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Everything posted by Bill1996

  1. Yes, there is... She has also wrestled under "Amber 2.0," which is why that is her current name ingame. With the other Amber being deleted, we can (and probably will) rename her. The thing is, all of those workers that you have mentioned as portraying Dr. Muscle are already in the game as themselves... That's why I figured that the Dr. Muscle that was in the game was a duplicate of one of those workers... Which one is anyone's guess, since there wasn't any alter egos, relationships, etc, to figure out who it really was. Believe it or not, Sprules actually has a bio on IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm2659009/bio With his birthdate there (which needs to be changed in the game) he's one of those that would fall under the "Jaime Koeppe rule" that I mentioned in last month's thread... If they don't have missing info, they're really not on my radar for removal. IMDB does state that he has booked wrestling shows and is a writer, so moving him to staff (as a Road Agent or a Writer) would be a possibility, if people are really wanting him out of the game as a worker... But, I really don't see the need to remove him... Again, he's not hurting anything. I have set his card position to "Non-Wrestler," though. -Bill
  2. Another issue I'm aware of is that, 99% of the time, we're adding a loyalty relationship for trainers and students. The probelm with that is the way the game treats the loyalty relationship... If you fire a trainer/student, the person(s) that they have a "loyalty" to will leave the promotion as well (if not under a written deal) or will take a major hit in morale. In a lot of cases, these probably aren't realistic. Just picking one out of the air here... Shawn Michaels and Simply Luscious have a "loyalty" relationship. The reason being is that Simply Luscious went to Shawn's wrestling academy... But, I have a very hard time believing that Shawn would be upset enough to take a major morale hit (or out and out quit a promotion if under an open deal) if she were released from a promotion that they both worked in at the same time... That's the kind of relationships I think we need to either tone down, or remove altogether. Another example is a guy like CM Punk... He has a lot of "loyalty" relationships, because he's trained a fair amount of workers... But, would he quit a promotion, or take a major hit in morale, if one of the workers he trained was released? I kinda doubt it... Daniel Bryan or Colt Cabana? OK, I could see those being legit... But, Ace Steel, Allison Danger or Evan Starsmore? Workers like that, not so much. I think if we go through, we'll probably find a lot of instances like those illustrated above... We just have to remembe how the game treats those relationships and use a bit of discretion. -Bill
  3. OK, first off, sorry for the delay... The weather and my personal schedule both played a factor into the delay, but I was also able to get some things done that wouldn't have gotten done, so... As I said last month, I started some "house cleaning" on workers and staff that we could find little or no info on. If, for some reason, we ever do find info, pics, etc on a deleted worker, I have all of the in-game info that we had on them (such as stats, relationships, etc) archived, so they will be easy to add in... Quite honestly, though, I doubt it'll be an issue. In total, 10 workers and 5 staff members were removed this month. Here is the list of the ones removed and notes regarding why, where applicable: I'm hoping to do this on a semi-regular basis... I won't say EVERY month, but I'm going to try to get some done every month... doesn't mean it will happen. One thing I'd like some people to take a deeper look at this month are the relationships in the game. There has been discussions about there being "too many," but the fact is, if it is a LEGIT relationship, it shouldn't not be added, just because there are "too many." If some want to go through the in-game relationships and work on "weeding out" some of the ones that probably don't need to be in, we can probably cut down on some relationships, while keeping the ones in the game that SHOULD be in... Anyone doing this, keep in mind how THE GAME sees the relationships... Workers with loyalties and friendships have the morale go down when "friends" are released and workers who dislike or hate each other don't like working together... Finally, like I said, I'll be holding off for a week or so before really getting into changing workers stats... That way, if people want to compare and contrast how stats look compared to other worekrs, there's some time to do that, without having to worry about me already changing the stat, based on someone else's suggestion. Let's say that, until July 20th, I won't make any changes on stats... I got plenty of other junk I can work on, anyway. -Bill MediaFire: FULL: http://www.mediafire.com/?e5e9120aywt8ntu DATA: http://www.mediafire.com/?kh97kqcsksuhkuj BEGINNERS: http://www.mediafire.com/?8qil0p5i147bvj1
