock Williams the fuck out after the 1st or 2nd round! They were saying on SkySports News yesterday that if Williams wasn't English, nobody would even care about this match here, and not one of us would give him a chance. He sure proved everyone wrong didn't he?

  15. My friend told me that Real Madrid actually bid £83m for Thierry Henry (plus another player) but he rejected it. The only thing I was shocked about is the fact that it was all paid up front! I expected them to haggle to like, £15/20m now and £20m or so after 24 months or something!

  16. Man how did you offload Ashley Cole for 40Mil?

    I play him all the time and he plays good, but his value doesn't budge from the 7mil mark.

    Ha. His value was £9-10m, and Barcelona enquired about him. So me being me said 'give me £40m and it's a deal' fully expecting them to say 'nope'. But I get told they've actually bid it! So I thought, 'why not' and sold him. I have Clichy now who's stats are almost identical in every aspect!

  17. user posted image

    24th June 2004

    SmackDown Review

    Overall Rating: 76%

    Nielson Rating: 6.08

    Attendance: 6,519

    Booker T confronts the Rock [ 98 ]

    Rikishi d. Suzuki by DQ [ 62 / 54 / 70 ]

    Los Chavo Guerrero’s attack Ultimo Dragon [ 66 ]

    Hardcore Holly and Rey Mysterio d. John “Bradshaw” Layfield and Rene Dupree [ 76 / 76 / 77 ]

    Update on Spike Dudley’s condition [ 62 ]

    Kurt Angle announces the man traded for John Cena will debut next week [ 100 ]

    Jeff Hardy d. Chavo Guerrero [ 82 / 78 / 87 ]

    Mordecai d. Sakoda [ 68 / 58 / 78 ]

    Tazz challenges Mordecai to a match next week [ 86 ]

    Paul Heyman and the Dudley Boyz talk trash about Paul London and Billy Kidman [ 81 ]

    Paul London and Billy Kidman d. the Dudley Boyz when Rico and Charlie Haas return and help them [ 77 / 67 / 88 ]

    Match of the Night: Jeff Hardy d. Chavo Guerrero

    Segment of the Night: Kurt Angle announces the man traded for John Cena will debut next week


    * Many backstage were surprised that the built-up Jeff Hardy/Chavo Guerrero rematch was not given the main event slot that ended up being the Dudleyz vs. Paul London and Billy Kidman. They felt the match between Hardy and Guerrero should've been the main event, as it came off well on TV and was looked at as being one of the better SmackDown matches in recent months. However, the SmackDown writers came to the agreement that the Tag Team titles are more important than the Cruiserweight title, and thus pushed that as the main event.

    * The Big Show is slated to return to SmackDown sometime next month. Show took some time off after Backlash-time to undergo surgery on his knees which have troubling him for quite some time. It is unknown how he will return, but it is very likely he will return as a face due to the way he left; that being throwing Kurt Angle of a balcony!

    * The two 'escorts' that accompanied Suzuki to ringside were OVW alumni Chris Masters and Tank Toland. They were used to get Suzuki over as a legitimate nutjob. Expect to see them appearing on SmackDown for a couple of weeks in the same, non-wrestling role.

  18. user posted image

    24th June 2004

    Announcers: Michael Cole and Tazz

    Clips of the end of SmackDown where the Rock saved Rey Mysterio and Eddie Guerrero from a beat down courtesy of Booker T. The video stopped, and the opening video was played. The SmackDown opening video played, and the viewers were greeted by the sound of Michael Cole’s voice.

    Cole: Hello everyone, I’m Michael Cole and I am sitting next to Tazz as usual, bringing you SmackDown on UPN! Tazz, how you doing buddy?

    Tazz: I feel good partner, but I tell you what; that Mordecai really ticked me off last week! I wanna know what the hell I did to deserve getting attacked like that, out of the blue and all! Maybe I was right; maybe he is just a crazed loony!

    Cole: I heard you have something for the ‘Pale Rider’ tonight, what’s that all about?

