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The Mask of Norro

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Everything posted by The Mask of Norro

  1. DEADLINE EXTENSION If by midnight tonight I don't see a majority of the battles for this round with both competitor's peices submitted, I'll give a 24 hour extension for everyone to meet. People like FSF have already said they won't make midnight tonight, so if that's the case, an extension WILL be given. But that's only IF the majority of battles are incomplete-- as is the case right now. JUDGES I'm looking for two people to judge alongside of me. Judges must send me their scores ASAP upon the completion of a match, and must follow the same format that I do in judging graphics (see previous battles). Judges can be tournament members that have lost in the first round, but keep in mind that who the judges are will be selective, and not on a first-come-first-serve basis. That means if I think someone can be a better judge then you, and they signed up later on, they'll get the spot over you. To apply as a judge, simply say "I'd like to judge". To ask for an extension, reply with "I need that extension" If the majority of those remaining need extensions, they'll be given. I don't want to see the second round filled with default victories, and there aren't going to be replacements in the second round. That's all everyone.
  2. I went into really fine detail with the robot, so I don't know if it's so much the cutting being iffy and making it look blurred perhaps as it is the lighting itself. Like on the head for instance, I used the circle tool and kept having to retry time and time again before I finally made a perfect fit to the thing's head. That way I wouldn't have any bad edges on the round head. Alot of my cutting I did at around 300% magnified, so as to get as close a cut as I could obtain. With the logo though I could imagine where you'd see it-- was really hard to do anything with that, but I managed. I'm guessing you mean the dark edges in the three circles? Yeah, I'll spruce that up today and see how it looks. I'll pick up the slogan at the bottom too just a bit from the credits. As far as the title goes though, I'm not sure how much bigger I should make it. Really, not all posters have the name as the primary focus-- that's why I wanted the robot to be, as to casual viewers that would catch your attention immediately. THEN your eyes would start to roam and you'd see the title. But I'll try to enlarge the logo a bit, see how that goes. Check back in the thread in a few, I'll start on all that now... should look better when I'm done, I hope EDIT: There, done. Tell me what you guys think!
  3. Haha, you got me in advance kempay: I just added one before I even read your post. How's it look now? And by the way-- I basically said there was NO credits on a black background, hence me being unable to do the 'screen' trick. If I could have done that I wouldn't have spent so long cutting them out, lol.
  4. Went ALOT more into detail with this one then my Vendetta one... and I think it came out alot better too. Spent a good three hours on the design-- the part that took the longest was the credits, as I had to find a DVD design and zoom in on the credits, then manually cut them out letter-by-letter because of the background (there were NO good pictures with the credits on a black backdrop... bah). With the primary cut of Marvin, I messed around with the lighting to match the background I used... I think that came out well, too I hope everyone likes it, feedback is as always highly appreciated Link
  5. I'll report it to the webmaster of the site if dawson didn't give permission for them to use it, otherwise that may have been the case: they got permission. But I'll make sure to find that out first.
  6. Oy, this is what I get for mass-producing rules x_o It was a typographical error, was supposed to read 'fictional company of a product' Basically, a company which produces something wants a logo design, and then a business card. Just like Destroyer said: two seperate graphics: logo and card
  7. Fixed it up dawson to what you said, whatcha think now?
  8. It's not so much that I disagree with you at all, it's that you didn't elaborate in your first reply. Now that you've elaborated, I have plenty on my plate to work with on the design. As I said, I want this as professional a design as possible, so all the help I can get is appreciated, and I'm glad you've voiced your opinion. You might say the other posters don't look professional either actually, I don't know, but the fact is regardless of what you do and don't think is professional, you've given me some useful feedback which I can work with now, rather then what you had before. EDIT: How does it look now?: Link: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v64/Norr...orVendetta3.jpg