  4. The point was, it's a big pain in the ass to remove someone, only to have to add them back in... Finlay was a perfect example... People screamed that he should be staff... I made him staff and, the next month, WWE fires him and he's wrestling elsewhere... My luck, even as insignificant as Jaime Koeppe is to the wrestling world, if I remove her, she'll pop up somewhere in 2 weeks... Given the fact that we have her correct birthmonth, age and have a picture, she isn't causing any problems in the database, so I see no real reason to remove her, or any other worker that falls under the same scenario. If we don't have accurate info on a worker and they haven't been around in a while, or are a relative unknown, that's a bit of a different story... Because, chances are, if they ever return, we'll be able to get the info that we previously didn't have on them. -Bill
  5. I have a better suggestion, why is she even in the game? She NEVER EVER wrestled, managed or did non-wrestling work in the wrestling business. She just won the the initial Diva Search and had a photo shoot for WWE.com, a brief mention on WWE tv and maybe a WWE magazine spread. Other than that, she had no link to wrestling. I thought I remembered hearing that she managed at one or two WWE developmental shows at one time (though I don't have anything offhand to back it up). But, point taken; if we're looking up to free up some space on the workers list, she'd be a good candidate for deletion as at any rate it's probably safe to assume she won't be coming back. By that token, I'd assume too that some/most of the Jersey Shore cast members that made one-off appearances probably won't be involved in wrestling again? The bolded part is the main issue here... It always seems like, when we think some one isn't going to be in wrestling again, lo and behod, someone reports that so and so is appearing somewhere. Then, inevitably, someone wants that person back in the game... So, I end up taking time removing the worker, only to have to re-add them... My guess is, two years ago, most people would have said that The Rock was "done" with wrestling... So, if I had gone off of that and removed him, I'm 99.99% sure people would have screamed for him to be back in, once he was announced as host of WrestleMania XXVII. While I am looking to "streamline" the workers somewhat, I'm mroe interested in removing workers that are in the data that we can't find basic info on, such as birthmonths, ages and in some cases, a picture. In Koeppe's case (and the "Jersey Shore" members you mentioned) this info is very easily accessed. While I'm not a Jersey Shore fan, nor am I a big fan of Jaime Koeppe, those type of workers aren't my concern right now, because they're not creating holes in the data. The ones I'm looking at currently are ones that we have very little, or no info whatsoever on. -Bill
  6. Give him some time. These storms were pretty nasty. I'm not sure where Bill lives, but there are people here (in Ohio) are going to be without power till Sunday. I live in Indiana... We went out Friday at around 3PM EST and got back on saturday at about 11AM, so we were without power for about 20 hours. Being one of the few with power, we were hosting company on Saturday and Sunday, we had a wedding to go to. The plan was to finish Sunday night or Monday, but then our car started acting up... First, the AC went out (not fun in 103 degree temps) then the brake lights wouldn't go off... Got the brake issue fixed, but spent a good part of the day working on the AC and still nothing... Seems like lately, once we solve one issue, another pops up... ANYWAY... I'm aiming to have July's update wrapped up by tomorrow or Friday. I've started on adjusting the ages for those who have a birthmonth of June and that's usually the last thing I do before wrapping the update up... Of course, anytime I "have a plan," something happens to throw a monkey wrench into it... -Bill
