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The Mask of Norro

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Everything posted by The Mask of Norro

  1. Daemon versus Dan Story: A record company has been searching for freelance designers to submit their ideas for the jewel case cover to one of their top bands latest CD releases. This does not include the back or spine-- only the front. Based on the design of the front, they will pick the top designs and ask the artists to submit the full design to them for the decision. Basic Rules: Design the front jewel case cover for an upcoming album from a band, or if you can't find any that you like, your favorite album from a band. Only the front, though... we'll take baby steps for the first round. Restrictions: Has to include the name of the band and the name of the album somewhere. Including the logo of the recording company is optional. Size: 550x550 Deadline: Sunday, March 26th
  2. SeanDMan versus Rated R Superstar Story: A record company has been searching for freelance designers to submit their ideas for the jewel case cover to one of their top bands latest CD releases. This does not include the back or spine-- only the front. Based on the design of the front, they will pick the top designs and ask the artists to submit the full design to them for the decision. Basic Rules: Design the front jewel case cover for an upcoming album from a band, or if you can't find any that you like, your favorite album from a band. Only the front, though... we'll take baby steps for the first round. Restrictions: Has to include the name of the band and the name of the album somewhere. Including the logo of the recording company is optional. Size: 550x550 Deadline: Sunday, March 26th
  3. Dochappy versus TheMystikFool Story: You've been accepted as a freelance graphics artist by a film company, and they want you to design for them a promotional poster for their upcoming movie, _________. The design will be featured in movie theaters wherever the movie is being shown, so they especially want you to do a good job with it. Basic Rules: Create a movie poster for whatever upcoming movie you'd like or, if there are none that you're interested in doing, create one for your favorite movie. Take a look at actual theater promotional posters for movies before you make one, though... remember: the more professional the design, the better the results. Restrictions: Credits for the film are optional, but you MUST have the names of at least one or two main actors/actresses featured in the movie featured somewhere on the poster, as well as the name/logo of the movie itself. Size: 600x860 Deadline: Sunday, March 26th
  4. Blink versus Hipster Doofus Story: You've been accepted as a freelance graphics artist by a film company, and they want you to design for them a promotional poster for their upcoming movie, _________. The design will be featured in movie theaters wherever the movie is being shown, so they especially want you to do a good job with it. Basic Rules: Create a movie poster for whatever upcoming movie you'd like or, if there are none that you're interested in doing, create one for your favorite movie. Take a look at actual theater promotional posters for movies before you make one, though... remember: the more professional the design, the better the results. Restrictions: Credits for the film are optional, but you MUST have the names of at least one or two main actors/actresses featured in the movie featured somewhere on the poster, as well as the name/logo of the movie itself. Size: 600x860 Deadline: Sunday, March 26th
  5. B0XY versus Milligan Story: You've been accepted as a freelance graphics artist by a film company, and they want you to design for them a promotional poster for their upcoming movie, _________. The design will be featured in movie theaters wherever the movie is being shown, so they especially want you to do a good job with it. Basic Rules: Create a movie poster for whatever upcoming movie you'd like or, if there are none that you're interested in doing, create one for your favorite movie. Take a look at actual theater promotional posters for movies before you make one, though... remember: the more professional the design, the better the results. Restrictions: Credits for the film are optional, but you MUST have the names of at least one or two main actors/actresses featured in the movie featured somewhere on the poster, as well as the name/logo of the movie itself. Size: 600x860 Deadline: Sunday, March 26th
  6. Cole versus Hurricane Story: You've been accepted as a freelance graphics artist by a film company, and they want you to design for them a promotional poster for their upcoming movie, _________. The design will be featured in movie theaters wherever the movie is being shown, so they especially want you to do a good job with it. Basic Rules: Create a movie poster for whatever upcoming movie you'd like or, if there are none that you're interested in doing, create one for your favorite movie. Take a look at actual theater promotional posters for movies before you make one, though... remember: the more professional the design, the better the results. Restrictions: Credits for the film are optional, but you MUST have the names of at least one or two main actors/actresses featured in the movie featured somewhere on the poster, as well as the name/logo of the movie itself. Size: 600x860 Deadline: Sunday, March 26th
  7. Dirty Johnny 27 versus Evansfan1 Story: You've been accepted as a freelance graphics artist by a film company, and they want you to design for them a promotional poster for their upcoming movie, _________. The design will be featured in movie theaters wherever the movie is being shown, so they especially want you to do a good job with it. Basic Rules: Create a movie poster for whatever upcoming movie you'd like or, if there are none that you're interested in doing, create one for your favorite movie. Take a look at actual theater promotional posters for movies before you make one, though... remember: the more professional the design, the better the results. Restrictions: Credits for the film are optional, but you MUST have the names of at least one or two main actors/actresses featured in the movie featured somewhere on the poster, as well as the name/logo of the movie itself. Size: 600x860 Deadline: Sunday, March 26th
  8. alldawson versus Xero Gravity Story: You've been accepted as a freelance graphics artist by a film company, and they want you to design for them a promotional poster for their upcoming movie, _________. The design will be featured in movie theaters wherever the movie is being shown, so they especially want you to do a good job with it. Basic Rules: Create a movie poster for whatever upcoming movie you'd like or, if there are none that you're interested in doing, create one for your favorite movie. Take a look at actual theater promotional posters for movies before you make one, though... remember: the more professional the design, the better the results. Restrictions: Credits for the film are optional, but you MUST have the names of at least one or two main actors/actresses featured in the movie featured somewhere on the poster, as well as the name/logo of the movie itself. Size: 600x860 Deadline: Sunday, March 26th
  9. Wildcat versus Jules Story: You've been accepted as a freelance graphics artist by a film company, and they want you to design for them a promotional poster for their upcoming movie, _________. The design will be featured in movie theaters wherever the movie is being shown, so they especially want you to do a good job with it. Basic Rules: Create a movie poster for whatever upcoming movie you'd like or, if there are none that you're interested in doing, create one for your favorite movie. Take a look at actual theater promotional posters for movies before you make one, though... remember: the more professional the design, the better the results. Restrictions: Credits for the film are optional, but you MUST have the names of at least one or two main actors/actresses featured in the movie featured somewhere on the poster, as well as the name/logo of the movie itself. Size: 600x860 Deadline: Sunday, March 26th
  10. Brackets updated. We had a request to enter the tournament and replace Red XIII from a very credible graphic designer, but since Mystik already took the spot I let him join in late since the matches hadn't begun. What you see is the final brackets, folks! Rules are being made now, match topics going up soon!