  9. Whoops, meant to read "of a product" My mistake, sorry
  10. It's a fictional company, so it can be whatever you want.
  11. The logo is one of the official logos for the movie, so there's not much I could do there dawson considering I was keeping it true to the professional designs. Font I tried to keep close to another font they used for a poster of theirs, and the whole glow/shadow thing around the main cut was suggested to be put on. When I get back I'll make another version without it, we'll see how that looks with all the other changes. EDIT: and as an aside, what do you mean 'the main cut should be better'? Majority of the V for Vendetta posters have V, the priamary characer, placed in the shadows to keep him obscure yet the focus of the poster all at once. The rest have him sharing the spotlight with Portman's character. If you mean the cutting, it's really hard to make it any better then what it is, considering the fact that the cutting is (and this isn't me having an ego, there's just no cutting it any other way) as perfect as it can get for the image I've selected. Considering there aren't many other images that are large enough, much less would work with the poster itself, that's the only one I can really work with. Just saying, you're kinda being vague with your reply there, not really giving me much to work with other then 'the shadow looks icky', which I *can* work with, but everything else doesn't help much. What about the text detracts? Should I try to find a font that matches the official logo more? What should I do with the main cut that would make it better? Compare this poster to the official ones, I was trying to keep it true to their style, as most film companies develop one for their posters that the designers for them are asked to follow. You gotta give me a bit more then what you've given me there if you want me to make it look better, dawson.
  12. Fixed the bottom font, changed the top effect on the actor's names because I realized italisizing them would actually work better due to the slants in the background, and I dulled the shadow just a tad as from a distance I noticed it looked a bit too strong.
  13. And I'm grateful for that man, thanks. Fixed things up again, how's it look now?
  14. There, touched it up again. You guys made some good suggestions that I should have thought of to begin with, now I feel dumb xD
  15. There, done with that... the names are fixed now. Also, not all theatrical posters have super small credits
  16. Yeah, the name thing I'm planning on fixing now because originally I had them centered, and only now do I noticed I didn't finish de-centering them, lol.
  17. Took me about an hour to design this. I've been trying to brush up on my skills as more of a professional designer rather than a recreational one, so my works might start looking more 'appealing' later on and all. I'd seriously appreciate feedback, because I'm actually pretty proud of this one. Tried to keep it true to some of the posters there were already for the movie, yet not so close to their style that it's like a clone. So far from the feedback I've gotten, I not only did that but also made it look like something they'd expect to see in a theater. So I'm confident enough to post it here now Link
  18. Not neccesarily, msot of the billboard designs I've seen have the company name/logo with the address in smaller print under it. A phone number is generally then isolated in the far lower right hand corner. At least, that's the majority of the billboard designs I've seen. However, tell you what: If you want to come up with something different for the design then go ahead. Looking at it, it's a bit tight a rule set there, and not all company billboards do have that-- just the majority of the ones I've seen. So yeah, go ahead and forego those, just be sure to include some form of contact info (or a web site to obtain said info from as you suggested) along with the company name, that's the only restriction I'll keep.
  19. adrenalinejunky versus fourstarfizzle Story: A company is looking for billboard designers in your area to create a billboard design either promoting their company, an idea it supports, or an event being held by them. Not only do they want to see your proposed design, but they also want to see what it would look like on a billboard *before* it goes up on one! Basic Rules: Create a billboard design for a company, an idea (pro-life/abortion, equal rights, etc.), or an event (circus, fund raiser, etc.). Then, take your design and find a picture of an actual billboard. Using that billboard, replace the design already on it with your own in as realistic a fashion as you can. Restrictions: Make it clear what your billboard is stating: if it's a company, include their name, address, and a phone number to reach them by. If it's an event, include it's name, date, ticket pricing(if any) and where it's held. If it's an idea, you don't have to *say* what the idea is, but you should make it apparent as to what it represents. Size: Billboard design should be 900x500. There is no size limit to the billboard you place your design on, so long as it isn't smaller than 500x300 Deadline: Tuesday, April 11th