  7. I have a better suggestion, why is she even in the game? She NEVER EVER wrestled, managed or did non-wrestling work in the wrestling business. She just won the the initial Diva Search and had a photo shoot for WWE.com, a brief mention on WWE tv and maybe a WWE magazine spread. Other than that, she had no link to wrestling. I thought I remembered hearing that she managed at one or two WWE developmental shows at one time (though I don't have anything offhand to back it up). But, point taken; if we're looking up to free up some space on the workers list, she'd be a good candidate for deletion as at any rate it's probably safe to assume she won't be coming back. By that token, I'd assume too that some/most of the Jersey Shore cast members that made one-off appearances probably won't be involved in wrestling again? OK, 720 has to be Red, or his twin... Red's been trying to get Koeppe out of the game for a couple years now... -Bill
  8. Just a quick note for everyone... We had a pretty big storm here yesterday that knocked out power for about 100,000 people, including my house. The electric just came back on within the past half hour, afetr being out for about 20 hours. It's likely going to be a little later on the release date of the update. Right now, I'm eyeing Monday or Tuesday, pending on how much time I actually have to work on the update. -Bill
  9. She is over in one promotion but enough in others. Should that be her only promotion than sure. The problem is McKay and Matthews are more over in SHIMMER than Yim is. IMO split the difference for Yim and put her at 45. IMO that is the best because you have the concessions from both sides Bill wants to keep her even with the other girls in SHIMMER and you want her over because she is over in only one of her three promotions. This is the top part of my chart of Shimmer workers... The numbers highlighted in green are the current ingame overnesses for the workers. Yim is highlighted in yellow. 47 is pretty much as high as I'm gonna go and, to be honest, as I said before, I don't really think she even deserves that, when compared to where the rest of the Shimmer roster is. Leva Bates, Kana and probably even Wrestling Goddess Athena are more over than Yim is in Shimmer, but I can justify Yim being above them overall, based on her work with ROH and CZW. I worked on this for a few hours today and again, I think it's more than fair, especially if you look at the others in the game around that overness. -Bill
  10. From what I've found, this guy is a ring announcer/commentator and not a "worker," per se... Looks like he'd be better fit as a staff member than as a worker... -Bill
  11. Going through some notes, figured I'd post some stuff... Whitmer is on the web pages for ROH, DGUSA, AAW and HWA... Gonna have to pick one to be the "odd man out" Is he using "Mixed Martial Archie" in ROH as well? Because he's on the ROH roster in the game as well as Chikara. Really think Liger deserves that much? He's only in CMLL and by comparison, the second highest paid guy in CMLL currently is Mr. Aguila at $49K... Liger is already at $56K... Just seems like a BIG jump... I found his birthmonth and age that appears in the game from here: http://www.myspace.com/dizkosexxxgod Only source I could find, so had to go with it. Um... Why? Depends on if someone provides stats for them... -Bill
  12. Shimmer will at least stay Regional though the July update. I was just bringing up the possibility, becasue of the fact that they are affiliated with SHINE. From what I understand, they plan to run monthly SHINE iPPV's during the months that SHIMMER doesn't run. The roster has a fair amount of Shimmer talent, but there are some wrestlers who have never worked for Shimmer that are listed for SHINE. While they are a sister promotion of Shimmer, I'm not sure that Prazak is actually booking it. Staff members that I do know are involved are Sal Hamaoui, Gabe Sapolsky, Lenny Leonard, and Dontay Brown (Florida Underground Wrestling). Lexie Fyfe and Daffney are also involved in off-camera roles (although I do believe Daffney will be on-camera as well, but not wrestling). Like I said, I'm not gonna touch much of anything until at least their first show runs... The only thing I've done, game-wise was add an event for Shimmer for July called "SHINE #1." Once SHINE gets running, we can then better determine what to do... I think the adjustments I made earlier should suffice for the time being. However, if I were to argue for Shimmer being a Cult Promotion, I would use the argument that, while they only actually run a couple times a year, they put out a total of 8 DVD's during those tapings, so that could be looked at as the equivalent of running 8 shows a year. They just have a different way of taping the content. I'd also point out the fact that a fair amount of fans fly in from other countries specifically for the Shimmer Tapings. There usually are a decent number of fans from Germany, the UK, Australia and Japan, not to mention fans from all over the US and Canada... For a good majority of the fans to be attending all the shows brings out the cult-like quality, kind of like how the ECW crowd was in the beginning... I haven't been to a CZW, PWS or Chikara show, so I don't know if the same can be said for those crowds. Again, certainly not changing anything right now, but it's something to think about, especially if they do end up doing the monthly SHINE shows, as planned. -Bill