    Tazz: I don’t know what you’re talking about Cole…

    Cole: I…wait a minute, it’s Booker T! The man who tried to assault Eddie Guerrero and Rey Mysterio last week on SmackDown!

    Tazz: Yeah but luckily for the champ and Rey Rey, the Rock was in the house to save the day.

    Booker was decked out in an Armani suit, and was wearing black sunglasses to add to the look. He took the glasses off and hung them in his jacket pocket.

    Booker: You know, next weeks SmackDown is being billed as a ‘special’ show. Sort of a counter to RAW’s pay-per-view, Bad Blood. But you know what? Next weeks SmackDown is gonna be as hundred times better than Bad Blood for two reasons; it’s free, and it’s the show where Booker T will become the no.1 contender for the WWE title man! Can you dig that? After I win that, I will go on to Vengeance and I will beat Eddie Guerrero, 1…2…3 to finally become the WWE Heavyweight champion of the world!

    The crowd started to boo Booker T loudly, and the Book Man’s laughter soon changed to a smirk, and then a look of disgust as he looked around at the crowd, who had started a small ‘Eddie’ chant.

    Booker: You can chant his name all you want, because he isn’t here. Apparently, your champion picked up an injury over the weekend and won’t be here tonight. That’s what kind of a man Eddie Guerrero is! I’ve wrestled matches where I could’ve been crippled for life man! And your beloved champion won’t even show up because he has a knock! What a pussy!

    The crowd starts to loudly boo Booker who just looked at them.

    Booker: But you know; I’m not out here to talk about Eddie Guerrero or to listen to you stupid Orlando fools boo me! No, I’m here to talk to the Rock!

    The crowd cheered loudly, and then quickly started a ‘Rocky! Rocky!’ chant that really got on Booker’s nerves!

    Booker: Shut up. Yeah, your boy, the Rock! Rock, I wanna know what in the blue hell did you think you were doing last week? Huh? What right do you have to come and interfere in something that doesn’t involve you? Huh? You don’t see Booker T turning up at one of your movies do you? And you all know that Booker T is a better actor than the Rock, and I know you can dig that! Anyway, Rock, that was my business! I owed Eddie that beating, and what did you do? You came out and stuck your damn eyebrow in my…


    The crowd literally erupted and went into a frenzy, as the Great One stepped out on the stage! The Rock came out and went to each side of the ramp, smelt the air and then walked down to the ring. After climbing to up the first three turnbuckles and getting a deafening cheer from the crowd, Booker T stepped in the Rock’s way, stopping him from getting on the fourth! The Rock looked straight into Booker’s eyes…before snatching the microphone from him and walking around the ring. The Rock brought the microphone to his lips, but had to stop because the crowd were cheering again, eagerly awaiting his first words. Rock arched back…

    Rock: …Finally, the Rock, has come back to Orlando!

    user posted image

    The Rock pulled the microphone away from his mouth, listening to the huge ovation that he garnered.

    Rock: No, no, no! The Rock said…finally the Rock has come back to Orlando!

    The crowd literally went nuts this time, as the Rock stepped back and soaked it up.

    Rock: So Booker T, you’re annoyed with the Rock, you’re upset with the Rock because the Rock interrupted your little beating session on Eddie Guerrero and Rey Rey? Is that right? Do you think the Rock was wrong to come out last week?

    Booker: You’re damn…

    Rock: It doesn’t matter what you think! Just who the in the blue hell do you think you are?

    Booker: I’m…

    Rock: Woah, woah, woah, WOAH! The Rock knows who you are; you’re Booker T! The five time WCW champion, eleven times WCW Tag Team champion, you’re Booker T man! Well the Rock doesn’t take lightly to people attacking his friends. Eddie Guerrero and Rey Mysterio; they’re the Rock’s friends! Just who are you to tell the Rock what to do? The Rock was winning World titles when you were G.I. Bro down in duyba SEEEE dubya…

    Booker: Would you…

    Rock: Know your role and shut your mouth! The Rock is talking! Next week on SmackDown, it’ll be Rey Mysterio, you Booker T, John “Bradshaw” Layfield and the Rock with the winner getting a shot at Eddie Guerrero’s WWE championship at Vengeance! Two years ago, at that very same event, the Rock won the Undisputed title, and the Rock is going to win the no.1 contenders match next week, and then the Rock is going to become an eight-time WWE champion! If ya smell…

    Booker T snatches the microphone away from the Rock, and the Rock quickly removed his sunglasses and gave Booker a wide-eyed look.

