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Posts posted by Bigal

  1. Blah, it's clear Kazuya raped her, at least in my mind. You could almost say the anger involved is what passed on the Devil gene.

    Btw, how did Kazuya get the Devil gene in the first place? I think I read he sold his soul in childhood, but I'm not sure.

  2. What the fuck was that?!

    Didn't appeal to me at all (mainly because I've hated Jamie Foxx since his award speeches last year). Just not what I was expecting. Looks very disappointing at the minute.

  3. The epidisode where everone goes out drinking and Brent says something really rude to a girl drunk. Gareth gets invited to a 2 on 1 3some with another bloke. Antoher favourite is when Brent gives the speech ath the company...where he uses music for a his exit.

  4. Oh and I would love either Pink Floyd or a Simon and Garfunkel reunion. They both rule. (H)

    Unless it's with Syd Barrett, I see no reason for a Floyd reunion. They stretched epic prog as far as it could get before it got too ridiculous (a little too far at times), and they did the whole nostalgia thing at Live8. If they were to try and write new material, it would probably be relatively shite, and I have little interest in them as a "Greatest Hits" Show.

    Yeah, I'm just dreaming of new Syd Barrett material that will never appear.

  5. It was a huge deal. 100,000 people lined the streets. I watched it, and it was pretty sad. Definitely Bestie was a footballing legend, one of the, if not the best of all-time. But like others have said, I don't agree with his off-pitch antics, and think his liver would have been better suited for someone else. That said, RIP anyway.

  6. I haven't seen Rangers as shit in a long time. That was abysmal. The tactics were messed up; he had no one covering the far side at all really. Haven't been as disappointed in the Gers in ages.

    But then I went to see Linfield play Armagh, and the former won 5-0, so I'm happy enough now :D.

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