  13. That's the thing... There's a buffer of 9 overness points... Hopefully, this explains the situation: WSU is a "Small" Promotion... Kimber Lee is a Midcarder there. The overness range for Midcarders in a Small promotion is 11-20... Using the 9 point buffer, I can set her at 29, but that's the highest I can set her at, overness-wise, before the game determines that she should be an Upper Midcarder in the Promotion. That's when the writers, etc, are gonna be bitching at you to promote her. Simply put, putting her at an overness higher than 29 would have the writers and everyone bitching at you when you start the game. I recently went through and made sure that thaat didn't happen for every promotion... Took about a day and a half... Since then, I've been making sure that we don't have the problem again. EDIT: Just went through the entire Shimmer Roster and updated overnesses... Ended up giving Mia Yim a 42 over (which I personally think is still a bit high, but can live with it in comparison to the rest of the roster) and bumped Kimber Lee up to 32, with a wage of $8K... Like I said, had to make her an upper midcarder in WSU to do it, but with the adjusting of the Shimmer Roster, some others got bumped up, card-wise as well. Hopefully, that's a fair compromise for the time being. -Bill
  14. I've seen these posted a few times now and figured I'd address them... Kimber Lee is a midcarder in WSU... Meaning, the max overness she can have is 29... Any higher and she'd have to be bumped up to an upper midcarder in WSU, which she really hasn't gotten to as of yet... At the last WSU show, she was the first eliminated in a tag elimination match full of workers that are even a stretch to be calling midcarders in WSU. Mia is kind of in the same boat... She's a lower midcarder in Shimmer, which means her max overness is 44... I was at the last set of tapings and, if I'm really being honest, I'd have her in the mid 30's for overness, based on what I've seen from her (and her crowd reactions) in Shimmer. By comparison, Nicole Matthews is currently at a 44 and she was in the Main Event of Volume 45 and was in the Tag Title Match on Volume 48... Jessie McKay is at a 41 and she beat Yim on Volume 45... Yim spent the rest of the weekend teaming with Davina Rose, while McKay beat MsChif and had a Title shot on Volume 47. Maybe it's just because I've just seen Mia Yim's Shimmer work, but I don't see what she's done to warrant a 48 over, especially when Nicole Matthews and Jessie McKay are at 44 and 41, respectively. That may be their card positions in SHIMMER and WSU, but they are more well known in CZW, which is a bigger company than both. In CZW Kimber Lee is a well-known manager and wrestler, and in CZW Mia Yim has worked a series of matches with Greg Excellent that accumulated in a TLC match, she is VERY over with the crowd. I think the best solution here would be to raise the overness of the other women you mentioned, to accommodate it all. The problem with that solution is that, if I raise all of the overnesses, then ALL of the workers in those promotions run the risk of not being in their card position. Like I said before, if I set Kimber Lee higher than a 29 in WSU, I'd have to make her an upper midcarder... Raising all of the other workers to compensate for that would cause more card position problems. I can work with it some, but I also have to stay within the confines of what the game sets for card positions based on overness. Another argument that COULD be brought into the discussion would be to bump Shimmer up to a Cult promotion... Not saying we SHOULD, but, with the debut of their monthly SHINE shows starting in July, it's not out of the realm of possibility, either. -Bill
