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The Mask of Norro

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Everything posted by The Mask of Norro

  1. Keith knows where it's at, Micro Machines was the shit. I especially loved the levels in the bathtub and on the pool table.
  2. This post alone has brought me more laughter then it possibly should have, because I nearly had the same reaction as stok the first time I saw it too xD
  3. Aaron Maiden: How did you make yours? Is it just a painting that you did some edits to, or did you actually do that yourself?
  4. Got done watching it over the weekend... going to write a proper review as a part of an English assignment I'm doing (reviewing a handful of movies). But, suffice to say that from an FF7 fan's standpoint: I loved it. Of COURSE the Japanese voices were better, but I actually enjoy the English voices. I think they did alright with the selection, but I did notice some quirks: 1. Okay, Sith has his accent... this is to be expected, he IS based off that Scottish myth as others have said. But tell me, WHY does Cloud at times sound ITALIAN? Especially when he delivers his line against Sephiroth "There's nothing that I don't treasure", he has a DISTINCT italian accent... either that, or I'm confusing the New York accent with the Italian one again. 2. The voice actor for Sephiroth actually works well in English, in my opinion, but he drags the lines out a little bit too long at points. For example: the Japanese voice actor who delivered the line "I will... never, be a memory." got the pauses spot on, but this guy made it more "I will............ never be a memory.", it was just really frustrating waiting for him to finish the line. 3. Red XIII needed more lines... he says one fucking thing through the entire film. 4. How the hell did Tseng and Elaina survive? I was shocked they would have killed them off so early, but to give absolutely no hint as to how they survived after it all, much less show up the way they did, was a bit dissapointing. 5. Why couldn't they properly synch up the English voices to the lips in the dub? Really, they've done it in the games... can't they do it for the movie? It gets annoying to have that typicall Japanese-English dub over stereotype where the mouths keep moving after the person's stopped talking, or they're clearly saying something other then what you're hearing. There's more to say, but I'll save it for the review. Oh, and clint? Rufus DOES get cured of the geostigma at the end. There's a shot of the Turks standing around him in the wheelchair, and you see the lifestream particles floating off of the back of his hand as the rain hits him. He gets cured like everyone else in the end. EDIT: And as an aside to the complaints about the Seph/Cloud fight scene... after the intial shock of it being Sephiroth wears off, Cloud kicks into a more defensive fight against him. Seph is STILL protrayed as having the upper hand, as for the majority of the fight he's launching Cloud around from his strikes, and chasing Cloud around. He acts nonchalant all throughout, while Cloud continues to struggle against him. Seph WAS portrayed as having the upper hand for most of the fight, while keeping it very close between the two. My opinion, anyway. Also, in your final fight against him in FF7, he's pretty much virtually impossible to lose to. You literally just have to stand there doing nothing for him to beat you, because otherwise you just deal one attack (Omnislash, as was delivered at the end of the movie) and he's gone. So I'd say by the end of FF7, Cloud had already surpassed or at least caught up to Sephiroth in terms of skill/strength. So in Advent Children, it seems that Sephiroth grew stronger and held back in their fight-- like he didn't want to kill Cloud, just screw with his head. Cloud had lost skill since their last fight, so it just felt like Sephiroth was trying to bring out the best in him first.