    Booker: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I smell what you’re cooking Rocky! It’s the same as usual. Blah, blah, blah, the Rock’s gonna whoop your ass! La la la, ya smell, well I don’t care about your little sing along crap! You come out here, try and embarrass Booker T? That just don’t happen man! You think I’m intimidated by you Rocky? I’m not! I beat the Undertaker at the Great American Bash dawg! The Undertaker intimidates everyone, but not me! Booker T isn’t afraid of nobody Mr. Hollywood, and next week, after I win the fatal-four way; you’ll see why people call ME the most entertaining man in all of sport entertainment. Do you dig that; sucka?

    Rock: Oh…oh so you’re the most entertaining man in sports entertainment? Well answer me this Book; do you have the millions (crowd: “and millions”) of fans all over the world chanting your name whenever you come to the ring (yet again, a ‘Rocky! Rocky!’ chant starts up)? No you don’t, but the Rock does! And that is why the Rock is the most entertaining man in ALLLLL of entertainment! If ya smell lalaa owwww, what the Rock is cooking!

    Rock quickly dropped the microphone and hit Booker with the Rock Bottom! The Rock’s music hit, and the People’s Champion stood over Booker T before going to one of the turnbuckles, raising the eyebrow and smelling the air.

    Commercial Break

    SmackDown returned with a “Moments Ago” video of the Rock hitting the Rock Bottom on the Bookerman.

    Cole: Welcome back to SmackDown, and if you’ve just tuned in, you missed the heated confrontation between the Rock and Booker T.

    Tazz: It was so heated, I’m sweating! I can’t wait till next week; the tension that we’ll see in that ring is going to be unbelievable!

    Cole: It certainly will, but right now Suzuki returns to action after a ‘cooling off’ period shall we say, and he goes one-on-one with Rikishi!

    Rikishi vs. Suzuki

    Rikishi made his way out to the ring first, wearing new full-length black and red tights and a leather jacket, and was accompanied by brand new, rock-orientated music. Rikishi seemed to be very focused, but was clearly still getting the fans support as he walked down to ringside slapping hands and giving people high-fives. Suzuki came down to ring accompanied by two big security guards, one on either side. Suzuki was very conscious of the two men, as well as the fans in the front row that were going out of their way to get his attention and boo him. Suzuki tried to approach one fan, but the security guards stepped in his way and guided him to the ring for the match. As soon as Suzuki got into the ring, he lunged at Rikishi and started kicking and punching the big man in the corner. The referee separated the two and then fell over as he back peddled to get away from the enraged Suzuki! Suzuki turned to go after Charles Robinsion, but was stopped by a super kick to the back of his head, courtesy of Rikishi! Rikishi unloaded on the man from Japan with straight shots to the face, chops to the chest and an uppercut to the jaw before taking him down with a nice belly-to-belly. Rikishi was dominant for much of the match, but the tables were turned when Rikishi missed a standing BANZAI drop due to Suzuki sliding out of the way. Suzuki got to his feet and literally went bezerk! He started kicking the hell out of Rikishi; kicking him in the arms, ribs and side of the head. Rikishi tried to cover up, but Suzuki was to quick. The referee tried to stop the attack, but Suzuki grabbed him by the head…and hit a modified STO!!! The ref rolled around on the mat for a bit before signalling to ring the bell, disqualifying Suzuki!

    Winner by DQ: Rikishi (4:01)

    Suzuki turned his attentions back to Rikishi…but got nailed with a kick to the jaw! Suzuki fell to the mat in a heap, where Rikishi grabbed his arm and dragged him to a corner. Rikishi climbed the turnbuckle…and hit the BANZAI drop on Suzuki! Rikishi stood up and then helped Charles Robinson to his feet before they left they ring to Rikishi’s music. Suzuki’s two large escorts grabbed a hold of him and took him to the back. Suzuki is yet to get a win on SmackDown.

