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Everything posted by Mancuerda

  1. Skayde is a great wrestler and a veteran, no doubt, but I think his stats are way too high. 84 speed and 81 tech... I watched some of his recent matches, particularly in DGUSA, and I say lower his speed to 72 and his tech to 70. He was somewhat sloppy, and besides the armdrags and a few submission holds, he wasn't very outstanding. Definitely a legend, though, but past his prime, and shouldn't be ranked that high in relation to so many other, better wrestlers. EDIT: For the record, he's listed as Jorge Rivera in the game right now.
  2. I need stats for Furia Guerrera circa his rookie year (1998). Thanks.
  4. Update: I've added quite a few more workers - up to around 640 now. Looking for info on Lola Gonzales/Gonzalez and Sirenita - particularly stats, as I found most of their biographical information and pictures. Hoping to get a new version of this uploaded in early March.
  5. It's kind of hard to do MMA fighters in a pro wrestling scenario... but considering Lesnar is already in most modern updates, I can give the other five an attempt: Order is the same as the file editor: Brawling, Speed, Technical, Stiffness, Selling, Over, Charisma, Attitude, Behavior - I'm also using the assumption that MMA training is NOT equivalent to pro wrestling training, otherwise I think all (except maybe Lesnar) could have that ticked... Chuck Liddell: 75, 25, 45, 85, 40, 95, 63, 92, 95 - Tick shooting, superstar look Anderson Silva: 75, 40, 65, 75, 50, 85, 45, 80, 84 - Tick shooting BJ Penn: 70, 65, 70, 70, 60, 90, 70, 83, 87 - Tick shooting, maybe high spots Lyoto Machida: 75, 30, 55, 75, 50, 85, 35, 95, 95 - Tick shooting GSP: 72, 68, 70, 70, 60, 90, 60, 95, 95 - Tick shooting, superstar look These are purely speculative, as it's just not possible to tell how well a fighter would transition to wrestling. Some can, some can't. But I did my best. For relationships, Lyoto and Anderson should have loyalty. BJ and GSP should have dislike. --- I need stats for Bull Nakano, circa 1997-1998 (when she retired).
  6. I think we should add Brad Rheingans to Staff... He's trained a lot of WWE superstars and top wrestlers in general. Here's a rough idea for stats and all the important info: Name: Brad Rheingans Gender: Male Birth Month: December Age: 56 Employer: None Contract: None Position: Trainer Wage: $40,000 Talent: 94 (Trained the likes of Bradshaw, Vader, Jerry Lynn, Tori, etc. and is a former Olympic level wrestler, seems to know quite a lot about both legitimate and professional wrestling based on an article I read on Slam! Wrestling) Behavior: 100 (Never found anything negative about him... period) Tick Booker (he booked in Japan) OWW Profile, so someone can cut a decent pic, or find one elsewhere.
  7. L.A. Par-K's selling is a little overrated. I was watching some matches he had in WCW (I know, over a decade ago) but even back then he didn't deserve a 78 in selling. I would lower it to 68.
  8. Technical is the magic stat, but at least one other stat has to be high as well. Off the top of my head... if a worker has technical of 61+ and another stat of 61+, they will be a "great all rounder". 81+ and it's world-class all rounder. Could be wrong. EDIT: Checked it, and pretty sure I have the right numbers.
  9. Chase Stevens should be a lightweight, not a heavyweight. I really think Kurt Angle's tech is too low. 83, considering the quality of technical matches he's had in TNA against Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, and Desmond Wolfe... I just think he's being shortchanged. I'd recommend high 80s, around 87-88. I think he's slightly more versatile than Wolfe in terms of technical style... He's had incredible matches against a wider variety of opponents. And I don't think Angle should be 9 points lower than Bryan Danielson in tech either. Kurt can do puroresu style against Nagata, American style against AJ, more of a roughneck/submission style against Joe, or a really technical style against Wolfe. I just think he's being underrated. He still puts on classic technical matches with other technical opponents.
