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Posts posted by TMM

  1. And I thought my reasons were petty enough. >_>

    I thought my reasons were fairly logical ¬_¬

    Just out of curiousity, why do you hate him?

    I've hated Diouf ever since he came to the Premiership, so it's not even a Blackburn thing.

    Good to see Fulham edging closer to the Europa League places, Hodgson and co. deserve that. I almost feel sorry for Villa in the way their season has just collapsed in the last five months.

  2. Holy crap, is it actually possible that WBA might not get relegated this season? They've just gone 2-1 up against Wigan.

    I actually like Newcastle and I like Gareth Southgate, so I don't particularly want either of them to go down. Saying that, if WBA win they've won more games than either of them, so I'd like them to stay up. In an ideal world Blackburn and especially Hull would get relegated, but Blackburn are now 2-0 so they're pretty safe. Please get Hull out of the Premiership.

  3. Well in that case that's ok.

    Does anyone have goals for their game? I have two very specific aims with this Leicester team before I think of leaving though; have Joe Mattock break the appearance record and Lenny the goalscoring record. The current records are 528 appearances for Adam Black and 259 goals for Arthur Chandler. Unfortunately Lenny is only on 87 after three-and-a-half seasons, but Joe Mattock is somewhat closer with 315, currently in his tenth season and only 25, so he should be easy. Providing I don't get sacked.

    Oh, and to make the game even more realistic Real Madrid are trying to buy Cristiano Ronaldo off of me. They never get the message do they?

    On a funny note, Man Utd are currently 19th. :)

  4. Well in my Leicester game I am in mid-January 2016 and Milan Mandaric is looking to sell the club. Yayy says I. Actually I don't really care, seen as I've won the Premiership once, finished runner-up and third as well once each and am currently top, seven points clear. I've also won the Carling Cup, Community Shield twice, UEFA Cup, Club World Cup, Super Cup and Champions League.

    My point? Well apparently the consortium that want to buy the club are going to replace me with Jurgen Klinsmann. Let me point out Klinsmann was manager of Man Utd for one year, won nothing and was sacked. He was also manager of Atletico Madrid and won nothing. He did win some stuff in Germany. Good for him. If I get sacked I'm going to cry. :'(

  5. Bwahahaha, Drogba yelling into the camera was hilarious. Thank god Barcelona are through, decent game a football in the Champions League Final now! I feel sorry for Hiddink and Essien but Chelsea time-wasted to a 0-0 at Nou Camp and then time-wasted some more today, so, yay. Football wins.

  6. I remember watching the Man Utd/Newcastle game from opening day of the season. Watching it I thought Newcastle might be in with a decent chance of European football this season. Jonas looked fantastic and Coloccini looked like the player he seemed to be on FM (IE; amazing) and they could easily have won at Old Trafford.

    Remembering that game then looking at Newcastle now, on the verge of relegation, it just seems wrong. They deserve to go down, no two ways about it but from the opening day I couldn't see it at all.

  7. Just pre-ordered it. I am looking forward to this so much.

    I listened to American Idiot from start to finish last night...still the best album I own by a long, long way. I think that album is easily, easily the best they've ever put out from a quality of sound, lyrically and number of good-to-brilliant songs on it.

    So if it sounds anything like that this album will be quality. But it's got a high level to reach.

  8. I just saw this news on Whedonesque...this sucks. This is horrible, it's really upset me. I love everything Buffyverse but Lorne made every scene he was in better.

    Seriously am stunned by this. Didn't know he was ill AT ALL. :(

  9. Now I just saw a close-up replay of the Gallas goal...was it just me or did it look like the ball was punched by Myhill towards Gallas? I might be wrong, need to see it again but that's what I thought I saw.

    The whole professional thing, maybe Wenger should've shook Brown's hand but how was it being professional with Hull time-wasting from at least the 20th minute?

    The Cesc apparently spitting...well I don't know, it's not defendable if true but there's no proof so far.

    We deserved to win, Hull deserved nothing from that game.

    EDIT: Ok Gallas was offside. Seen it from another angle now.

  10. If this means Angels and Airwaves keep going then I'm happy. If it means the end of Angels and Airwaves I am PISSSED. Blink were good, very good even, but I like AVA so much more. I hated Tom DeLonge when he sang in Blink, but with AVA he just sounds so much better. So I'm in two minds about this.

  11. Right I am going for a bath now. I calculate it will take me at least 30 minutes from Point A (IE...my laptop) to Point B (back to my laptop after running the bath etc and drying) and by the time I get back I expect to see video evidence of Andrew Arshaving posing with Arsene Wenger as our newest signing. If not, the blood of kittens and/or puppies will be spilt. Am I clear?

  12. 1558: This just in from BBC Radio 5 Live's Mike Sewell: "Arsenal and Zenit have agreed a fee and I understand personal terms have also been agreed and Andrei Arshavin is having a medical this afternoon. But there is a but, as Zenit want half of his signing-on fee for signing for Arsenal. That is now the sticking point." Hmm. They've got (weather permitting) 62 minutes to sort it out.

    Snore...snore...I'm bored. Sign or don't sign, I'm fed up with the greedy cunt...until the time he actually signs at which point I will love him.

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