  5. EAST WING SEMIFINALS LBTN™ vs fourstarfizzle Story: A year on earth is a time of constant change. From spring, summer, autumn and winter... there are thousands of places on earth that have varying outlooks on what the seasons are all about. Winter to Floridians is alot like summer to New Yorkers, and in Alaska the summers bring forth never-ending sun. A company is coming out with a calendar depicting the seasons of the world, and have offered you money to input your own piece into it. It can be any season of your choosing. Basic Rules: Create a graphic based around a season of the year, but try to be really creative with it. Remember-- you can depict this season from ANYWHERE. Summer in antartica, spring in Peru... wherever you want. Restrictions: Include a border, and it also must obviously be about a season of the earth somewhere on the earth. Size: No size limits, just make sure it's reasonable. Deadline: May 8th, 2006
  6. EAST WING SEMIFINALS Rated R Superstar vs ChrisSteeleAteMyHamster Story: A major magazine company has contacted you for assistance in the design of their front cover for this month! The magazine asks that you focus on a few of the topics featured in the magazine and, of course, to highlight the focus of the magazine on the front page. No need to add the barcode to it either... just know to keep some empty space for where it would go! Basic Rules: It doesn't matter what genre a magazine you choose it to be... design its front cover. Have a few topics you'd have touched on in the magazine on the front, and obviously do something with the cover to put focus on who/what the highlight of the magazine is about. It can be a real or a created magazine. Restrictions: Must include enough empty space for a barcode, must include some references to things found in the magazine, and should be clear as to what the magazine is about. If it's real, either copy the logo or mimick it the best you can. If it's fake... make a logo for the magazine to go with it. Size: 550x750 - 750x950 Deadline: May 8th, 2006
  7. WEST WING SEMIFINALS Keith Clark vs Dochappy Story: The National Science Foundation is holding a 'Art of Evolution' competition for all aspiring artists across the nation. The grand price is quite impressive, and all they ask is for artists, both typical and digital, to design for them a new species of animal hybrid. You must depict the animal in a scene of it's 'natural habitat' where the evolution took place. Parody entries and serious ones are allowed, but the creature must be an original and not a copy (such as a lyger or zyphoid) Basic Rules: Create a hybrid animal through the images of two or more other animals, and then place it in a natural setting it might adapt well in. Really try to flex your creative muscles with this one. Restrictions: The 'natural setting' can be however you please, just try to keep it somewhat related to what you've created. Make the animal the focus of the graphic. Size: No size limit, but keep it resonable. Deadline: May 8th, 2006
  8. WEST WING SEMIFINALS Jules vs Aaron Maiden Story: A local art gallery is accepting pieces for its upcoming show on the theme of 'war', where the best piece from each category receives a monetary prize. Interested, you notice in their flyer that they're accepting graphical art. They do however ask that it not be a historical piece of work but rather ones own opinion towards the 'art of war' and the emotions in brings forth in the soldiers. Basic Rules: Create a graphic based on war, but it cannot be a historical graphic. It must be your own opinion on war, without getting too specific. This means no graphics depicting Hitler and Bush or only focusing on WW2 as the theme... try to depict a certain emotion through the topic. Anguish, the will to survive, to protect... perhaps fear or strength, your choice. Restrictions: Must have a border of some kind. Must depict war, but not from a historical viewpoint. Size: No size limit, but keep it resonable. Deadline: May 8th, 2006
  9. I was speaking in EWB terms, because almost every single new graphic designer to this forum starts off doing wrestling graphics. I'm just saying, people will expand beyond that... but for now, let them get better. Obviously wrestling graphics aren't the newbish graphics... hell, look at that poster you did that got around those wrestling websites-- certainly not newbish. And thank you, mudda, for the encouragement The graphics forum has more activity now then it did a few months ago, so even though it's not as active as a community, we have more individuals doing things now. Of course, it's no-where near as active as it used to be.
