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Everything posted by Mancuerda

  1. I sincerely appreciate your efforts, but I believe it is against the rules to discuss this on the forums, or at least in this particular forum, since it's dedicated to Adam Ryland's simulators only.
  2. You can probably find the rest with a google search or using TheWho87's photobucket.
  3. It doesn't work for me when I try unzipping it??? That's strange. Is anybody else having a problem with it? I already had someone download it and thank me, so I have to assume it's something with your computer...
  4. I've noticed a lot of people are giving me negative rep for my requests, and I'm guessing that's because I'm giving less than I'm receiving (cough), so I'll go ahead and upload all of the pictures that I've done so far for my 1998 scenario into an easily accessible .zip file for download: http://www.wikiupload.com/download_page.php?id=197454 Hopefully that'll help even things up a bit. Cheers.
  5. Sorry to be a bother, but anybody have one? I'd really like it for the '98 scenario. Thanks again!
  6. Does anybody have a decent Johnny Smith from circa 1998 for my scenario? I know one place where you could probably get one is ECW Anarchy Rulz '99. He comes out during the intro for the main event. He was supposed to wrestle RVD for the Television Title, but winds up getting attacked by the Hardcore Chair-Swingin' Freaks and replaced by Balls Mahoney. But there should be a decent entrance shot - problem is I can't find the PPV online and the last time I tried to take pictures off the DVD, it wouldn't work. But anyway, long story short, I'd really appreciate a Johnny Smith pic from circa '98-'99. Thanks.
  7. Thanks a lot to Jess and Lobo. I was looking for one closer to '98, so I'm going with the one Jess posted, but thank you both very much. Now I have to ask... Anybody got pics of Gedo and Jado from the mid to late 90s? Preferably not on kyky. Thanks!
  8. All the Dudleys And I do mean... ALL the Dudleys... http://img17.imageshack.us/gal.php?g=spikedudley5.jpg I forgot to upload my pics of Little Snot Dudley, and there were a few others... but this should do for most people.
  9. IIRC this was some sort of Tweener thing they did with Raven and Dreamer as Tag Team. Edit: Why the hell isn't Dustin Rhodes in WCW? I think he returned in late 99. So why isn't he in WCW? Edit2: Wasn't La Parka in the Powers that bee too? I remember him just standing on the chair in the back in the room of Vince Russo when the Powers were talking with them on Starrcade 99 and then walking of with them. And I think Curt Hennig was too. Edit3: Who the hell is Scotty O? Scott Orlinger, I think... I forget what name he uses now, but he was trained by the Power Plant. Yeah: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scott_Orlinger But anyway, I guess the whole making their risk higher than what TBS could handle idea is bad. But it was what really happened. TBS didn't feel comfortable with their product.
  10. I actually think WCW's risk should be around 65%, but TBS' should still remain relatively low (lower than today's, certainly). TBS had a lot of problems with what WCW was doing around this time, and constantly pressured them to tone it down. I realize this might be a bad idea, since if you play as another promotion, WCW will probably lose its TV deal with TBS within a few weeks, but uh... it's more realistic this way, honestly. I don't think Mark Henry should have the suave gimmick. He really wasn't suave, his gimmick was more that he was horny.
  11. Doug Dillinger was security, so he should be under production, not road agents. And he wasn't very good.
  12. Glad to see you are still working on it, and congratulations on the new job! Hopefully I can find one myself soon... Anyway, I'm going to do my best to respond to the things I have knowledge about. If I skip something, it's because I'm unsure. I would raise Palumbo's speed to 30. He was doing a lot of high risk stuff when he first debuted and was in phenomenal shape. His finishing maneuver was the flying shoulderblock, and I remember him moving around the ring with ease. I would also raise his tech to 25-30, as he was a decent technical wrestler when he started, and he didn't improve a whole lot throughout his career from this point, IMO. I don't remember what Sullivan was doing at this time... Wasn't he either a member of the Varsity Club or strictly a booker? I would probably either make his gimmick Occult (if he's not wrestling) or Legitimate Athlete if he's in Varsity Club. I'm not really sure. I didn't think High Society really worked... I'd probably make it something generic like Bitch. Yeah, I'd keep him in development. I'd go with legitimate athlete if it were me... Legitimate athlete? Workers with overness between 41-50 edits: 30 charisma seems really low... I'd raise the tech to 35, and raise his charisma to the low 50s. Van Hammer basically was under contract for WCW as early as 1991 pretty much through the end of the company... The guy was one of their longest contracted wrestlers, and even if he wasn't appearing on TV, I believe he was under contract.