    Tazz: Woah! That Suzuki is one unstable individual! Did you see what he did to Charlie?

    Cole: Yeah, but can you imagine what would’ve happened if Rikishi wasn’t there? He probably would’ve kicked the heck out of him!

    Tazz: No doubt Cole; he would’ve been dead meat!

    Cole: Well in a little while, we’re going to hear from Spike Dudley about his condition. If you remember, Spike was put out of action the SmackDown before the Great American Bash by an unknown assailant, and we’ll be talking to him live via satellite from his home.

    Tazz: I hope my little buddy is ok, and I hope he knows who attacked him! Hey; what’s this?

    Cole: That’s Chavo Classic, Chavo Guerrero’s dad! What’s he doing?

    The cameras cut to the back where Chavo Classic was sifting through a bag, obviously looking for something as he tossed half the things out across the room! Classic picked up a wallet, looked inside, looked around, then pocketed it before continuing to sift through. Classic picked out a pair of boots, but stopped as Ultimo Dragon walked in! Classic held the boots in his hands as he looked at Dragon. Classic had a stupid smile on his face, and realising he had been caught, threw the boots behind him and ran from the room with Ultimo Dragon running after him from behind! The cameraman ran after them both, but as soon as they rounded a corner, a loud *thud* was heard. The cameraman turned the corner to find Ultimo Dragon lying face down, with Chavo standing over him with a steel chair in hand! Chavo was wearing the belt round his waist, but took it off and shoved in Ultimo’s face for him to see clearly.

    Chavo: Ha! This is my title Asai! This is my belt, and you will never, EVER get your grubby hands on it! Cheat to win Ultimo; that’s the way to get it done.

    The Chavo’s walked off, and in the background Chavo Classic could be seen counting the money from Ultimo’s wallet!

    Cole: I don’t believe even the Chavo’s could sink that low! First they go through Ultimo Dragon’s stuff, then they steal his wallet, then the champion attacks him with a steel chair! That’s despicable!

    Tazz: You’re right, but remember; it’s the Chavo’s! That’s’ what they do best!

    Cole: Later tonight Chavo Guerrero clashes with Jeff Hardy in a non-title match, but after this break it’ll be Rey Mysterio teaming up with Hardcore Holly to take on John “Bradshaw” Layfield and the United States champion Rene Dupree! Stay tuned!

    Commercial Break

    Cole: We’re back on SmackDown, and I think we should explain how this match came about!

    Tazz: Good idea. Simply put, Dupree and Holly have a match next week for Dupree’s US title, and Mysterio took offence to JBL’s comments last week and thus, the match was made!

    Cole: Well done Tazz, nicely put!

    Tazz: Thank you, I agree.

    John “Bradshaw” Layfield and Rene Dupree w/ Fifi vs. Hardcore Holly and Rey Mysterio

    JBL and Dupree came out first, and of course, were chauffeur driven down to the ring. They had their doors opened by the driver, and Dupree came out with Fifi! Fifi makes her return to SmackDown! Dupree handed Fifi’s lead to the driver, and told him to take special care of her as she is worth more than his life! Dupree and JBL got into the ring, where JBL posed with his hat in his hand, and Dupree kissed his United States championship belt. Holly and Mysterio both came out together under Mysterio’s music, and the two men rushed the ring, attacking JBL and Dupree! Mysterio squared off with the much larger JBL, while Holly fought with his opponent for next week, Rene Dupree. Mysterio and Holly both took JBL and Dupree out of the ring with stereo dropkicks over the top rope. JBL and Dupree regrouped on the outside and decided that Bradshaw should start the match. Mysterio and Holly convened on the other side of the ring, but before they could make a decision, JBL attacked Mysterio from behind and landed a backdrop. Bradshaw tagged in Dupree and the two hit a double suplex, earning Dupree a near fall. Dupree and JBL made regular tags, and did well to isolate Mysterio from Holly. Dupree and Mysterio were in the ring, and Dupree had just hit a perfect spinebuster before doing the French Tickler! Dupree signalled for the Michinoku driver and picked Mysterio up for it. He lifted him up, but Mysterio rolled out the back door and nailed a dropkick to the head, and Dupree dropped head first across the second rope! Mysterio quickly ran and hit the 619 before both he and Dupree collapsed. It was a battle to see who could reach their corner first, and it was Mysterio! Holly came in, took down JBL three times before dropkicking Dupree to the outside. Holly called for support from the crowd and got it. He went to lift JBL up, but Bradshaw hit a thumb to the eye before rolling Holly up with a handful of tights…1…2…kick out! Both men got to their feet, and Holly swung at JBL, but he ducked and tried for a backslide. It was a test of strength, and Holly managed to take JBL to the mat! Holly put his feet on the top rope…1…2…3! My, my! Hardcore Holly cheats to win the match!