  10. ALLDAWSON'S JUDGING ADRENALINEJUNKY ------------- Pros: The stars are a nice idea. The cut of the rollercoaster is pretty good. I wasn't too keen, initially, on the blue text's glow but it makes it stand out on the actual billboard. Cons: I'm not exactly sure what it is, perhaps the simple-style but it looks a bit amateurish. I also thought the rollercoaster was a cake upon a first glance. Maybe that's just me with weird eyes. Actual billboard version is a bit blurry. FOURSTARFIZZLE ------------- Pros: I really like the style, which is very professional, of the close-up image with the front of the car being proper focus and the rest being blurred away. Colour scheme is nice. Love the text spacing/positioning in the top left. Cons: The glow around the 'R-Coupe' isn't very attractive. Actual billboard version seems to stick out more than it should. Perhaps a fading of colours would make it fit in better or something. MATCH OUTCOME ------------- Neither is a bad graphic and both have done the actual billboard placements quite well. FSF wins this one for me, his design just seemed more professional all around. WILDCAT'S JUDGING ADRENALINE PROS: I like the overall feel of the piece and I really like both the logo and the text throughout. It also fits really well on the billboard size used. CONS: The blur on the coaster is a bit too heavy and I would have liked the overlay of the stars to not go through the coaster. The right side needs to be cleaned up a bit as all the overlays running into each other is too busy. FOURSTARFIZZLE PROS: I really like the concept and it has that feel of luxury that Jaguar is supposed to convey. I also like the text on top as well. CONS: As much as I love the concept its also a bit strange, It doesn't show off the car enough and if seen when moving down a highway I dunno if I would even be able to tell its a car right away. Judgement: I loved both designs but the crispness and more professional look of meeting exactly what I would expect from a Jaguar billboard is just a little better and gets the nod. I vote for FOURSTARFIZZLE. MY JUDGING adrenalinejunky ------------- Pros: The logo and the stars behind it are awesome. Easily shows what the billboard is trying to advertise to the viewer, and gives clear and easily legible information regarding it. Cons: The roller coaster is a tad bit TOO blurry due to the motion blur you've done. I get what you were trying to accomplish through it, but it doesn't seem to have came off all that great. Also, the cutting on the edges of the 'coaster-- while really nice in some areas-- are also pretty damn rough in others. I also don't like the gaussian blur on the text, but I'm not sure what I'd have used to make it stand out with instead really. Finally, the transition onto the poster is a bit off... the semi-black outline around the lower and right hand edge just seem strange to me, doesn't blend into the image very well. fourstarfizzle ------------- Pros: Almost exactly what I'd expect a billboard advertisement about a car to convey. Nice logo placement, nice motto/website placement, and very nice picture brings it all together for an excellent piece. Cons: However, at first glance it's tough to tell exactly what the billboard is about. I'd have gone with a 'full body' shot of the Jaguar. It works great though, you really did a nice job capturing it... just think it'd be better if it was a bit more recognizable as a car. MATCH OUTCOME ------------- adrenalinejunky's reminds me alot of a theme park billboard I saw once down here in Florida... professional quality, but it does have it's setbacks. FSF's *also* reminds me alot of a car advertisement I saw, though that advertisement had more of the car in the shot. Just like AJ's... it was very professionally done. This was a close battle between two top-notch competitors... but in the end, I have to give fourstarfizzle the nudge, as his is just above AJ's in terms of professionalism and quality. AJ, you've been awesome in the tournament... sad to see you go man, especially after all the damn no-shows. Thank you so much for participating and supporting this tournament, you've been great Congratulations FSF, you've advanced to the east wing semifinals!