  15. I've seen these posted a few times now and figured I'd address them... Kimber Lee is a midcarder in WSU... Meaning, the max overness she can have is 29... Any higher and she'd have to be bumped up to an upper midcarder in WSU, which she really hasn't gotten to as of yet... At the last WSU show, she was the first eliminated in a tag elimination match full of workers that are even a stretch to be calling midcarders in WSU. Mia is kind of in the same boat... She's a lower midcarder in Shimmer, which means her max overness is 44... I was at the last set of tapings and, if I'm really being honest, I'd have her in the mid 30's for overness, based on what I've seen from her (and her crowd reactions) in Shimmer. By comparison, Nicole Matthews is currently at a 44 and she was in the Main Event of Volume 45 and was in the Tag Title Match on Volume 48... Jessie McKay is at a 41 and she beat Yim on Volume 45... Yim spent the rest of the weekend teaming with Davina Rose, while McKay beat MsChif and had a Title shot on Volume 47. Maybe it's just because I've just seen Mia Yim's Shimmer work, but I don't see what she's done to warrant a 48 over, especially when Nicole Matthews and Jessie McKay are at 44 and 41, respectively. I guess we COULD do something like that... If we did that, I think the simplest solution would be to: Rename mynetworkTV to "National Sports Network," rename FSN to "Regional Sports Network" and rename Comcast to "Local Sports Network." reason I say do it that way is for the simple fact that prod values, audiences and risks make the most sense to have them renamed that way. A National Network should have higher possibilities than a Regional and a Regional Network should have higher possibilities than a Local. If we wanna do it that way, I can mess with the numbers a bit to make it a bit more accurate, but shouldn't take much work. I just figured, with a few networks in there that we really could replace (like Disney, VH1, HBO and Showtime) it might be a bit cooler to actually have MSG and other "real names" in there, as opposed to having generic names. But, either way we wanna do it, it shouldn't be much work to make a few changes. -Bill I am fine either way, the reason I mentioned that was because of the fact that FSN programming still ares on re-branded local affiliates.like MSG+, Root and Comcast sports. I do not think a national sports network would exactly work, Both ESPN and NBC Sports (formally Versus) and CBS Sports Network (though there are talks of a Fox Sports Channel rumored to Speed or Fuel) My guess is to rename it to CBS Sports. I mean personally, the problem with the FSN, the MSGs, the Root Sports and whatnot is they can all have the same programming minus particular programming based on the teams. I ended up kinda taking our ideas and putting them together... In the end, I basically deleted mynetworkTV, FSN and Comcast Network. I replaced them with "CBS Sports Network" (to serve as a "National" Sports Network), "Fox Sports Regional," which is basically a Regional Sports Network, just with the Fox Sports name... It's also a Generic Network, so it can be "Fox Sports Midwest," "NESN (NorthEast)," "SportsSouth (South)," "PrimeTicket (West)," or "SunSports (Florida)," etc... For the Local Sports Network, I went with "Comcast SportsNet"... I wanted to put "Comcast SportsNet Local", but it was too long. Figured the same deal would apply here... It could be Comcast SportsNet Chicago, Northwest, New York, Washington, Bay Area, etc... I also know that, in some places, Comcast does have even more "localized" stations... For example, my hometown Comcast carries local single A games on a dedicated Comcast channel. Essentially, that put a tier of National, Regional and Local "Sports Networks" into the game without simply calling them "Regional Sports Network." Hopefully, that accomplished at least some of what you were suggesting. Like I said before, we could even take it further by eliminating Disney, VH1, Showtime and HBO and putting a few of those real affiliates (like Fox Sports Midwest, SunSports, etc) or others like MSG and/or YES... They'd likely have similar prod values, audiences and risks, but at least they would be networks that actually carry werstling and probbaly a bit more realistic, too... Has anyone ever been able to get a show on the Disney Channel...? -Bill
  16. In the end, though, it is still a suplex, which IMO falls under impact better than it does ground... Reading the EWR guide, a ground move is where the opponent remains on the mat, such as Hogan's Leg Drop, a Big Splash, etc... In a german suplex, the "damage" is done when the opponent is driven into the mat, not while he is laying on it. -Bill