    Winners: Hardcore Holly and Rey Mysterio (8:21)

    Holly quickly rolled out of the ring and he and Mysterio celebrated the win while walking up the ramp. JBL and Dupree protested with the referee that Holly used the ropes, but the ref claimed not to see a thing. JBL and Dupree protested all the way into the break.

    Commercial Break

    When SmackDown returns, the viewers are shown the end of the previous match, with Holly cheating to win.

    Cole: That’s right, Hardcore Holly stole the victory from JBL and Dupree!

    Tazz: That’s just terrible! Why did he need to cheat like that?

    Cole: Maybe it’s just a little bit of payback for the way they cheated to beat Holly and Gunn last week!

    Tazz: Oh yeah…

    Cole: Well anyway, we’re going to go onto a live satellite feed to Spike Dudley’s home, where he’s recuperating from an attack a couple of weeks ago, Spike, can you hear me?

    Spike Dudley is on the screen with a little logo at the bottom saying ‘Live!’

    Spike: I can hear you loud and clear Michael, how are you guys?

    Cole: We’re good Spike!

    Tazz: How you feeling buddy?

    Spike: Well, I’m feeling good at the moment. The doctors have told me I’ll be fit to return to SmackDown in two weeks.

    Cole: That’s great news Spike. Glad to hear it. I wanted to ask you if you know who it was that attacked you a few weeks ago?

    Tazz: Yeah, when I got there, there was no sign of who might’ve done it!

    Spike: Yeah I know. I remember just literally walking down the corridor, and then all of a sudden…BAM, I got smashed into a brick wall! I think I must’ve gone a little crazy then, because I don’t remember much after that. I was told that I got thrown through a glass window as well! To answer you question Michael; no, I have no idea who it was. I didn’t see them or anything. They came out of nowhere whoever it was.

    Cole: OK Spike, thanks for your time. Hope to see you back in the ring in two weeks then.

    Tazz: Can’t wait man! See you then.

    The feed cut off, and we’re left with Michael Cole and Tazz at ringside.

    Cole: Spike Dudley returns to the ring in two weeks time!

    Tazz: Thank god! I hope that we find out who attacked my buddy!

    Cole: We will, we will. I have no doubts about that. In any event, we’re going to head backstage where our General Manager, Kurt Angle has a special announcement regarding our big SmackDown next week.

    Tazz: I wonder what it’s about?

    Cole: Let’s go find out…

    We cut to the back where Kurt Angle is sitting in his wheelchair, centre screen with Luther Reigns standing menacingly behind him.

    Angle: Good evening faithful viewers of the highest rated show on UPN today; SmackDown. As you may or may not be aware, Eric Bischoff’s RAW is holding a little pay-per-view this Sunday, called Bad Blood. But you see…that is a RAW show. Not a SmackDown show! They don’t have a Cruiserweight title match between Chavo Guerrero and the Japanese legend Ultimo Dragon. They don’t have a Tag Team table match between the Dudley Boyz and Rico and Charlie Haas! They don’t have a United States title match between Hardcore Holly and Rene Dupree! They don’t have a blockbuster main event between the smartest man in wrestling, John “Bradshaw” Layfield, the showstealer Rey Mysterio, the five-time WCW champion Booker T, and the People’s Champion the Rock! And they don’t have the pleasure of unveiling their newest acquisition from their rivals! That’s right; next week on SmackDown, I, Kurt Angle will reveal the man who I have signed from RAW in a trade for John Cena. I’ll give away a little information on this man; he is a former WWE champion! There you go. Next week, SmackDown: Full Force will knock the socks off of Bad Blood! Enjoy the rest of the show.

