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Everything posted by Bill1996

  1. The problem is, the promotions are based on specific stats which I am not quite sure on what stat works for each promotion though I would guess shooting ability would be needed for Battalarts and PRIDE. I think Bill's method is the best with the game as is. Hex Editing the names can only do so much because it will not affect how or why wrestlers start working for say Toryumon. FCW/NXT notes: The new NXT debuted this past week on Brighthouse Network (as well as around the world) If you want to watch a link has been found here. The problem is it is not shown online par-say and only through Brighthouse Network. Not exactly sure what to do there. I am putting the spoilers in a spoilers tab. For whatever reason, the spoiler link isn't opening... The NXT link has also been blocked in the US, so I can't watch it... Kind of a shame, since I was actually looking forward to seeing it. Hopefully, WWE pulls their heads out and airs it somewhere.... Regarding the Japanese Promotions: The problem with subbing is, keeping track of which promotions are subbed in and who they are subbed in for. If we could at least edit the promotion names, it would make things much less confusing. Unfortunately, that's only possible through hex editing... The problem with hex editing is, from what I understand (and I could be wrong) if I edited the data on a non-hexedited copy of EWR, then someone tried to play tht on a hexedited copy, it would create runtime errors. The same is true if I edit the data on a hexeditied copy and someone tried to use the data on a non-hexedited copy... That seems like headaches waiting to happen. Again, I could be wrong on the hex editing, but, from what I understand, that's what would happen in those cases. We have enough people posting about things like not being able to hire staff... God knows how many people would be posting if they got runtime errors due to hex editing. While I don't necessarily like having empty Japanese Promotions, I do think that it would create the least amount of headaches... Besides, it's not like they'd stay empty... As people play the game, those promotions would fill back up, like they do anyway. Other quick notes: The plan is to have the update out on June 30th (Next Saturday). I know I said I wouldn't put firm dates out, but like I said before, the laptop needs to hit the shop for a couple weeks and I'm going to a friend's wedding on Sunday, July 1st. so, even in a worst-case scenario, I don't forsee the update being out any later than Sunday Night (the 1st) or early Monday morning (the 2nd) because the computer is going to the shop on the 2nd. Like I said before, I have everything backed up on external harddrives (and thumbdrives) so no worries of losing the data. I will be able to update somewhat without the laptop, but won't be doing nearly as much... Probably limiting it to removing more workers that we can't find any info on, etc... Worker stats won't be touched... That'lll give everyone a couple weeks to look at what's in the July Update and work on correcting everything in an "accross the board" fashion, as we discussed here: http://www.ewbattleground.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=88650&st=210&p=2651831&#entry2651831 Finally, be sure to catch RAW this Monday Night and look for me... They're taping RAW from the arena that's maybe 5 minutes from my house, so obviously, I'm going... Oddly enough, I just noticed that the background that was used for the Blaze Utility was my hometown arena as well... Does the person who created the utility still post here? Curious that he chose my hometown arena... Wonder if it's because he's from around here or something...? -Bill
  2. So, just to simplify and confirm... If we were to do handle the Japanese Promotions the way I suggested above (meaning if they are defunct to make them empty)... BattlArts, Pride, Toryumon, WMF and World Japan should be empty... Correct? -Bill
  3. The problem is the source codes. The problem is that we cannot edit the Japanese promotions in name or how they work due to the source code being gone. In my opinion, PRIDE and Battlearts should both be blank touring commitments due to the fact they are both shut down (PRIDE is now a part of UFC and Battlearts closed.) I know that the promotions themselves can't be edited, but most stats updaters have pretty much arbitrarily assigned new promotions to them. So "PRIDE" in the game is used to represent Wrestling New Classic (I believe) in this stats update. But how PRIDE in the game works, is that they will prioritise workers with shooting ability. As far as I know, that is the only purpose of the shooting ability stat. So what I'm suggesting is either that we start using that stat to represent something else, that would make them more likely for Wrestling New Classic to prioritise that worker or, more conceivably, that we start using "PRIDE" to represent a promotion that still does employ more MMA-styled workers. Possibly Inoki Genome Federation, or U-SPIRITS, for example. I'd probably be able to explain this better if I actually had more of an idea as to what Japanese promotion in the game equates to what equivalent in the stats update, and how Japanese promotions hiring works. Does anyone have that info to hand? Here's my quick thoughts on the Japanese promotions... I've been thinking about this for a while, actually: I'm not sure that we should be subbing in promotions for defunct ones. The reason is, say Pride is defunct... How do we determine who to sub in for them and, more importantly, how do we remember which promotions are replacing what? I'll be honest, I couldn't tell you which Japanese promotions still exist, which are defunct, which ones are being represented by other Japanese promotions and which promotions are representing the defunct ones. 99.9% of the time, if I see a post regarding a japanese promotion, I just make the suggested change, since I assume the person posting knows more about it than I do. The problem is, say one poster thinks that a defunct promotion (we can use Pride again) is "Replacement Japanese Promotion A" and suggests changes based on that, while another poster thinks that Pride is now "Replacement Japanese Promotion B" and makes suggestions based on that? We'd then get a mish-mash of "New Promotion A" and "New Promotion B" in the Pride slot. My suggestion is to simply use the Japanese Promotions given to us. If Pride is defunct IRL, they shouldn't have any workers at the start of the game. As people play games, the program will automatically fill the roster for Pride, kind of giving them a "Rebirth" situation. I know it's not an ideal situation, but I honestly think it's the best one, to prevent any sort of confusion on what promotion is replacing a defunct one... -Bill
