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The Mask of Norro

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Everything posted by The Mask of Norro

  1. Socky get your work up, I don't have a bais for Reuben so you'll get a fair rating
  2. Thirded towards Sean's comment-- like I said man... really impressed you went off and did that, wasn't expecting that from many people-- much less any at all.
  3. MY biggest problem with the whole 'Norris is the only judge' debate is that I offered the position to be advisors for me-- that means you'd judge the graphics and send them to me, and your opinions would decide how I'd go with things. I had those positions open during the sign-ups, and I stated that too, and no one offered to fill the spot. Now... if everyone would be more inclined for it to be so, and I actually get people who would be willing to fill in for the spot, then next round I'll get some people to work with me on judgements. Just know that if you get the position you need to get me your ratings and reasons as soon as you can after both entries are in, otherwise I'll make judgements without you.
  4. Oh you meant that-- no, generetic has them for open use. You can literally use the posters for DVD cover designs and everything dude, they don't mind.
  5. For the most part all you'd have to do is cut the pictures out-- though I doubt you'd be making posters as commercial work when the movie already has a theatrical poster, you'd be out soliciting your skills to the companies that need designers for said posters
  6. Yeah, that tends to be the hardest part with posters, man... finding a good shot of a character for it. You ever heard of generetic? They've got some nice official posters uploaded there... you might could find some good stuff to use with any designs you do later on, actually. Here, let me link you to their poster archive: http://www.generetic.org/artwork-archive/b...images.php?c=13
  7. Ah, I get ya' Yeah... guess you might have just chose the wrong quote for the way you did the poster, the way the guy was talking it made it sound like a horror movie. About halfway through my critique on your peice I actually thought to myself it could just be a thriller, but that quote left it up in the air. Either way man, you did a good job with it, just really threw me off as to what the movie would be about if I were to be the casual observer in a theater looking at it.
  8. DOCHAPPY ------------- Pros: I like the tree and the way it is with the cabin in the background-- a nice setting to really capture a darker mood for a movie AND to even capture a scene from it, which I thought was clever. There's a nice balance of colors at the top of the poster, too. Cons: The hell is with the logo-- it's way too bright for such a dark and dreary looking poster. I'd suggest lowering the contrast on it, make it a bit more dull but not so dull that it gets hard to read in the background. I didn't really mark you off for it, but I'd just like to say I'm kinda dissapointed that there's a lack of any characters at all on the poster... I don't know why, but the way you set it up I think it'd have been great to have had Ash right dead in the center of the graphic. THEMYSTIKFOOL ------------- Pros: Credits and the logo are superbly done, I love the balance there. Cons: So many of the pictures used have abrupt cut-offs on them, making things look really shoddy. For example: the main cut is missing half of it's right arm (left arm on the screen), all of the upper pictures seemingly end at a sharp spot, rather then slowly transition into darkness or the next image. The green pictures are much too green and bright in comparison to the rest of the poster, too. MATCH OUTCOME ------------- Dochappy's was well done, but that logo just killed the whole atmosphere of it for me. I think with a better designed logo (really, even if you just dulled down the brightness of the red it'd look better like I said...) and even with a shot of Ash in the center, it'd look great as a poster. Yet as the way it is, it stands as average, yet would still catch my attention in a theater. I wouldn't stare at it too long, but it'd catch my attention. TheMystikFool's just seems poorly done, unfortunately... with pictures and cuts having those sharp spots where the edge of the picture is clearly visible, the off-setting bright greens of those middle pictures... it just came off really poorly, unfortunately. The design itself shows potential, but for it to work there should be less pictures used, better transitions between them, duller greens for the pictures and the main cut NEEDS to be smoother, and not have half it's arm missing. Honestly? I think it'd have been great to just have that main cut, full and without any abrupt edges, and have wax sort-of dripping down the background... seems like that might get the effect across better. In the end, Dochappy is the winner of this contest and will be moving onto the next round. Good efforts from the both of you: and Mystik, remember to always use cuts without edges on the body parts you'll be using in the graphic. Good effort, better luck next time, and congrats to Doc!
