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Posts posted by TMM

  1. I'm about to start my third season with AFC Wimbledon and am off the back of two straight promotions to start my season in League One (play-offs from Conference and automatic from League Two).

    Unfortunately the club's finances are in the red and the only thing I can do to try and improve it is to arrange about fifteen friendlies at the start of the season in an effort to generate some funds. My transfer and wage budget is £18k and £36.5k for avoiding relegation and even setting it to get promoted only moves my wage budget by £1k. I have to try and sign some bargains and continue my nack of signing good players for free. Luckily I have Phil Younghusband who banged in the goals for my at both Conference and League Two level and have a number of talented young players (Jack Robinson, Adam Smith, Ignasi Miquel and John Flanagan) and would actually sell most of them if I get a good enough offer.

  2. I gave up my Aston Villa game, for some reason couldn't quite get into it and have started one as AFC Wimbledon. I was inspired by someone's post in the Sports Bar about what odds you can get on them getting to the Premiership in ten years.

    Somehow I had begun a Filipino invasion by signing basically every single one that is one the game (there are eight on my game and I have six of them). Phil Younghusband started off absolutely shit but his brother James started very well. Now everything has come together and I have an entirely Filipino midfield of

    P Younghusband (LM) - Simon Greatwich (CM) - Chris Greatwich (CM) - J Younghusband (RM)

  3. No no, I'm the same. However I thought that for a laugh I'd see if they felt like helping me out. I never use all of my budget so quickly, but they actually signed two bloody players for me! I thought they'd see sense and cancel the second one maybe.

    Biggest problem with this is if you ask them to sign someone for you they'll go ahead and do it and won't then ask you if you're sure (happened to me with Gourcouff at Arsenal for £31m, didn't really need him but curiously asked them to sign him)

  4. So apparently the Aston Villa board are amazing. Just started a new game with them and asked them to sign Christophe Samba for me...they said yes. Then I asked them to sign Scott Parker for me...they said yes to that as well. £29.5m for both despite starting the game with a £5m transfer budget. Damn.

  5. I decided that I need a new game to play since completing Dragon Age II. I have decided on this after reading the IGN review (9.8!!). It is currently downloading off of Xbox Live, anyone got any tips? I was a bit wary about it as I never particularly liked any of the GTA games but I've heard good things.

  6. Does anyone know how to get the best out of Cesc Fabregas? Seriously he's consistently getting a 6.9 rating and has the lowest of average rating of my entire Arsenal first team squad. I've tried him with the support role as a deep-lying playmaker and as an advanced playmaker. Now I'm going to try him as an advanced playmaker with an attacking role. Wish me luck.

  7. Yes Henry cheated but why does every Irishman seem to believe that Ireland would have gone through if Henry hadn't handled it? They're making it out like Ireland were robbed. Sorry but no. Ireland (and France) had over 200 minutes to win the match but couldn't. Henry cheated, Henry has admitted he handballed it and Henry has admitted Ireland should be going to the World Cup. No Henry should not have owned up to it during the game because that is fucking stupid. Footballers do not do that and will never do that. Of course they probably should but who was the last player to have done something like that?

    While we're on the subject of cheating and "owning up" has anyone mentioned Ireland vs. Georgia? Handball by Robbie Keane, mysteriously bizarre penalty but strangely, where was all the outrage for that? Did the entirety of world football vilify Keane for his sneaky handball? No they didn't. Henry's was more blatant, but Keane's was a handball.

    Blame FIFA for their ridiculous decision to change the qualification rulings at the last second and their favouritism of one of the big teams.

  8. I remember trying to play USM 98 in recent years on Vista...doesn't like it. Doesn't like compatability either. That game was the very best game ever. Build your stadium, make hotdog stands and merchandise stands, offer bungs, oh that game was the best. I miss simple fun games like that :(

  9. As soon as the draw was made I was expecting something. Didn't quite expect it to be as huge as it was, but it seems things never change for hardcore West Ham and Millwall fans.

    Have to say though, credit to Jack Collison for playing despite his father dying two days ago. Then he has to put up with all this shit. Hope everyone involved (don't care how many hundreds) get lifetime bans.

  10. Farscape Season Two 7.5/10

    I have so far watched the second half of season two of Farscape since Thursday. I somehow managed to hurt my back and took Thursday and Friday off work and have been home alone today, so have managed to to watch at least fifteen episodes or so since.

    Gotta say, the show is damn good. I really like the way the episodes flow into one-another and the characterisations work perfectly. Unlike a lot of shows, every action seems very natural.

    Just started season three, apparently this is where the show "picks up" so I'm looking forward to it. :)

    EDIT - One thing I don't like about season three is the change of music...booo

  11. Does Gerrard ever play in England friendlies anymore? He always seems to be "injured" these days? At work we were joking about how Gerrard would mysteriously get injured and miss the England game and then he did. We also then joked about how he'd be fit for the Tottenham game and then he did. Funny.

    The England medical team decided Gerrard should have been sent home (Y)

    Which is funny because the England team doctor is supposedly the Liverpool team doctor (Y)

    Oh dear.

    Mark Waller is with the England u21 set-up. The Team Doctor (and physio, for that matter) for the senior team are both from Arsenal.


    Aha, former Arsenal!

    Mark Waller is U21, Stuart Pearce is U21 boss and the senior team assistant!!! See! I win! There is the link! (Y)

  12. Does Gerrard ever play in England friendlies anymore? He always seems to be "injured" these days? At work we were joking about how Gerrard would mysteriously get injured and miss the England game and then he did. We also then joked about how he'd be fit for the Tottenham game and then he did. Funny.

    The England medical team decided Gerrard should have been sent home (Y)

    Which is funny because the England team doctor is supposedly the Liverpool team doctor (Y)

  13. Does Gerrard ever play in England friendlies anymore? He always seems to be "injured" these days? At work we were joking about how Gerrard would mysteriously get injured and miss the England game and then he did. We also then joked about how he'd be fit for the Tottenham game and then he did. Funny.

    How did Tottenham manage to get away with convincing the Premier League that Bassong had served his suspension? He was a registered Tottenham player by the time of the Newcastle/West Brom game wasn't he?

    First game of the season, people can say Everton were bad (and I've read eslewhere people seeing that) but the reason Everton were bad is because we made them look bad and we were brilliant. Of the top four we were the only team who were totally convincing in victory. Would've been nice if we could've kept a clean-sheet but we are Arsenal and that just wouldn't be right.

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