  11. ALLDAWSON'S JUDGING JULES vs XERO GRAVITY: JULES ------------- Pros: Business card has a nice layout and the cuts are very good. I also like the red and grey lines idea. Idea for logo is nice. Cons: Very poor quality logo, could have been much better. I would probably have chosen a more 'comical' font to suit the company on the business card. I don't like the way the text overlaps Michaelangelo's nunchucks. XERO GRAVITY ------------- Pros: ... Cons: ... MATCH OUTCOME ------------- Jules' logo was a nice idea but the execution was poor, very blurry. The card was pretty good I thought, I liked the layout and cuts. The Marv fading was also a nice touch. Jules by default. WILDCAT'S JUDGING JULES VS XERO GRAVITY JULES PROS: hmm, I do like the grey and maroon spacers and the fading of the guy in the background is a nice touch. CONS: The logo is good in theory but just not really executed as well as it could have been as its just blury and boring. The Turtles and the Vader images, while they fit the idea of the piece don't really work well with it and don't really fit the color scheme at all and the placement of things just seems a bit off. XERO GRAVITY PROS: None CONS: None Judgement: While I wasn't overly impressed with JULES's piece his opponent was a no show so JULES is my vote. MY JUDGING Jules ------------- Pros: The idea for the logo works well for what you're selling. The card itself has a pretty decent layout, and I'm liking the way you have Darth Vader and the turtles on there (to a certain extent) Cons: The logo IDEA was good, but the EXECUION was horrid. Jagged edges, very poor quality... yeah. As far as the card, I'd have liked to see a larger picture of the turtles to keep them in-scale with Vader, and get rid of Marve in the background. Personally, I think that would have worked better. Zero Gravity ------------- Pros: ... Cons: I really hope this doesn't happen as much in the semis >_< MATCH OUTCOME ------------- Jules had a decent idea for the logo and the card, but the logo is just very poor. The card is good, but again... I'd have liked to see the turtles evened with Vader and to have Marv in the back taken out of the picture. All in all, a decent work. Jules by default. Jules advances on to the west wing semi-finals! Congratulations!
  12. ALLDAWSON'S JUDGING TYLER vs LBTN: [ TYLER ] ------------- Pros: ... Cons: ... LBTN ------------- Pros: Simple design but pulled off well. I think billboards work much better when they have a simple design and you've achieved one here. Billboard manip was done well. Cons: The website could stand out a bit more, hard to read on the actual billboard. MATCH OUTCOME ------------- I like the simplicity of the advert although being just black and white doesn't make you notice it straight away. Perhaps a little colour would benefit it, even if it was just in the logo. Still, nice work. LBTN by default. WILDCAT'S JUDGING [ TYLER ] VS LBTN™ [ TYLER ] PROS: I like the background, I like the logo, I like almost everything about this peice. CONS: It just seems like you went with a very Safe concept which is fine but doesn't get any extra points from me. LBTN™ PROS: None CONS: None Judgement: Another no show, another easy winner. [ TYLER ] gets my vote MY JUDGING [ Tyler ] ------------- Pros: ... Cons: These no-shows make me cry, they really do LBTN™ ------------- Pros: Works damn near perfectly as an advertisement for a billboard-- EXACTLY what I would expect when driving down a freeway. Very professionally simple, I'm loving it. The adaptation was well done too! Cons: It's selling a brand of perfume, right? That has to be it. I'd like to have seen the perfume used rather than your gray thingy behind the text really... it'd help identify the product more. Otherwise, nothing I can find wrong with it. MATCH OUTCOME ------------- [ Tyler ]'s was nonexistant, whilst LBTN™'s was probably one of the most billboardy entries in the east wind. Excellent work, LBTN™, excellent work. LBTN™ advances on to the east wing semi-finals! Congratulations! As an aside... Wildcat, what were you smoking when you judged this match? [ Tyler ] no-showed, not LBTN™.
  13. ALLDAWSON'S JUDGING THEDEREKEFFECT1 vs AARON MAIDEN: THEDEREKEFFECT1 ------------- Pros: ... Cons: ... AARON MAIDEN ------------- Pros: The text on the business card is nice and easy to read. Adaptation of the logo is good. Cons: I dislike the colours on the card, particularly the random splodges of green. Logo doesn't do it for me, font is hard to read at a quick glance. MATCH OUTCOME ------------- I dislike both pieces to be honest, although there are a couple of little plus points (logo adaptation, text). Aaron Maiden by default. WILDCAT'S JUDGING THEDEREKEFFECT1 VS AARON MAIDEN THEDEREKEFFECT1 PROS: none CONS: none AARON MAIDEN PROS: Creative logo and its looks good as well. I also like the placement and look of the buisness card. CONS: Not sure about the Blue outline on the logo and the grey to very bright is a little too much as it draws your eye away from the important aspects of the card. Judgement: AARON MAIDEN wins. MY JUDGING THEDEREKEFFECT1 ------------- Pros: ... Cons: Where did you go, Derek, where did you go AARON MAIDEN ------------- Pros: The logo is actually quite nice, though I question the font selection. As far as the business card goes, eeerily remniscent of Keith's layout, but it works. I like how you've included the info the way you have and, as a plus, it's easily legible. Cons: Again, I'm a bit iffy with your font selection on the logo. The way you added it onto the card is a tad bit ugly too-- black fonts with white strokes don't always 'hit it' with people, so to speak. It would have been fine on it's own, really. MATCH OUTCOME ------------- Aaron's was a nice, simple design pulled off semi-effectively with a few kinks to work out to make it a truly decent work. Derek's was nonexistant. Aaron Maiden advances on to the west wing semifinals! Congratulations!