  9. You've not really done well-- by saying that my eyes were drawn to the face, I wasn't complimenting it at all. The face doesn't look good at all, in my opinion, on the poster design you've gone with. It disrupts the harmony-- there's an inbalance of red due to it, and there's no colors supporting her skin tone. Like I said, by going with what you did, I think you'd be better off changing the skin tone to a pale blue and keeping the red eyes for your harmony. However, if you're going to approach a poster design like that, might I suggest taking a full-body shot of the main character, putting her at the center of attention in the graphic rather then obscured in a small part of the poster and drawing attention to it with offsetting colors? You could have those zombies behind her, acting as a part of the background in the fog, and even have the setting be a graveyard... but if you wanted her to be the main focus, you could have done better drawing attention to her by making her more prominent then the zombies. The only thing drawing my eyes to her is, as I've said, the offsetting colors. The primary problem with opening it to everyone is that I'd rather not have participants in the tournament vote in the tournament. AJ did the same thing with a tournament held awhile back if I remember correctly, to prevent people from simply going "Hey vote for me in this, but give a reason so it doesn't look like I'm vote hunting" The panel would work, but we've had panels before for contests and there are times when something happens that interferes with a judge's ability to send in his scores. I'd prefer that people be given reasons for their score, also, rather then having the scores simply slapped there. By initiating a panel I have to be able to know that that panel will be reliable when the graphics are in to send me their scores and reasons for them to be posted, combined with mine, and then used to determine a winner. The fact is, too, that even with a panel... people will still be upset about the results. I've seen contests before where people call bullshit on an entire panel, and the majority ruled for the other graphic when the panel, who was non-bais to begin with, went with the one the people didn't like. It happens, it happens with one judge just like it could happen with 50. Fact is, there's always going to be someone to debate a decision. This, I do admit, I made a mistake with. This is my first time running a major graphics tournament, so obviously next time things will go smoother, but for now this tournament is exactly as I described it to be-- an experiment to draw attention to the graphics board and get more people visiting and posting in it. It's an experiment, experiments wield setbacks and problems... and obviously, that was a problem I forgot to go over. So I do apologize for not stating in advance that once both graphics are in, I can submit my judgement whenever I have the ability to. That's an error on my part, so yeah.
  10. WILDCAT ------------- Pros: Nice font placement, and a surprisingly good job on the cut. Mad props for going out of your way to find a movie you've not heard much about. Cons: This is a horror movie? Feels like a chick flick the way you've done the poster, doesn't really allude to much of a horror flick for the casual observer. While I'm not saying that you should make it apparent that it's a thriller/horror flick, there should be some small elements that hint it, and in this there aren't really any. I don't like how off-set the positions of things are in the poster: you've got all of the fonts nicely centered, and even in the picture up top the person is centered, yet you've used a picture where the person is holding a picture and standing off to the left. It disrupts the feel of the poster, really. JULES ------------- Pros: That building in the center is superb, I love how you handled that. Willis off to the side and the effects on him are nice too, and the credits are in a nice spot for the poster. Cons: You don't see many reviews on theatrical posters... usually you just see one, and it's rather isolated to a spot and small. With yours, you have two rather prominent ones, and I get the feeling you were trying to get them to stay on the black background too, but one of the lines crossed over onto the building. I wish you'd have cut the background from Bruce's picture too and just had his face there, but it still looks nice. The pictures of the others seem kind-of unneccesary where they're at-- I think it might've been better to have the face of the antagonist facing the other direction, with those pictures perhaps lined across the bottom of the building. MATCH OUTCOME ------------- Wildcat's came off to me as a poster I might overlook in a theater. That's nothing offensive-- I honestly think if blown up and stuck in a theater it'd look like an okay poster, but to the casual eye they wouldn't really see it as a thriller/horror, they'd have to have heard about the movie in advance to know about it. Most posters tend to give off a feeling of what the movie is about-- this isn't to say all do of course, but in general they at least show some part of what the movie's genre is, and looking at yours and then reading the review... it's strange, I guess. Not something you'd expect to hear about a movie on a poster like that. Jules' was nice-- I think he got the old Die Hard style poster down pat. Without having heard about Die Hard, or knowing what it's about... I could take a look at that poster and get the gist(sp?) of it from it. I'm still not too fond of the pictures on the left, but other then the idea I gave you I don't know much else for you to do with that idea. In the end, I'm giving this one to Jules, as I feel his captured his chosen movie AND acted as a better, more crisp and professional looking poster. In my eyes, putting aside my knowledge in graphic designs, I would say that walking through the theaters his poster would draw my eyes more to it and appeal to other viewers more as well. Wildcat put out a nice effort though, and I thank him for participating. Congratulations, Jules, you've passed on to the next round!