  10. I think Anderson, Hall, and Ray are just fine where they are...
  11. With the weather being so crappy, and me finally finishing some other projects I've been working on, I've been getting back to work on this. My question right now is, does Mikey Monroe really deserve a 96 in talent for training? I don't think I even know who he is.
  12. Kiyoshi has menacing ticked right now and I disagree with that. He's a pretty average sized wrestler, no menacing demeanor whatsoever.
  13. I agree about Sheamus. He should be bumped down to around 78-79 at the highest. Unless he's working against someone like Cena or Orton, he is not really cared about... He's getting Kozlov heat.
  14. At least I didn't post the Fight Club one.
  15. So, I was watching a classic WCW promo the other day when Mean Gene discovers Curt Hennig lying on the floor of the locker room after the New World Order supposedly took him out of that night's War Games match at Fall Brawl '97. However, this was all a ruse, as Hennig wound up joining the nWo and betraying Flair and the Horsemen. The most notable thing from this promo? Mean Gene's overreactions. Then, upon watching an episode of Operation Repo, I realized... strangely... the audio and video... synced up almost perfectly. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_1AWXVb9eY Note I said almost.
  16. Amazing that you're still working on this. I know how time consuming and frustrating these scenarios can be from first-hand experience. Kudos on keeping up with it. I'll try to take a peek at it soon and give you some feedback; unfortunately, my knowledge of 1975's wrestling scene is extremely, extremely limited.
  17. It's a little more updated (everybody has a picture, I tried to put the people in the promotions I knew they were in, and I updated stats for everyone). I'm going to try to look at Ty's update and transfer his data over onto mine (since I've already added about a dozen workers since that last update and deleted a couple promotions). But yeah, thanks a lot for all your help, Ty. If you want to continue to work on it, then by all means, maybe we'll have a couple different versions of the scenario or something. I don't know if I'll upload another copy this weekend after all, as I had to fix a broken window today and had family over most of the day yesterday, but I am still working on it and will do my best to provide periodic updates.
  18. Just noticed a pretty big error - I have been confusing Top Rope Promotions with Top Rope Productions (later named World Xtreme Wrestling). Since two promotions can't share the same acronym, I'm going to create WXW and move the wrestlers mistakenly put in TRP into WXW and fix that. I've also added about a dozen or so workers since uploading this scenario; I'm hoping to add several more and upload another update before the weekend is over. Nothin' like 6 inches of snow and single digit temperatures... EDIT: Actually, I'm not going to include Top Rope Promotions, as it's too difficult to find information (their history section on their website is extremely lacking, and frankly I don't think too many people will be upset with them not being included - technically they were Yankee Pro Wrestling at the time, and even today they're not in Bill's update).
  19. I just want to repeat that it's nowhere near finished. I don't want people to be upset/disappointed when they realize there aren't any relationships and hardly any tag teams/stables, and that a lot of the promotions aren't finished yet... This is a very long, painstaking process, and one I'm trying to do to a certain quality standard, and it's been a lot more difficult and time-consuming than I expected. I'm probably going to axe about 5-7 of the promotions that I'm having a lot of trouble finding info for some of them, and it would help speed up the process.
  20. Hello, all. As some of you might remember, I have been working on a 1998 scenario for EWR. Well, over the last few weeks, in between the holidays, I've managed to do some more work on it. Now, this is nowhere near the final version; in fact, a LOT more work needs to be done. I managed to finish editing the workers in the game, though there still may need to be minor tweaks. I'm basically submitting this version now for things that are already done IN the game, so people can suggest their changes and give feedback on the scenario in general. Tried uploading it to Wiki Upload, but it wouldn't let me for some reason. So here's a Megaupload link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=QDBCXBC9 Please leave comments and let me know what you think.
  21. Need stats for Ron Garvin circa '98. He was semi-retired, but still wrestling occasionally. Really, if you could give me stats during his WWF run, I could just tone those down a bit. The stats in the '98 scenario as they are suck. Thanks and Merry Christmas. If I could also get some stats for Shinya Hashimoto around the same time (1998) that would be awesome, thanks.
  22. I'm pretty sure he's not working on this at the moment, guys. Sadly...
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