  17. As for the sponsors, if I think Bill said that he tried to make it even with how many have low morality and high morality with a bulk having medium morality like it is in real life. Yeah, believe it or not, when I overhauled the sponsors, I used a pretty intricate system to balance the risk and payments given out so that everything was spread pretty equally, with a bit more in the middle areas. Initially, every payment bracket had 13 high and low morality sponsors, with 21 in the normal morality. I used a similar formula when adding on the "supplemental sponsors" to help a bit with the backyard to global challenge, but none of those paid over $10k... It's probably time to overhaul it a bit, but I like the balance, so that will probably be similar. I'm thinking having 15 high and low morality sponsors, with 20 normal morality sponsors in each payment bracket. That would mean 250 sponsors, not including the supplemental ones added (which I would probably have 10 of each morality for that). That would expand the amount of sponsors, while at the same time, not compromisign what I personally think is a pretty fair formula... after all, shouldn't there be a LITTLE bit of challenge to the game? With next month likely to be a "down" month as far as updating (since I'll be limited due to not having my laptop at my disposal 24/7) that could be a good time to work on the sponsors... A lot of that is done outside of the actual EWR program... All that's really done in EWR is adjusting the in-game sliders after everything has been figured out. -Bill
  18. Sakamoto was with Tensai last night for the Raw dark match... Gonna hold off and see where they go with that whole deal. -Bill
  19. I get what you're saying about FSN's airing pretty much the same stuff, unless a "local" game is on or whatnot, then the affiliate switches to the local game. My thing is, in EWR, does it really matter? What I'm saying is, even if we had FSN, MSG and Root all in there, are people playing really going to say, "Well, those are basically the same network..." I highly doubt it. Hell, when I play and am looking for anetwork, I just try to find one that will give me an offer... I couldn't care less what it's called. But, if someone is running a promotion in the Northeast, I would think that they would think it would "look cooler" if they got a deal with MSG then say, "Regional Sports Network." In the end, we're really just discussing the NAMES of the networks, which really don't mean a damn thing, gameplay-wise. what matters is the production values, potential audiences and maximum risks... The names of the networks are really just window dressing. -Bill
  20. Pretty obvious that the one currently in the game is the unmasked "Diamondback Dingo." I have gone through and taken out the alter egos that were for Dingo Cannon and have renamed the ingame worker to "Dingo." If you get stats for the other, cool... If not, I don't think anyone will miss him... Hell, no one has until now... -Bill
  21. Johnny Curtis' age is actually 28. (source: wikipedia) Add Curtis Hussey (source: facebook), Jonathan Curtis and Dirty Curty as alter egos for Johnny Curtis as well. Also his secondary finisher should be Maine Jam. When I google "Johnny Curtis Birthdate," the result I get is July 22, 1981... That would make him 30 today. The wiki link that claims a birth year of 1983 links to "Online world of Wrestling," which says nothing about his birthdate. The age of 31 (which is what is in the game currently) I found from here: http://www.genickbruch.com/index.php?befehl=bios&wrestler=5369 I'll knock his age down to 30, to coincide with the July 22, 1981 date, but am not going to change it anymore until we get more concrete proof that it is in fact different than what is in the game. -Bill
  22. Well, here's my notes and suggestions... Keep in mind that I personally haven't done much with the TV Networks file... So, there are likely to be spots that need overhauled: Comcast Network: This should probably be renamed to Comcast SportsNet. Combined, they cover a good portion of the US, as can be seen here: http://www.themtn.tv/ Tying that in with the FSN situation you mentioned, we could rename FSN to one of the other two networks you mentioned (Root Sports or MSG+) and just adjust those two networks to have similar production values, potential audiences and max risks. KJLA: KJLA looks to be the Los Angeles affiliate of LATV: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LATV This is the network that is the home of CMLL's "Guerreros del Ring." We could rename this to "LATV" and make it a generic network, I suppose... myNetworkTV: This is where SmackDown aired from 2008-2010. Nowadays, with SmackDown on SyFy, this is probably another network that could be renamed and