  14. ALLDAWSON'S JUDGING RATED R SUPERSTAR vs ZED: RATED R SUPERSTAR ------------- Pros: I like the X-Port text. Planet and stars look great so congrats on making them by yourself. I also like the idea for the ad. Transition is pretty smooth. Cons: A black drop shadow, glow or something would make the text stand out, the white glow does nothing positive. Not sure on the helicopter's presence here. I think the billboard manip could have been done better, sticks out too much and is a bit blurry. ZED ------------- Pros: Simple idea is good for a billboard ad. I like the layout. Blurred background works well, focuses the viewer's eyes on the text. Round of applause for the billboard manip, looks pretty good. Cons: I don't think the font used represents a metal festival too well. I also dislike it being used for everything on the ad. I'm not keen on the green glows. MATCH OUTCOME ------------- Rated R Superstar takes this one easily for me, although Zed's manip was better. The actual advert is the main thing and I think RRS's is much better. It stands out more too, more likely to grab somebody's attention than Zed's. WILDCAT'S JUDGING RATED R SUPERSTAR PROS: The concept is creative and I like the transition from sky to space. CONS: The logo is a little hard to see just becuase of the colors and the background its on, Also I don't get a feeling for what the product represents from the piece. ZED PROS: Simple, elegant and it works. I like the placement of everything and its very sleek as well. CONS: Only thing is that I'm not sure if NORTH AMERICA'S PREMIER is the part of that sentance that should be bigger. The more important part of the line is that its a metal festival and I would have rather seen the whole line the size of that part of it instead of what it is. Also, as much as I ike the background you just see too much of it with nothing there to support it. Judgement: Both are good but ZED expresses what the image is trying to promote a bit better and isn't quite so spacial. My choice is ZED. MY JUDGING RATED R SUPERSTAR ------------- Pros: The colors are very appealing, the 'X-Port' text is nice and put in a good spot. I love the transitioning of the heavens and the earth here too, it certainly adds to the appeal of it all. All in all, it's a very pleasent and well thought out design Cons: What the hell is it advertising? Oh, I see, helicopter rides. Here's the thing: you'd want to make that helicopter a tad bit more apparent for the fine folks going 60 on the freeway when they see these signs, otherwise they'll go "Huh, space walks?". Also, the 'Let's Fly, Let's Fly Away' text is hardly legible. Finally, the transitiion onto the billboard is great at the bottom, but jagged as HELL at the top-- the edges are much too apparent, and need to be smoothened out a bit. ZED ------------- Pros: I'm loving the thinned design you've gone with, it's very billboard-esque. The logo is clear to read, you state what it's all about... and, to top it off, you did a superb job at blending it onto the billboard at an angle like that. Cons: Well, despite your superb job of course, there's some rough areas-- specifically how the bars thin and get thicker across, when they should be even. Also, that's quite alot to read for one billboard really... and, might I add, for a metal festival your billboard strangely resembles the style a jewelry store would use. MATCH OUTCOME ------------- For RRS, I fell in love with the idea behind the design and the way he handled it. The colors used, the simple layout... it was all very nice, but it didn't convey properly what he wanted it to. The slogan was hard to read, and that also brought it down. For Zed, the purpose is stated clearer but doesn't seem to fit what he's going for. That's alot of words to have on a single billboard that will stay in most people's peripheral vision for less then 10 seconds probably. It seems like I'm the one with the tie-breaking decision here. It's very tough because between the both of you you have equally great pros and equally bad cons. Neither of you represent what you're advertising all that well-- Zed making up with it through his text-- but where RRS fell in lacking things, Zed also fell in having TOO MUCH. In the end, because of how close the pros and the cons were, I had to go by the casual eye. Which would appeal more to someone driving down the road? It took me awhile, but I finally had to go with Rated R Superstar, and so he will be advancing on into the semi-finals of the east wing! I have to say, this was a VERY close battle, and the both of you deserve standing ovations for your efforts. Zed, I look forward to seeing you in the next tournament man... you made an outstanding showing for this one. Thank you for your participation. Rated R Superstar, welcome to the semi-finals!