  13. I think that's a little low for charisma. She was decent in that segment with Lauren and Foley. I'd raise her charisma to around 60.
  14. I can only really give you Johnny Ace. I, sadly, have major ignorance of non-mainstream Japanese workers (and even some mainstream) and workers who've worked primarily in Japan... And I'm basing Ace off only having seen him wrestle a few times. This is from my 1998 game... Johnny Ace Ace Male July 31 (beginning of 1997) Heavyweight He was working for All Japan Pro Wrestling in 1997 I made him an upper midcard face with the gimmick of Foreign Star (it would only make sense in AJPW, however, and I presume you're working on some sort of puroresu scenario for the late 90s?) Brawl: 67 Speed: 28 Tech: 73 Stiffness: 63 Selling: 74 Over: 55 Charisma: 57 (unsure about this as I haven't seen him talk often) Attitude: 68 Behavior: 66 Tick superstar look, booker, and trainer... I gave him wages of around $70,000, as he was a pretty big deal in Japan. Speaks: Yes Nationality: American Primary Finisher: Ace Crusher (impact) Other Finisher: Ace Crusher II or Cobra Clutch Suplex (impact for both) Sorry I couldn't be more of a help. :\
  15. Owen Hart died in May of 1999, so there is no 2000 Owen Hart, but... This is what I would give him for right before he passed away... Brawl: 70 Speed: 45 Tech: 88 Stiff: 65 Sell: 89 Over: 85 Charisma: 90 Attitude: 95 Behavior: 93 Something like that... for finishers, depending on which gimmick, I would give him the Sharpshooter and possibly the Reverse Piledriver.
  16. Here are three production members I can hardly find information about that worked for WCW... Kemper Rogers (Producer in charge of TV) Rick Fansher Mike Miller I think the latter two were responsible for some of the worse production decisions WCW made... I'm not 100% sure, but they were the head guys in charge during horrible decisions, so I would personally hold them responsible. I'm trying to find info now, but I also wanted to check up and ask, how are you coming along on the scenario? EDIT: If you scroll down to Series Crew, you can get a good idea for staff from this era... http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0742542/combined The same can be done for episodes of Raw.
  17. Teddy Hart certainly does more flips and maybe more impressive spots, but he also has the tendency of botching quite a lot... I have no idea why TJ Wilson/Tyson Kidd is so high in speed (80? Really?). He should be around 74-75... I think it's the case of Wilson being too high, not Hart being too low, though I would probably raise Hart's tech a few points to 57.
  18. Mike Sanders Sanders Male July 30 (beginning of 2000) Lightweight Written WCW He really didn't do anything until mid-2000... so if you want him for mid-2000, here's what I would put: Heel Lower Midcard Cocky or Arrogant gimmick For my 1998 scenario (albeit he's still in development there), I gave him the following stats... Brawling: 45 (I would boost this to around 55 for mid-2000) Speed: 40 Technical: 55 (I would boost this to around 68 for mid-2000) Stiffness: 40 (I would boost this to around 50 for mid-2000) Selling: 78 Over: 30 (I would boost this to around 55 for mid-2000) Charisma: 83 (Maybe boost this to around 86 for mid-2000) Attitude: 93 Behavior: 81 Tick Fonz Factor, Announcer, and Booker... I gave him a wage of $20,000 for the '98 game, but I'd raise it to around $30,000-$35,000 for mid-2000. Yes, he speaks. He's American. 3.0 is the primary finisher (it's an impact move) End Result is the other finisher (it's also impact) He was part of the Natural Born Thrillers and was briefly in a tag team with Alan Funk prior to that. Hopefully that all helps...
  19. Could someone tell me which guy is whom in this pic of Los Boricuas? I know the first is Savio Vega, but I don't really know the rest... Thanks.
  20. HSH, did you try Haku in TheWho87's photobucket? Not exactly the same, but close...
  21. I just read some of your last comments, IDM, and I just wanna add... Palumbo was already on the roster. I think O'Haire and Jindrak were making sporadic appearances on Saturday Night as well. Sanders appeared on Saturday Night in 1998. I think the reason he was in development is because until Vince Russo came in and started booking, Sanders had no character and they didn't ever use him. There was an article in WCW magazine where Sanders talks about a conversation he had with Russo after becoming upset about not being used, and hearing that he might be fired. He went to Russo and basically begged for him to keep him and that he'd do anything, and Russo said he didn't even realize he was on the roster, lol. That's WCW 2000 for you...
  22. Got some weird redness going on there...
  23. I forgot to mention, make sure Bob Ryder and Jeremy Borash are both employed by WCW at this time as Producers.
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