be adjusted to mirror either Root Sports or MSG+ Personally, I don't think we need to add any more networks, per se, but perhaps rename and adjust some of the "out of date" ones, as I mentioned above. Bright House Sports is already in the game... Right off the top of my head, Disney and VH1 would be two networks that could be adjusted to become MSG, SNY or YES, although I'm not sure how much wrestling thsoe networks air these days... I don't recall Disney or VH1 ever airing any wrestling programming. Don't recall HBO or Showtime airing wrestling programs, either, come to think of it. Also, for the time being, I have set NXT to Bright House Sports on Wednesdays, in the Late Night Slot. I meant more or less to make FSN a "national sports network" as Root is a part of it and the stations like MSG, SNY and YES as "local sports network" as they are kind of Syndicated networks that air similar show when they do not have their local teams airing programs or games. I guess we COULD do something like that... If we did that, I think the simplest solution would be to: Rename mynetworkTV to "National Sports Network," rename FSN to "Regional Sports Network" and rename Comcast to "Local Sports Network." reason I say do it that way is for the simple fact that prod values, audiences and risks make the most sense to have them renamed that way. A National Network should have higher possibilities than a Regional and a Regional Network should have higher possibilities than a Local. If we wanna do it that way, I can mess with the numbers a bit to make it a bit more accurate, but shouldn't take much work. I just figured, with a few networks in there that we really could replace (like Disney, VH1, HBO and Showtime) it might be a bit cooler to actually have MSG and other "real names" in there, as opposed to having generic names. But, either way we wanna do it, it shouldn't be much work to make a few changes. -Bill
  23. It'll have to be "CZW Management" as the Booker... Maven Bentley is a worker and only staff members can be the Development Territory Booker. -Bill
  24. Well, here's my notes and suggestions... Keep in mind that I personally haven't done much with the TV Networks file... So, there are likely to be spots that need overhauled: Comcast Network: This should probably be renamed to Comcast SportsNet. Combined, they cover a good portion of the US, as can be seen here: http://www.themtn.tv/ Tying that in with the FSN situation you mentioned, we could rename FSN to one of the other two networks you mentioned (Root Sports or MSG+) and just adjust those two networks to have similar production values, potential audiences and max risks. KJLA: KJLA looks to be the Los Angeles affiliate of LATV: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LATV This is the network that is the home of CMLL's "Guerreros del Ring." We could rename this to "LATV" and make it a generic network, I suppose... myNetworkTV: This is where SmackDown aired from 2008-2010. Nowadays, with SmackDown on SyFy, this is probably another network that could be renamed and be adjusted to mirror either Root Sports or MSG+ Personally, I don't think we need to add any more networks, per se, but perhaps rename and adjust some of the "out of date" ones, as I mentioned above. Bright House Sports is already in the game... Right off the top of my head, Disney and VH1 would be two networks that could be adjusted to become MSG, SNY or YES, although I'm not sure how much wrestling thsoe networks air these days... I don't recall Disney or VH1 ever airing any wrestling programming. Don't recall HBO or Showtime airing wrestling programs, either, come to think of it. Also, for the time being, I have set NXT to Bright House Sports on Wednesdays, in the Late Night Slot. Based on the spoilers that I have: -Bill
  25. NXT right here - http://www.youtube.c...&feature=g-like The beginning is Dutch/German or something, but it's english. Yeah, thanks... I found a link and was able to rip it to my harddrive, so I'll probably watch it tonight. As far as what to do with NXT ingame, one of the TV Networks in the game is called "Bright House Sports"... Looks to be an affiliate of the Bright House Network... If not, we could go with a generic like "Regional Network." Anyone know what timeslot it should be aired in? It looks like FCW aired on Thursdays at 11PM, but the first NXT aired on Wednesday, the 20th... Dunno if this was a one time thing and they'll be in the old FCW slot (as many sites reported) or if it'll be on on Wednesdays... If anyone knows, please let me know. -Bill
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