    Angle turned around to talk to Luther, as SmackDown went to another ad break.

    Commercial Break

    Jeff Hardy vs. Chavo Guerrero w/ Chavo Classic

    SmackDown returned to find the Cruiserweight champion Chavo Guerrero had just made his way out to the ring, and was taunting the crowd. Chavo Classic had his white board out with him again, and placed it at ringside. A video of earlier tonight played, showing the Chavo’s attack on Ultimo Dragon. We were also shown clips of the Great American Bash where Chavo “cheated to win” against Jeff Hardy. As soon as Jeff’s music hit, the crowd rose to their feet. Jeff did his crazy ass dance at the top of the ramp before running down the ramp and going toe-to-toe with both Chavo’s! Jeff took Chavo down with a punch before hitting a spinning heel kick to Classic! Jeff was all fired up for this match, and certainly proved it after hitting a very early Whisper in the Wind, earning him a near fall. Jeff signalled he was going to end it quickly by signalling for the Twist of Fate, but Chavo managed to spin through and land a Northern Lights suplex, earning himself a near fall. Chavo picked Jeff up, but then took him back down with a snap suplex, kept a hold of the head and turned over to put a lot of pressure on the back by stretching him over. Jeff managed to elbow his way out of the hold, got to his feet and hit a flying forearm to Chavo. Jeff nailed another forearm shot before whipping Chavo into the corner. He charged in, but Chavo dodged the bullet and Jeff went crashing into the ring post. Jeff and Chavo exchanged periods of dominance, and the match nearly came to an end after Jeff missed his Swanton Bomb, allowing for Chavo to get a roll-up, but Jeff managed to kick out just in time. The ending of the match came after Chavo had hit three vertical suplexes in a row, and signalled for the Gory Bomb. He picked Jeff up, set him up on his back…but Jeff used his feet to propel himself off the top rope and over Chavo, landing a DDT in the process! The fans started clapping and cheering after that spot, and Jeff looked to be slowly building up some momentum. Jeff blocked a punch, landed one of his own, blocked another, then grabbed Chavo’s arm, ran up the turnbuckle and dropped an amazing looking running DDT off the turnbuckle! Jeff took off his shirt, climbed to the top rope…and hit the Swanton Bomb! Jeff covered the champion…1…2…3, Jeff Hardy pins the Cruiserweight champion!

    Winner: Jeff Hardy (11:46)

    As soon as the bell rang, Chavo Classic got in the ring and started to hit Jeff in the back. Jeff was still winded from hitting the Swanton Bomb, so he couldn’t fight back. But luckily for him, Ultimo Dragon appeared with a chair in hand! Ultimo ran down to the ring, holding his head with one hand and holding a chair in the other. He got in the ring and whacked Classic with it, before smacking the champion with it as well! They Chavo’s rolled out of the ring, and Ultimo helped Jeff to his feet.

    The scene faded, and it was time for a brand new segment on SmackDown; time for the Velocity Rebound! It opens with the Bashams hitting the Ball and Gag on Shannon Moore, allowing Danny to get the pin. It then showed Jeff Hardy running down to save his buddy from a beating at the hands off the Bashams. We were then shown the Paul London upset on Mark Jindrak, where Jindrak missed London in the corner, hitting his head on the turnbuckle and allowing London to roll him up for the win! Last but not least was the recap of the Rene Dupree/Scotty 2 Hotty match Dupree stole a victory from Scotty after a thumb to the eye and a roll-up with a handful of tight! That was the Velocity Rebound.