  11. Too pristine? Look at the posters Hamster posted, those are pristine white as well with something that contrasts it. SAW posters usually have either some sort of harmony in grunge, or a stark contrast with calm and dark themes. I didn't mark him down for using video game zombies-- I actualyl thought it was a great touch using video game ones to relate back, however I DID mark him down for the quality of the picture. The zombies looked too grainy and in poor quality, moreso then they should just by being faded into the fog. Read my judgements closer before you try to bring up points against me. The Extinction font I wasn't fond of, but I clearly stated that the main logo was great, and that with the SAW logo it really put me off how small and choppy it was. Yet if you actually looked at some movie posters, the logos aren't always the most dominant thing on the poster, so you can't honestly say it's always the key feature. The color photo offset the rest of the poster in my eyes, the harmony of it all ruined by it. If anything, my eyes would be closer drawn to the face then the zombies when I first saw the poster in a theater. When working with things like posters, you either want balance, or you want to draw attention to a key part of the movie. If anything, the zombies should have been more prominent. As far as me being the only judge-- I stated in the sign-up thread I was taking advisors to send me ratings of graphics for the tournament, but no one signed up for the position. And the hardest thing about having a panel (which has been proven by the monthly contests) is that not all the judges are there to send in their scores, and personal things happen that interfere. I don't want setbacks holding off the results of the matches. It's either people complain that one person is judging or people complain that it's taking weeks for a match to finish getting judged. I don't want the tournament going on forever, I want it to go at a good pace.
  12. AD: It doesn't give the second entrant an advantage, the only way they'd be able to see yours and use it to their advantage would be if they posted several days after you did. And during those several days, you're getting feedback from people to improve your graphic-- the only thing the second poster can do s ask for advice on messenger services, which the first person already had the option of doing. Otherwise, they'd post theirs shortly after yours, and not really have much time to improve theirs over yours. It balances itself out in a sense-- guy number one gets feedback before guy number two posts, guy number two gets to see how good the first one is and try to one-up it.
  13. Yeah, my policy in this tournament is that you can edit up untl deadline, but the instant both are in, I'm going to judge. My mindset is that the first person to post their graphic has plenty of time to fix things, whereas the second will have time to look at their opposition, make the changes they need to make their own better, and then post it. That's why as soon as I see both entries done, I judge the match
  14. ALLDAWSON ------------- Pros: Font placement and choice is perfect... looks exactly like how I'd see a movie poster's arrangement being. Graveyard looks nice, I like how the fog looks with the rest of the poster. Also, excellent logo, good job with that. Cons: Those zombies... ugh. I don't know why, but for some reason I just don't like them. For a Resident Evil film, I'd think they'd be more apparent and all... but it's not just that, it's the quality of the pictures. I understand they're faded into the fog, but the whole thing just seems at a low quality there. Not too happy with the way the eyes up top look either, esecially considering the zombies were color-blended so they'd be blue to fit with the poster, yet the eyes weren't. I'd have liked to see the skin tone a pale blue with those red eyes still there, really. Also, the font choice for 'Extinction' leaves much to be desired. XERO GRAVITY ------------- Pros: Looks exactly like I'd expect a SAW poster to look like. Nice and simple-- nothing too flashy, but it gets across the movie just fine. The handprint actually blending into the face of Jigsaw is a nice touch, and the effect on it is simple and effective. I also like the way you did the quote, very nicely done. Cons: Alot of empty space, the logo seems really small and choppy too. I don't like the font chosen for the 3 to be honest... just doesn't look too appealing when in comparison with the rest of the poster. The font choice for the names isn't that great either in my opinion. MATCH OUTCOME ------------- alldawson's was nice, however if I were to look at it in a movie theater I really wouldn't be too hyped about it. It just came off as an average work to me-- nothing too bad, nothing too good about it. Xero Gravity's was very well done, and I'd expect the poster to look like that in the theater. He really did a good job of mimicking the feel of past SAW posters too, while keeping things clean and simple. Xero Gravity will advance in the tournament, but it was a great effort from the both of you. Thanks for participating dawson, and congratulations Xero (Y)
  15. Yes, you may edit your graphics up until the deadline (Y)
  16. No fake movies unfortunately, but for the East Wing, since the question was PMed to me: you CAN make a fake album name for a REAL BAND, if they've not came out with any recent albums or something.
