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Posts posted by Bigal

  1. 200px-Ac-dc_Flick_of_the_Switch.JPG

    #18 Flick of the Switch (1983)

    Track Listing

    1. Rising Power

    2. This House Is On Fire

    3. Flick Of The Switch

    4. Nervous Shakedown

    5. Landslide

    6. Guns For Hire

    7. Deep In The Hole

    8. Bedlam In Belgium

    9. Badlands

    10. Brain Shake

    Band Line-up

    Vocals - Brian Johnson

    Lead Guitar - Angus Young

    Rhythm Guitar - Malcolm Young

    Bass Guitar - Cliff Williams

    Drums - Phil Rudd

    Produced by AC/DC

    As the three albums so far can attest, the mid-80s were a tough time for AC/DC. I’m of the opinion that the first two Brian Johnson albums are up there with anything released in the 70s, but this, the third, lacked any classic tracks and I would argue has only three very good or great tracks; the title track, Rising Power and Bedlam In Belgium.

    Flick of the Switch is probably the last AC/DC album where Brian Johnson’s voice still had the raw power he once possessed, and his vocals are probably the best thing on here. The album is also notable for being longtime drummer Phil Rudd’s last for 13 years. In fact, the videos for the album’s single all feature his replacement, Simon Wright.

    Not their worst album, Flick of the Switch is nevertheless one of the weakest AC/DC releases. As I said before, it was the beginning of a mid-80s lull, and it wasn’t until the end of the decade that they got their groove back.


    #17 ‘74 Jailbreak (1984)

    Track Listing

    1. Jailbreak

    2. You Ain’t Got A Hold On Me

    3. Show Business

    4. Soul Stripper

    5. Baby, Please Don’t Go

    Band Line-Up

    Vocals - Bon Scott

    Lead Guitar - Angus Young

    Rhythm Guitar - Malcolm Young

    Bass Guitar - Rob Bailey, Mark Evans, George Young

    Drums - Tony Currenti, Peter Clack, Phil Rudd

    Produced by Harry Vanda & George Young

    ‘74 Jailbreak was an EP of tracks previously unreleased outside of Australia. Basically, for reasons unknown to me, the first three or four AC/DC albums in Australia were released with different track listings in the rest of the world. High Voltage and T.N.T were released internationally as one album with a number of tracks dropped, and there were edits to Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap and Let There Be Rock.

    Anyway, two of the five tracks are excellent, and they are Jailbreak (which is now a staple of the live show) and Show Business. The other three are pretty forgettable, but they’re nothing offensive. Despite the two great tracks, though, there’s not enough on the EP to justify putting it any higher. I got it for about a fiver; I doubt it’s worth much more.

  2. AC/DC were my first love in music, and remain my favourite band by a country mile. Maybe it's the fact that I've been listening to them more lately than I have in ages or the fact that I got tickets to their Glasgow gig in June, but I feel like giving my personal opinion on their albums. At first I was just going to do it chronologically, but I've decided to rank them in order of preference.

    Probably hardly anybody will care, but hey, you never know, maybe I'll make someone a fan of the band or something. Meh, fuck it, I'll be posting this anyway >_>

    So let's start with the first two albums in the list, which are of course the worst in AC/DC's discography:


    #20 - Fly On The Wall (1985)

    Track Listing

    1. Fly On The Wall

    2. Shake Your Foundations

    3. First Blood

    4. Danger

    5. Sink The Pink

    6. Playing With Girls

    7. Stand Up

    8. Hell or High Water

    9. Back In Business

    10. Send For The Man

    Band Line-up

    Vocals - Brian Johnson

    Lead Guitar - Angus Young

    Rhythm Guitar - Malcolm Young

    Bass Guitar - Cliff Williams

    Drums - Simon Wright

    Produced by Angus Young and Malcolm Young

    Fly on the Wall (incidentally the first AC/DC album not to be released a year after the previous one) was made at the height of the glam-rock era, and it’s very easy to see that the album was an attempt to go completely against the grain and stick to the hard rock roots of the band. Unfortunately, while the band concentrated on keeping its sound simple, it forgot to come up with any good songs or memorable riffs.

    FOTW is far and away the worst AC/DC album. Really it’s only half-decent songs are the title track and Sink the Pink, and the latter is poor enough that I honestly can’t remember the riff off-hand. The production isn’t up to scratch (although I must confess to not having heard the remastered version of the album), and definitely the drums are lacking something without longtime drummer Phil Rudd, who left the band after a punch-up with Malcolm Young.

    Even worse than their pretty poor previous album, AC/DC were in danger of being labelled as dinosaurs and out-of-touch in 1985. As you’ll see, they managed a revival with their next full-fledged studio album.


    #19 - Who Made Who (1986)

    Track Listing

    1. Who Made Who

    2. You Shook Me All Night Long

    3. D.T.

    4. Sink the Pink

    5. Ride On

    6. Hells Bells

    7. Shake Your Foundations

    8. Chase The Ace

    9. For Those About To Rock (We Salute You)

    Band Line-up


    Produced by Various

    When Stephen King decided to make a movie of his book Maximum Overdrive, he asked AC/DC to supply the soundtrack. A huge fan of the band, King was delighted when the request was answered in the affirmative.

    What followed was a compilation of various Brian Johnson songs and one song from the Bon Scott days (Ride On). The album only features three new tracks, both of which are instantly forgettable instrumentals. The title track, however, is probably the band’s best of the mid-80s (admittedly not saying much), and is notably different from most AC/DC songs. There’s some of the band’s very best songs on here, yet for some reason there’s two from Fly On The Wall. Maybe the budget was running out or something.

    The album was basically a filler until the next big studio album, and while there’s some great songs on it, the fact that they’d already been released means I can’t rank Who Made Who any higher. Incidentally, don’t go looking for Maximum Overdrive; it’s fucking awful.

  3. Religulous - 8/10

    Not the unabashed slaughter of religion that I expected, with Bill Maher managing to interview some reasonable people. It was very interesting, but the ending was very unresolved (yes, I know it couldn't be resolved very much but it seemed as if it ended far too abruptly).

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