    Cole: A new segment we have there, recapping the goings on, on our “B” show Velocity. You’ll get that every week from this moment forth; recapping some of the great action you see every Saturday night on Spike TV!

    Tazz: Velocity is some great TV, I gotta admit that, but now I guess its time for my good friend Mordecai’s match!

    Cole: Yes it is, Sakoda is already in the ring awaiting the arrival of the ‘Pale Rider’.

    Tazz: I hope Sakoda doesn’t beat him up to badly…

    Cole: Why do you say that?

    Tazz: No reason…

    Mordecai vs. Sakoda

    Mordecai made his usual long entrance, and Sakoda attempted to take him down early. Mordecai seemed to absorb the blows as if they weren’t happening! Mordecai grabbed Sakoda by the throat, brought Sakoda’s face close to his, and then threw him into the turnbuckle where he pounded away at him! He laid into him with stiff blows to the face, ribs and stomach before bringing him out of the corner with a gorilla press slam. Mordecai picked him up once more and looked to go for a powerbomb, but Sakoda managed to punch his way out of it. Sakoda started kicking away at Mordecai’s thighs, trying to tie them in knots, but his undoing came when he tried to suplex Mordecai, but the ‘Pale Rider’ wouldn’t budge! Mordecai came out of the grapple, and literally broke Sakoda in half with a vicious clothesline! Mordecai stretched his arms out, and opens his hands, looking to the sky as he picked Sakoda up and…and nailed the Crucifix…1…2…3, it’s over, thankfully for Sakoda!

    Winner: Mordecai (3:13)

    Mordecai turned to the aisle, where he had placed the ‘symbol of the father’ as he calls it, and began to pray to it.

    Tazz: Back in a second Michael…

    Cole: What the...? Where are you going?

    Tazz took off his headset and stood up from the announce table before getting into the ring! He stood behind Mordecai and looked around…before locking in the Tazzmission! Mordecai was writhing and rolling around before finally poking Tazz in the eye and getting out of the ring. Tazz stood up and grabbed a microphone that was lying on the canvas.

    Tazz: Hey Mordecai! Yeah you, you stupid looking fool! You think you can just come from nowhere and attack me? Well no way you piece of crap! I may be an announcer now, but I can still go. Next week white boy, you and me, one-on-one! Beat me if you can, survive if I let you!

    Tazz threw down the microphone and just stared at Mordecai, who had by now dropped to his knees behind the crucifix. He looked up at Tazz every now and again, giving him a dirty look before looking back down at the symbol.

    Commercial Break

    Cole: Folks, welcome back to SmackDown! I hope you didn’t miss it, because just before we went to the commercial break Tazz went medieval on Mordecai in the centre of that ring!

    Tazz: Stupid fool attacking me…

    Cole: Next week on SmackDown: Full Force, don’t miss it, as Tazz steps back into the ring for the first time in over a year and goes one-on-one with the ‘Pale Rider’ Mordecai!

    Tazz: Next week Mordecai; your ass is mine, and I can’t wait!

    Cole: Well up next is our main event, a tag team match pitting the Dudley Boyz against the young duo Paul London and Billy Kidman. What do you think of Kidman and London’s chances Tazz?

    Tazz: Well to be honest partner, I don’t think they stand to much of a chance! They Dudleyz are one of the most decorated tag teams in wrestling history…oh, and here comes Paul Heyman, Bubba and D-Von!

    Cole: Can’t have a SmackDown without Heyman can we partner?

    Paul Heyman strolled down to the ring with the Dudleyz flanking him on either side. Heyman had a microphone in hand, and as soon as he got in the ring and the music stopped, he was going to talk!

    Heyman: You know, Kurt Angle replaced a great man as General Manager; quite possibly the best there ever had been, but it has become clear to me now that Mr. Angle is going to go down in history as the man who played a part in the Dudley Boyz historical eighteenth Tag Team title reign, that they will lay claim to next week on SmackDown: Full Force. Next week they will take on Rico and Charlie Haas, and it is a real shame that they are not here tonight, because I want them to witness what will happen to them in the Tag Team title match! The champs are at home, nursing their injuries because they are not medically cleared to wrestle until next week, so tonight in this very ring, Bubba Ray and D-Von Dudley will face Paul London and Billy Kidman. Two loud mouth kids who have no place in the same ring as these two legends standing beside me. I really hope that you boys can get a hold of tonight’s tape, because this is just a little taster of what you will get next week!