  17. Just out of curiousity: What does everyone think of the rules for the first round?
  18. Marsh versus fourstarfizzle Story: A record company has been searching for freelance designers to submit their ideas for the jewel case cover to one of their top bands latest CD releases. This does not include the back or spine-- only the front. Based on the design of the front, they will pick the top designs and ask the artists to submit the full design to them for the decision. Basic Rules: Design the front jewel case cover for an upcoming album from a band, or if you can't find any that you like, your favorite album from a band. Only the front, though... we'll take baby steps for the first round. Restrictions: Has to include the name of the band and the name of the album somewhere. Including the logo of the recording company is optional. Size: 550x550 Deadline: Sunday, March 26th
  19. adrenalinejunky versus Toffee Crisp Story: A record company has been searching for freelance designers to submit their ideas for the jewel case cover to one of their top bands latest CD releases. This does not include the back or spine-- only the front. Based on the design of the front, they will pick the top designs and ask the artists to submit the full design to them for the decision. Basic Rules: Design the front jewel case cover for an upcoming album from a band, or if you can't find any that you like, your favorite album from a band. Only the front, though... we'll take baby steps for the first round. Restrictions: Has to include the name of the band and the name of the album somewhere. Including the logo of the recording company is optional. Size: 550x550 Deadline: Sunday, March 26th
  20. Socky versus LBTN™ Story: A record company has been searching for freelance designers to submit their ideas for the jewel case cover to one of their top bands latest CD releases. This does not include the back or spine-- only the front. Based on the design of the front, they will pick the top designs and ask the artists to submit the full design to them for the decision. Basic Rules: Design the front jewel case cover for an upcoming album from a band, or if you can't find any that you like, your favorite album from a band. Only the front, though... we'll take baby steps for the first round. Restrictions: Has to include the name of the band and the name of the album somewhere. Including the logo of the recording company is optional. Size: 550x550 Deadline: Sunday, March 26th
  21. [ Tyler ] versus Refux Story: A record company has been searching for freelance designers to submit their ideas for the jewel case cover to one of their top bands latest CD releases. This does not include the back or spine-- only the front. Based on the design of the front, they will pick the top designs and ask the artists to submit the full design to them for the decision. Basic Rules: Design the front jewel case cover for an upcoming album from a band, or if you can't find any that you like, your favorite album from a band. Only the front, though... we'll take baby steps for the first round. Restrictions: Has to include the name of the band and the name of the album somewhere. Including the logo of the recording company is optional. Size: 550x550 Deadline: Sunday, March 26th
  22. ChrisSteeleAteMyHamster versus Slimlayzie Story: A record company has been searching for freelance designers to submit their ideas for the jewel case cover to one of their top bands latest CD releases. This does not include the back or spine-- only the front. Based on the design of the front, they will pick the top designs and ask the artists to submit the full design to them for the decision. Basic Rules: Design the front jewel case cover for an upcoming album from a band, or if you can't find any that you like, your favorite album from a band. Only the front, though... we'll take baby steps for the first round. Restrictions: Has to include the name of the band and the name of the album somewhere. Including the logo of the recording company is optional. Size: 550x550 Deadline: Sunday, March 26th
  23. alternateyou versus Livid Story: A record company has been searching for freelance designers to submit their ideas for the jewel case cover to one of their top bands latest CD releases. This does not include the back or spine-- only the front. Based on the design of the front, they will pick the top designs and ask the artists to submit the full design to them for the decision. Basic Rules: Design the front jewel case cover for an upcoming album from a band, or if you can't find any that you like, your favorite album from a band. Only the front, though... we'll take baby steps for the first round. Restrictions: Has to include the name of the band and the name of the album somewhere. Including the logo of the recording company is optional. Size: 550x550 Deadline: Sunday, March 26th
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