  15. I got a few up tonight, but I got caught up in a lot of work earlier that set me back and now I need to get to bed, so expect the rest up tommorow along with the third round. Once again, sorry for the wait, and thanks for understanding.
  16. ALLDAWSON'S JUDGING DIGITALLYFADED vs KEITH: DIGITALLYFADED ------------- Pros: I like the picture of the guitar and the colouring of the business card. Size of the text and font chosen is great. Logo is unique. Cons: I prefer my logos simple although this one isn't too bad. The logo on the card looks very jaggy. Placement of 'We Know Our Gotham Music' and 'Repairs, Sales & Lessons' should be better, more away from the edge to start. KEITH ------------- Pros: The logo is pretty cool, particularly like the S's tail. Love the logo adaptation on the card. Text stands out well enough. Cons: Background maybe is a little too overpowering on the card. At first glance I didn't like the logo, although a few more looks and it grew on me. MATCH OUTCOME ------------- Close one this. Both have their pros and cons but I think the deciding factor here is digitallyfaded's logo on the card. It's too jaggy for what I think should be one of the main focal points. Therefore, Keith edges this battle for me. WILDCAT'S JUDGING DIGITALLYFADED VS KEITH CLARK DIGITALLYFADED PROS: I love the logo, I love the image and I love the colors used on the image. CONS: Text placement could have been a bit better and the Repairs, Sales & Lessons tag line is very hard to read. KEITH CLARK PROS: Awesome logo, and I like the placement on the image as well as the background. CONS: I really don't have anything bad to say about this at all, maybe adding a tag line or a slogan but even thats not really needed. Judgement: This is probably the hardest choice in the 2nd round of votes so far but I think KEITH CLARK takes it just becuase I didn't find one thing to say about it and i did have one small visibility issue with DIGITALLY FADED's. Which in a competition is a bad way to go out but in a battle this close the biggest small thing is the diffrence maker. I give KEITH CLARK my vote. MY JUDGING DIGITALLYFADED ------------- Pros: I'm absolutely in love with your logo design. It's creative, it's unique, and it's superbly pulled off. The red music notes add a bit of flavor to it as well. For your business card, the text is legible and I think you made a nice selection. Cons: I hate how you've taken that great logo of yours and done with it what you have, it really puts me off because it just doesn't look all that great. The way 'Repairs, Sales & Lessons' cuts under the contact information isn't all too appealing either. Also, the 'We know our' text cuts far too close to the edge. KEITH CLARK ------------- Pros: The way you've done your logo is unique and, in a disturbing way, cute even. Font selection is superb, the way you've added the tail to the s and stuck 'records' in-between the E and S just words excellently. For the card, it works great as a graphical business card. Your font placement is great, your text is legible, and the placement of the logo is quite beautiful to be honest. All in all, excellent job. Cons: It took me quite awhile to figure out if there was anything wrong with this peice, and in the end I simply decided... there wasn't anything wrong. You did an excellent job, though to be honest I would have liked to see a slogan of some sort somewhere on the card, it's not exactly 'neccesary'. MATCH OUTCOME ------------- Digitallyfaded's peice is excellent, I love how he pulled off the logo and I really do like the thought behind the business card... but the execution of the business card is what drags it down. The logo then goes from looking great on it's own to bad on the card, the font placement is way off in certain areas... it just really drug it down. Keith's was brilliantly pulled off, straight down from the idea behind them both to the execution of said idea. Placement is perfect, design is perfect... I'm in love with it as a whole. Both designs were great, but I just believe that Keith's was head and shoulders over digital's. Keith Clark advances on to the west wing semifinals! Thank you for participating, digitallyfaded, you did great! Keith, congratulations!