    Heyman threw down the microphone and left the ring, as London and Kidman’s music hit the PA system.

    Paul London and Billy Kidman vs. the Dudley Boyz w/ Paul Heyman

    London and Kidman walked down to the ring, knowing full well what they were getting themselves into. The Dudleyz didn’t look to impressed with the calibre of opposition for tonight, and seemed to be sharing a joke between each other about the size of Kidman and London! Bubba started out with Kidman, and Bubba stood there taunting him, motioning for him come and get him with a look on his face that is best described as the look mothers give their babies when they’re talking baby language! They locked up, and Bubba went quickly into a headlock. He laughed very loudly at Kidman before switching round and hitting a double-underhook suplex. Bubba tried a cocky pin, just using his foot to pin, but Kidman kicked out and grabbed Bubba’s leg and hit a dragon screw! Bubba got up, but was knocked down after a dropkick. Bubba returned to his feet and caught Kidman’s foot, spun him around and knocked him down with a clothesline. Bubba tagged in D-Von, and the Dudleyz hit a double-team reverse neckbreaker, getting them a two count. D-Von and Bubba dominated the proceedings from then on in the match, stopping a flurry every now and again from Kidman. Bubba set Kidman up on the top rope for a suplex, but Kidman fought his way out of it and sent Bubba crashing to the canvas. Kidman stood on the top rope and went for an amazing standing Shooting Star Press…but Bubba shoved the referee in the way! Paul Heyman yelled at D-Von to get in the ring, which he did and the Dudleyz began literally beating up London and Kidman! They signalled for the 3D on Paul London and just as they did, a loud cheer could be heard. The Dudleyz thought it was for them, and they raised their arms in appreciation, but Paul Heyman knew better, as he yelled “behind you!” In the ring with the Dudleyz were the Tag Team champions, Rico and Charlie Haas! Haas and Rico pounced on the Dudleyz and laid down a beating as Miss Jackie slapped the taste out of Paul Heyman’s mouth! Charlie Haas and Rico lined up on Bubba…and nailed a double super kick! They dragged Paul London’s limp body on top of him, just in time for the referee to wake up…1…2…3, London and Kidman win!

    Winners: Paul London and Billy Kidman (7:14)

    Haas and Rico threw D-Von into the ring and followed inside. Rico did a weird little dance and then “pushed” (more like rubbed) Charlie Haas in the chest and told him to “get the tables”, so Charlie Haas turned around and went to do it to Miss Jackie, but stopped with his hands an inch away from her breasts! Haas shrugged and he and Jackie went outside and brought in two tables while Rico went outside and planted a kiss on Paul Heyman! The Tag Team champions kicked D-Von down in one corner, while Kidman and London beat down Bubba in the other. The set up the two tables near the turnbuckles and set Bubba and D-Von up on them. Haas and Rico looked at Kidman and London, who looked at each other, and then climbed the turnbuckles nearest the tables. They looked at each other and gave the thumbs up…before they both launched themselves off the ropes, crashing through the Dudleyz with stereo Shooting Star Presses! The Tag Team champions helped Billy Kidman and Paul London to their feet, and stood tall in the centre of the ring as SmackDown went off the air!

  19. So far this has been great. I'm really liking the backstory and stuff and i was really into WCW so that makes me like it even more :).

    One thing i noticed in the NOC show was Booker T's phrase was written wrong. It's Don't Hate The Playa, Hate The Game. Just though i'd let ya know :D. Great diary so far man.

    A ha, I know that, but on the last Nitro after Booker T won the title, Schiavone did say "Don't hate the playa, love the game and we do" so I nicked it and put it in! :D

    Thanks everyone for the praise and stuff. I've got something up my sleeve for the Kevin Nash thing, don't worry about that. :D

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