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Posts posted by Bigal

  1. Okay, here's what FM2010 needs:

    1. A generated career history for your manager. They've done this a little with the international caps thing, but it'd be cool in the sense that those clubs may favour you when they're looking for a new manager.

    2. Job interviews. You should be able to, say, demand total control over transfer policy as a prerequisite for taking the job, and so on.

  2. Eagle-Eye Cherry is one guy, that's his name. But you knew that right? :shifty:

    I'll second Kylie, but there's probably 2 or 3 of hers I like so I guess that won't count.

    I suppose The Bravery would be one of mine with An Honest Mistake. What a letdown the rest of that album was.

    And Orson's No Tomorrow. I love that song, it captures everything about being with something you love and not caring about the next day or even how crap everything else is around you. But everything else they've done is pretty average or just bad.

    EDIT: I'm just counting acts that I've heard a lot of their stuff and only like one song rather than acts that have pretty much only had one song that anyone's heard of. That right?

    If you're picking an Orson song, you have to go with Ain't No Party..

    I think that's my only one-hit wonder...oh wait, I like another of their songs, "Happiness", so I guess I don't have any >_<

  3. Got this yesterday, along with Fallout 3 for £20 with my new 360. My mate also gave me Rock Band and all the instruments as a gift, so I've spent most of my time on that.

    Finished Jericho's RTWM; it was alright. The game doesn't see all that different from 2007 - the last one I played - but it's enjoyable enough.

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