  17. ALLDAWSON'S JUDGING DOCHAPPY vs EWO: DOCHAPPY ------------- Pros: Very nice idea for the logo and pulled off to a high standard, lovin' it. Business card is very professional, love the outlines of the skaters and the text, the shapes, everything. Cons: Are there any? I suppose the blue space could have been used better by either centering the text or moving the left skater over to the center/right. EWO ------------- Pros: The idea for the logo isn't bad. Cons: Logo should have been to a higher standard, I dislike the use of the skull but it would look too plain without it, so maybe a modification of the skull would have been better. The logo on the card should be faded more, it makes the main text hard to read at first glance. I'm not too keen on the use of space either. MATCH OUTCOME ------------- Dochappy wins this one in my books. Had he been against somebody else, EWO's might seem a bit better but next to Doc's it doesn't look very good IMO. WILDCAT'S JUDGING DOCHAPPY VS EDDIE'S WORLD ORDER DOCHAPPY PROS: Very nice logo and nice color scheme. CONS: I would have liked the text to be centered on the card with the images on either side than having all that empty space in the middle. EWO PROS: hmm, not a lot to say about this one. CONS: The logo is a good concept but lasks the execution and its hard to read what it says at first glance. The card is just way too much and the text on top of the logo would be good if the log was faded in alot more as its just too much right now or the slogan should have been smaller so the name could be moved up to where the logo is readable. Its also the wrong size but I didn't dock points for that this time. Judgement: DOCHAPPY has a better handle on the flow of the image and it just comes across as much cleaner and less chaotic in presentation. DOCHAPPY is my vote. MY JUDGING DOCHAPPY ------------- Pros: Loving the logo here, it clearly depicts not only where the business is located (though I'd imagine that the people getting these cards would know where it's at anyway ) but what it's about. The initial card itself is awesome and, to be honest, is just nearly as perfect as it can get. Awesome work all together. Loving the motto, by the way. Cons: As I said, the card would be perfect... but the white text on the card is so difficult to read that it drags it down pretty badly. Maybe add a light drop shadow, a faint stroke? Something to make it stand out more from that background... it's really killing my eyes to try and read it. EDDIE'S WORLD ORDER ------------- Pros: I hate coming off harsh and all... but I couldn't see anything all that great about this. Cons: Logo design is very shoddy and unprofessional. From the blending of the skull over the letters... hell, the design for the logo itself just isn't all that appealing at all. The font chosen for the business card is very poor, too. If I was handed your business card, I'd cringe at it. It just... well, it looks horrible. MATCH OUTCOME ------------- Dochappy's was a very unique design pulled off well; the logo is creative and the business card really does look like a business card, despite the hard-to-read text. Honestly, just fix that up and you've got something great there. EWO's is, well... it's not very unique to begin with, and it's execution isn't all that great at all. In the end, Dochappy gets my vote. Dochappy defeats EWO and advances on to the west wing semifinals! Congratulations Doc, and better luck next time Eddie's World Order!