  20. [ Tyler ] versus LBTN™ Story: A company is looking for billboard designers in your area to create a billboard design either promoting their company, an idea it supports, or an event being held by them. Not only do they want to see your proposed design, but they also want to see what it would look like on a billboard *before* it goes up on one! Basic Rules: Create a billboard design for a company, an idea (pro-life/abortion, equal rights, etc.), or an event (circus, fund raiser, etc.). Then, take your design and find a picture of an actual billboard. Using that billboard, replace the design already on it with your own in as realistic a fashion as you can. Restrictions: Make it clear what your billboard is stating: if it's a company, include their name, address, and a phone number to reach them by. If it's an event, include it's name, date, ticket pricing(if any) and where it's held. If it's an idea, you don't have to *say* what the idea is, but you should make it apparent as to what it represents. Size: Billboard design should be 900x500. There is no size limit to the billboard you place your design on, so long as it isn't smaller than 500x300 Deadline: Tuesday, April 11th
  21. Livid versus ChrisSteeleAteMyHamster Story: A company is looking for billboard designers in your area to create a billboard design either promoting their company, an idea it supports, or an event being held by them. Not only do they want to see your proposed design, but they also want to see what it would look like on a billboard *before* it goes up on one! Basic Rules: Create a billboard design for a company, an idea (pro-life/abortion, equal rights, etc.), or an event (circus, fund raiser, etc.). Then, take your design and find a picture of an actual billboard. Using that billboard, replace the design already on it with your own in as realistic a fashion as you can. Restrictions: Make it clear what your billboard is stating: if it's a company, include their name, address, and a phone number to reach them by. If it's an event, include it's name, date, ticket pricing(if any) and where it's held. If it's an idea, you don't have to *say* what the idea is, but you should make it apparent as to what it represents. Size: Billboard design should be 900x500. There is no size limit to the billboard you place your design on, so long as it isn't smaller than 500x300 Deadline: Tuesday, April 11th
  22. Rated R Superstar versus zed Story: A company is looking for billboard designers in your area to create a billboard design either promoting their company, an idea it supports, or an event being held by them. Not only do they want to see your proposed design, but they also want to see what it would look like on a billboard *before* it goes up on one! Basic Rules: Create a billboard design for a company, an idea (pro-life/abortion, equal rights, etc.), or an event (circus, fund raiser, etc.). Then, take your design and find a picture of an actual billboard. Using that billboard, replace the design already on it with your own in as realistic a fashion as you can. Restrictions: Make it clear what your billboard is stating: if it's a company, include their name, address, and a phone number to reach them by. If it's an event, include it's name, date, ticket pricing(if any) and where it's held. If it's an idea, you don't have to *say* what the idea is, but you should make it apparent as to what it represents. Size: Billboard design should be 900x500. There is no size limit to the billboard you place your design on, so long as it isn't smaller than 500x300 Deadline: Tuesday, April 11th
  23. Dochappy versus Eddie's World Order Story: An up-and-coming company in your area is looking for graphic designers to update their current logo to fit more 'modern' standards. Along with this, they're looking for a sample of the logo on a business card, and it's up to you to make that happen. Basic Rules: Design a logo for a fictional company of and product, and design a business card for yourself as the said company's freelance graphic artist. Restrictions: Obviously must include the name of the company on both. For the business card, include a name, address, phone + fax number, and an email address (all may be fictional) Size: Keep logo sizes below 600x600(that would be a hi-res logo). Business card size should be 500x300 Deadline: Tuesday, April 11th
  24. digitallyfaded versus Keith Clark Story: An up-and-coming company in your area is looking for graphic designers to update their current logo to fit more 'modern' standards. Along with this, they're looking for a sample of the logo on a business card, and it's up to you to make that happen. Basic Rules: Design a logo for a fictional company of a product, and design a business card for yourself as the said company's freelance graphic artist. Restrictions: Obviously must include the name of the company on both. For the business card, include a name, address, phone + fax number, and an email address (all may be fictional) Size: Keep logo sizes below 600x600(that would be a hi-res logo). Business card size should be 500x300 Deadline: Tuesday, April 11th
  25. thederekeffect1 versus Aaron Maiden Story: An up-and-coming company in your area is looking for graphic designers to update their current logo to fit more 'modern' standards. Along with this, they're looking for a sample of the logo on a business card, and it's up to you to make that happen. Basic Rules: Design a logo for a fictional company of and product, and design a business card for yourself as the said company's freelance graphic artist. Restrictions: Obviously must include the name of the company on both. For the business card, include a name, address, phone + fax number, and an email address (all may be fictional) Size: Keep logo sizes below 600x600(that would be a hi-res logo). Business card size should be 500x300 Deadline: Tuesday, April 11th
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