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The Kraig

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Posts posted by The Kraig

  1. It's amazing to think Houllier actually played Heskey over Baros, the majority of the time. It's even more amazing when there's rumours about him becoming the next France manager.

    Can you say OMGWTF?!

  2. I'm wanting Portugal/Czech Republic in the final. The flukey hosts vs the runaway train. Should be classic.

    Although to be honest any combination would rock, Greece and Holland still deserve the chance to be in the final. I just can't see Holland winning...I mean Ireland and Scotland have beaten them before, not very long ago. They were also quite lucky the Czechs knocked out Germany for them. And Greece seem crap but keep winning, a bit like Portugal.

    Should have put a line on the Czechs, I was backing them before the tournament started. <_<

  3. Germany do have a sport they enjoy.

    Drinking beer.

    Unfortunately, the Irish own them at playing it.

    The simple fact is, Germany suck at everything they've tried to do. They couldn't even win a fucking war against a tiny little island, and they had two attempts.

    I think I found a sport which Scotland are world champions at. :P

    And Reily, you fucking suck. You are now racist, congratulations.

  4. Reily's sig = Genius. I went into the match wanting Portugal to win but I eventually wanted England to win, because they were playing so good. England were unbelievable unlucky.

    Rooney being injured and then being penalised for it pretty much.

    Campbell's goal being disallowed for nothing.

    The penalty spot shifting when Beckham took his penalty.

    Those were the three main things that killed England. It is incredibly unfair to say Portugal deserves to win, because they had close to 30 shots and only scored two. England had to defend, they did it superbly and they still managed to score again after their best striker came off injured. Only to have it disallowed.

    Campbell and Terry were taking up the exact same peice of turf, both were entitled to jump for it. It is not their fault that Ricardo cannot jump high enough to reach Sol Campbell's head when it's airborne.

    In short: I think England were robbed...but at least I won't have to listen to them gloat. I think Matzat's still bitter because Germany's current team suck extremely large amounts of cock.

  5. I might get this. But why does it have such a shitty name? PS2 gets SmackDown vs RAW and X-Box now has WrestleMania. And they just make stuff up for the GC. Poor.

    And I'll be looking forward to the first WrestleMania game for the X-Box, it'll be the newest game that plays like No Mercy did for the N64, which is the best wrestling game ever in my mind. As long as they keep the ability to modify ring attire like they included in the RAW games for the X-Box. RAW2 is currently my favourite wrestling game.

  6. Which, in turn, doesn't beat the one where the players play against demons from many, many years ago ;)

    Was that not for Adidas' Predator boots? And Cantona did his collar thing.

    And I think the new one's a bit crap. I like the tricks and stuff and the 'Olé' but the picture bit and Man United bit were a bit feh. Nice ball though.

    Still prefer the Carling advert. Nearly ALL of the adverts between the football are football related, I thought it was quite funny...for the first night. Now they just annoy.

  7. Didn't you draw with San Marino or the Faroe Islands, someone crap like that?

    Bet you expected to win those.

    No actually. As a Scot you learn to expect to lose. That was during our very bad run so it was expected, but we obviously didn't want it to happen. I don't think we even played San Marino, unless I just forgot to care about that one. We were probably out by then.

    I feel sick


  8. I can't wipe the grin from my face. Everything that happened, I said would happen. Beckham's miss, France scoring in extra time, everything. And I am honestly trying to want to not laugh.

    But. You have to look on the bright side. Switzerland and Croatia fucking sucked today, if you can't beat them then feh. :\

  9. I honestly haven't enjoyed a game so much in my entire life. My mum was supporting England the whole way and I was supporting France, I nearly laughed so hard as to soil my underwear. Greatest. Match. Ever.

    Zidane > *

  10. Metropolis Zone? Pah, if you want that kind of music, go for Launch Base Zone or something...

    Toooootally different. And am I the only one who heard people saying ''Go catch up, go catch up, go catch up, gogogogo'' in the Launch Base music? (¬_¬)

  11. I don't take part in the Special Olympics.

    Pwned. (Oh the irony)

    And I never heard of anyone called Tanya before. With a little research:


    As the daughter of Edenia's ambassador to new realms, Tanya invites a group of refugees fleeing their own world into the safety of Edenia. But soon after Queen Sindel allows them through the portal, she learns that one of the warriors is none other than the banished Elder God, Shinnok. The portal leads into the pits of the Netherealm itself, and the once free realm of Edenia is now at the mercy of Shinnok.

    So she's a good guy, huzza. And has grudges againts Sindel and Shinnok. Are they in the new film too? I know Sindel's been in one, haven't seen Shinnok appear though.

  12. I bought the Sonic Mega Collection for 99p at GAME after trading in 4 old crap games (THPS3, SD: SYM, WMXIX and Pool Master or something). It has 14 games on it.


    Sonic 2

    Sonic 3

    Sonic 2 & Knuckles

    Sonic 3 & Knuckles

    Sonic Spinball

    Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine (Sonic Version of Tetris)


    Sonic 3D: Flicky's Island

    And bunch of other I haven't unlocked yet.

    It fucking rawks. My favourite is Sonic 3 & Knuckles. Best game ever. Except for Gunstar Heroes, that was by far the greatest Mega Drive/Genesis game ever.

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