  18. ALLDAWSON'S JUDGING LIVID vs CHRISSTEELEATEMYHAMSTER: LIVID ------------- Pros: ... Cons: ... CHRISSTEELEATEMYHAMSTER ------------- Pros: Good manip onto actual billboard. I like the font chosen. Blue bars are simple but they work. Layout isn't too bad. Cuts aren't too shabby. Cons: Placement of face in background is off, I think it would look better in the middle of the left models and the right one. MATCH OUTCOME ------------- Nothing spectacularly wrong with CSAMH's, it's a nice simple design that works well as a billboard as seen by the manip. There's not anything graphically fantastic but it's not bad, it has a few good features and I think it came together well. CSAMH by default. WILDCAT'S JUDGING LIVID VS CHRISSTEELEATEMYHAMSTER LIVID PROS: none CONS: none CHRISSTEELEATEMYHAMSTER PROS: The text is good and the overall placement is nice for whats used. CONS: The girl in the background and the main cut on the right are good but the two on the left don't really go together well with the graphic as the lighting, colors and styles clash. Judgement: CHRISSTEELEATEMYHAMSTER by DQ. MY JUDGING LIVID ------------- Pros: ... Cons: You didn't post anything, I'd say that was a pretty big con CHRISSTEELEATEMYHAMSTER ------------- Pros: With the initial design, it's so simple in it's design yet is pulled off so brilliantly that it just screams 'billboard' at you. The text placement is nice, easy to read... and I'm loving the way you handled the cuts here-- their placement was nice as well. With your placement on the billboard itself, it looks pitch-perfect. Great job manipulating it on there. Cons: The girl in the background seems a bit out of place with the way you've positioned her... maybe center her between the woman on the right and the girls on the left? MATCH OUTCOME ------------- Hamster's works brilliantly as a billboard, as shown by the way he added it to the image of one. Professionally, this design would get a thumbs up in my opinion. Livid's... was nonexistant ChrisSteeleAteMyHamster advances on to the east wing semifinals by default!
  19. Yeah, finally I'm getting the judgements done today. Expect results to be posted tonight. As far as next round... possibly tonight as well, probably tommorow. We'll see.
  20. Here's a tip for the both of you: everyone starts off somewhere, and what they can learn from others slightly beyond them will benefit them in the long run. Anyone taking graphics seriously will move past wrestling graphics in due time, but for those still working on them, it's a nice pillar. Let them suggest ways to improve at where they're at. I started with wrestling graphics, I've moved on. There are others who will follow the same or slightly different processes. You can't rush them into something they may or may not be ready for.
  21. You're not beating a dead horse, I'm just being really lazy x_o Sorry guys, this has been pretty irresponsible of me, I've just been caught up with other things (BR, schoolwork, etc) and haven't given any time to finishing my judgements. This isn't dead, nor is it dying. I'll see what I can do about finishing up today if I get the computer time at school or something, but otherwise don't expect anything solid until late tonight/sometime tommorow. I'm usually out all day on Fridays. Sorry for the wait, guys.
  22. Guys, it's a day late, it's okay, lol. Results are coming-- if you've noticed, I generally start the rounds on a Monday/Tuesday anyway. They were supposed to go up yesterday but, well, yesterday was Easter, so I didn't have much time to get on the computer until the later hours. So yeah, wrapping those judgements up and all that jazz, which means it'll either be posted TONIGHT or TOMMOROW, considering tommorow is my last day off for Spring Break, so I'll have the time it do it in. So... there you go.
  23. Wildcat's and dawson's have been in, I've just been busy. My own judgements are partway through, just going through the brackets and moving names forward and whatnot on Photoshop as well. Next round notice: There will be individual rulesets, which means each match will be unique. Plenty of variety to be had! A topic will be made tommorow after all of the results are posted will a poll for everyone. After a few days, I'll get to work on round three.
  24. The round has ended. Wildcat, dawson: Send me your judgements ASAP. Judge every match, including the ones where one person no-showed-- the person who DID show deserves the feedback.
  25. Fucking insane... this shit's spreading like wildfire.
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