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Everything posted by Yitzy

  1. Damn straight. Although the Curves of Steel are good because of that one guy.
  2. The EWR or TEW Pic doesn't do her any justice. She looks better on the show.
  3. I saw it on GSN the other day. And it's AWESOME. Bill Dwyer's one of the announcer's, which is good. And The show in general is good. They have a team of mimes. A team of midgets. a Team of Sumo's (who are 0-5). And plus Mellissa Coates is on the Barbell Mafia team. It's a great show, everyone watch it. NOW!
  4. I've never seen any of the Godfather's Pulp Fiction Rocky (Havn't seen any of 3, saw the fight scene in 4 (what else do I need to see?), havn't seen any of 5.) Blade Runner Citizen Kane: Good Casablanca: ...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... Romance movie's arn't really my thing Psycho: The original is awesome. Another movie everyone needs to see is The Manchurvian Canidate. (Yes I know they just made a remake but go see the original). I havn't seen all the Rocky movie's but I know the basic plots. So you can be the judge: Rocky 1: Fights Apollo Creed (Saw it, Good) Rocky 2: Fights Apollo Creed again. (Saw it, Not as good as 1, butstill good) I don't know much about Rocky 3 other than the fact that he gets Apollo as his coach, and fights Mr. T and Hulk Hogan. In Rocky 4 some big Russian kills Apollo (in a boxing match) and Rocky swears to get revenge. (I got that all from the trailer) I think in Rocky 5 there's somthing with his son, and Rocky street fights. (That sounds like complete crap)
  5. At least with the 12/15/18 age ratings we have here in the UK, everyone can understand what they mean... Whether anyone pays the slightest bit of attention, on the other hand is questionable. Actually, I say that, but back when I was 16 (almost 17) I bought the original Zone of the Enders game for the PS2. The guy behind the counter at HMV asked me for ID. I thought about this. The game is rated 15 (although why, I'm not sure. It's just robots...) This implies that he truly considered that I might be aged 14. Or less. Rules, or not - frankly I was offended. (n.b. I do look my age, before anyone gibes about it) ← The ESRB system is easy to understand it's just the ingorent people who don't want to understand it. They have poster's in all video game stores that explain in detail what each ESRB Rating means. The ESRB rating is stricter than ever (They gave Jak 2, A platform game a "T" for "Violence"). So if these damn people would watch what there kid is playing and know the ESRB system we won't have a problem. Stokeriño, Zone Of The Ender's was rated M (or 18 in your case) here because it had a demo of Metal Gear Solid included.
  6. You CAN put music to your XBox using Burned CDs, but it's a little tricky. There are three types of XBox drives, so I don't know if this will work for you. But what I do is I take a CD-RW (XBoxs won't read CD-Rs) and burn it using RealPlayer. I have done that everytime and it always works for me. And since it's a CD-RW, after I get it to my XBox, I erase the disc, and put more on. I have also heard that some brands of CD-RWs don't work anyway with the Xbox. I use a Samsung one.
  7. If someone looks at Mortal Kombat, Or GTA, Or Manhunt and says one day "Oh, this is life, this is legal." Their parents should be responsible enough to not have their child play mature games, and make them get counseling. End Of Story. Obiously this child does not have a grasp of the line reality and fantasy, they should not be playing games like that till they do. I own GTA, I have played Doom, I've played Castle Wolfienstien. I've played many violent games. I don't go around killing people now do I? All the parents who go around saying "Video Games causes violence, Video Games cause murders. Video Games are the reason why my son killed that boy." are ignorant and can't accept that their son needed help. So they must make excuses. If the parents know that their child doesn't get the difference between fantasy and reality, they for one should get their child some help. And 2nd, should monitor what games their child plays. Know what games they are playing. Understand the ESRB system. etc. etc. These killings that are thought to be caused by video games, are really caused by their parents ignorence.
  8. I used to be into Neopets, then I stopped, then my Sister got into it. And my friend was into it for a few weeks because someone told him how to hack into other people's accounts.
  9. Yitzy