  11. Hipster: I honestly don't know man, I wish he got in on it, but he just didn't Mystik: You're in, I'll edit the brackets to show that you're taking Red's place, and then start posting matches in a bit. Good luck, everyone!
  12. Was going to have those matches posted last night, but ran into a bit of a snag. I'm going to be going to bed for a few hours (I woke up an hour ago to help with the yard, dead tired now) and then when I get on that'll be the first thing I do. I think you all will find round one's rules to everyone's liking
  13. Well you're in luck, matches start tonight once I post them eventually and don't end until next Sunday... since the tournament's only just starting, the longest deadline is going to be the first round. As the tournament advances, deadlines will be lowered for time reasons. But for now, everyone has just over a week when I post the rules. And about Red XIII vs. Dochappy... if Red's banned (I didn't realize he was) then I'll see about finding a replacement before the match deadline, otherwise yeah... Doc will get a BYE.
  14. Tommorow night at around 12:00AM EST I will hopefully begin to post the match topics for the first round. All of your opponents have been randomly selected, so no complaints to me. All matches will follow the same set of rules-- however the rules will be different for the east and west sides of the tournament. Prepare yourselves, good luck to all of you, and remember: the winner might get a prize-- nothing is set in stone yet, but if they do, it will be a good one. The runner-up will get a prize too, IF the winner gets one.
  15. No no, I'm doing what you and AJ said-- I've had the canvas on Photoshop anyway... I've just been manually slicing them now to fix the problem.
  16. Ah, alright... awesome, I think I get what to do now. Thanks for the thought, Jordan-- I updated the graphics to make them fit better, and noticed you had the mural coded to 800x500 like the original graphic sizes were... so now they're a wee bit overstretched. I'll probably have to copy your code and manually put in the new dimensions for each... but I really appreciate that you did that for me
  17. I'm currently in the process of designing my own graphics mural, the theme being A-Z Video Games. Thing is, I don't know exactly how to put it together on a webpage... so I was wondering if one of you guys who does know could whip together a page for me and sorta update it for me until I'm done with the mural? That'd be awesome Here's the link to my Photobucket Account Subfolder where the graphics are located: http://photobucket.com/albums/v64/NorrisScott/Mural/ Thanks
  18. This is the final list, ladies and gentlemen! No more sign ups!
  19. And Dan is our last sign-up. Sign-ups officially closed!
  20. Lately? That font's been overused for the past several years. The graphic is alright-- nothing too special, nothing really other then the font that I can think to improve on... it's just average.
  21. Peaceful is a state of surroundings or being, peace is an emotion, but either way it works really
  22. That's true... guess it'll work out alright then. Next up to the plate? I want to get my hands dirty in this thing again soon!
  23. ... dimensions are 800x500, yours is 979x500 Resize it, otherwise it's actually pretty good.
  24. It's a general rule of thumb, Mr. rell, that when a graphic is posted there's feedback to be had. Did you expect no one to reply to the topic and for it to fall into the shadows? Honestly man, come on. I'm tempted to warn you for gravedigging, but the topic hadn't been left alone but for a few weeks, so I don't know. Just try to learn: You're not posting graphics here without feedback, unless it's not good enough to garner positive replies, yet not sucky enough to garner negative ones. Mediocre graphics generally are left unnoticed, and this one was obviously neither mediocre nor good. Just learn from the responses and improve from them, that's it. Now, if this badgering continues, I'm just going to lock the topic, so try to grin and bear the criticism, and apply it to your future works so you can improve, okay?
  25. You'll keep updating it, right Keef? Because I'd love to continue this
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