    I Love The 90s

    Yes, but all those things would be in a 'I love the 00's' type show.
  10. Yitzy


    The books were teh l33T. You got to try to find out who did whatever crime in that chapter. In every book Mr. Body would die at the end but in the next book, in the introduction, There was some odd reason why he didn't die. Like in one he got shot but in the next book you found out he didn't die because the killer was using colored bullets that pierced everything but human skin.
  11. Yitzy


    The movie rocks! they also had a series of Clue the books as well, I read most of them in 5th grade.
  12. Yitzy

    I Love The 90s

    Nothing has happened these first four years? What the the hell are you on? 9/11 Dale Earnhardt dies Saddam Kill Bill Raegan dies Ray Charles dies Anthrax Scare NY Blackout War on Iraq Tillman dies RIAA Dixie Chicks, Anti-Bush *We didn't start the fire.* All of these things (plus alot I forgot) would be featured in a "I love the 00s" (They should call it "I love the two-thousands"). In fact I have a Rolling Stone that my dad took from Mailboxes Ect. that was a "This stuff happened in 2003" issue. How do you know that nothing is going to happen in the next six years? Can you tell the future? On September 10th 2001 did you expect that the World Trade Center would fall the next day?
  13. Who WOULDN'T watch that? Ummm... If they want to make a comedy super hero movie, at least use a fake super hero.... Oh Wait, Pixar is already doing that. And it probably will still be 10 times better than this. Hey, At least this Green Lantern movie will be better than The Hulk
  14. Yitzy

    I Love The 90s

    Did anyone see Chris Jericho? He said some stuff on some songs and bands.
  15. I found a few at the-underdogs.org that's an awesome site.
  16. I HATE THAT COUSIN WITH THAT MIDGET!!! She obiously brought her with the fact that people would be generous to her... Anyway... Go Jim and Marsha or Chip and Kim... GO UNDERDOGS!!! except for that Midget... If she wins... I will be so pissed.
  17. Does anyone know of any good FREE Sports Management sims? I have EHM... But what else is there?
  18. Damn they both are good. But i'm gonna have to give my vote to Norris. I like how everything is blended. It gives it a certain feel. My Vote: Norris P.S: I hope you both realize that "Broadway Presents" would never be on a poster. Because Brodway is in a theatrical company and/or a director. If you did want to put "Broadway" on the poster, you could of put "LIVE, On Broadway!" or somthing.
  19. I'm gonna go with Dochappy, I like the Kid Rock Cut in the BG and I really like how you had the Battle Of The Bikes, with the Poloroids of them.
  20. Thank's for the site Veg, there are alot of cool gimmicks, unfortunetly i can't get any other link to work. Except ZIMs and the gimmick files.
  21. I have the game, (I downloaded it for nostalgia sake, and waiting for TEW) But only with the default stuff. If anyone knows where I can get other stuff, please show me the way. EDIT: Also could anyone get the Commercials to work? I could never get it to work.
  22. OK, I personally like the XBox. (I really don't like the GameCube). I HATE the GameCube controller with a passion. One of the reasons is because I have unusually large hanfs, when ever I use the GC controller, I get horrible cramps from it. Also, picking of the system really depends on what you like, if you like, platformers and action-aventure games, Get a GC, if you like Shooters and fighting games, get an XBox.
  23. OK my question is this. They had some episodes where it would be a Flash Back to elementary school. In every one of these episodes they had Zack introduce it, at current age (in 1995 or whenever). Then the Show would start, and It would be the same person playing Zack now, but he was much younger. And Screech was the same person too. These were the ones with the British teacher, and that Mikey kid (who was not Slater). So did they film these before and just started airing them in 1995 (or whenever) after the series was done?
  24. Yitzy


    NICE!!!! I'll have to try to find this on iTunes!!!!!!! Squancho, you turned me on to The Pixies. I had that "Where is my mind" wallpaper you made on my comp for weeks!
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