  4. I couldn't agree more with this post, but it's gonna take a lot of work to fix. Like I do for my 1992 Scenario, I think we can make some "ladders" to see where are the flaws in comparisons. I think we should start with the Big 3 promotions : Brawl: Speed: Tech: Bold : Retired/Non-Wrestlers EDIT: Charisma: To be honest, I'm not opposed to you all doing something liek this to adjust some stats where they are needed, if they are needed, but I would suggest holding off until the start of the month to do it, for two reasons: 1: My guess is, you're going off of the June update... Changes have been made since then and the numbers above that you posted are likely no longer 100% accurate for every worker. 2: Doing this at the start of the month gives time for debate and discussion, so when we get to the end of the month, we can have a better chance of having some sort of concensus of what we wanna do. Also, it especially makes sense to hold off until the July update is released because chances are very good that I'll be taking a slight break in updating following the release of the July Update. I do all of the updating on my laptop and have gotten "hard drive errors" for a couple of months now. I have everything backed up and there's no risk in losing the update info or anything, but the fact is, I need to take the laptop in to get a new harddrive and I've been told it can take up to two weeks (I have a warranty on it, they have to send it in, yadda yadda). Long story short is, I am probably going to be without the laptop for a week or two at the start of July, so that would be a perfect time to work on adjusting stats in a major way, since the numbers won't change, due to me not being able to update anything. Usually, I kinda get into grooves when I update and chances are, most stat changes that were suggested in the month of June have been done already (except for some overnesses, becuase I check those to make sure they work with the promotions and card positions). Doing something like this at the start of July, when I won't have the laptop and, as a result, won't be able to update, would just make a lot more sense, IMO. That way, everyone knows what the current values are (from what is in the July update) and everyone knows they won't change (since I won't be updating for a couple weeks). Doing them now is kind of like trying to hit a moving target... Chances are, some of the stuff that has been posted from the June update has already been changed in one way or another. Hope that all makes sense to everyone. -Bill
  5. Could be the one you mentioned, or could be this guy: http://www.cagematch.de/?id=2&nr=10373&name=Ozz The link I provided, the guy seems to still be wrestling and has been since 2002, where the one you posted, it looks like that guy hasn't wrestled Since 2002... Perhaps we should just adjust the in-game worker to reflect the wrestler that is still active...? -Bill
  6. add Gillberg back to the WWE Um, 99% sure that this is a joke... I saw it on Kayfabe News... Have you read any of their other articles? It's like "The Onion" for wrestling... http://www.kayfabenews.com/duane-gill-to-portray-ryback-spoof-gillback/ -Bill
  7. Just wanted to post a few things that I noticed while going through some notes... Found a little more on this guy... Here's a Couple links: http://www.pcwwrestling.net/mac.html http://www.angelfire.com/wrestling3/arw2/mac.html Now, I dunno if this is the same guy as the Johnny Slaughter, but based on the fact that his profile states that his finisher is the "Criss Cross Boston Crab" when the game has his finisher listed as "Cross-Legged Crab," I have to think this is the guy that's currently in the game. Currently, Cornette is in the game under an open deal with both ROH and OVW. We'd have to pull him out of OVW, although with the agreement with TNA, I dunno how much Cornette is involved with OVW these days anyway. The only issue with this is that, since he is American, the Anti-USA gimmick won't work with him... The rename is fine, but we'd have to come up with another gimmick. -Bill
  8. This again? I KNOW I just went through this in the May Update... http://www.ewbattleground.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=88307&st=45&p=2605537&#entry2605537 Here's the pic I have for him currently: Here he is in CZW: http://www.czwrestling.com/lockerroom/larrylegend.html And here he is in PWS: So, I'm pretty sure the pic I have is accurate, unless it's supposed to be THIS Larry Legend, for some reason: -Bill
  9. I don't usually voice my opinions on these sort of things, but do you really think Gene is the second best at PBP or Color in the entire game? Currently, Jim Ross is tops at 92. Cole is at 78, Josh Mathews is at 76... Hell, Jesse Ventura is only at 86. Mike Tenay is at 82. Maybe it's me, but I always thought Gene was very weak when it came to PBP and Color skills. Also, the last time I remember him in either of those spots was for the Gimmick Battle Royal at WrestleMania 17... That was over 10 years ago. Now, if we switch him to production (which is probably more accurate anyway, seems he does the WWE Classics on Demand stuff and was always better known as a backstage/ringside interviewer type) I certainly see where 87 could be in the discussion, because he is still very good at that. But, as a PBP or Color guy? I just don't see it. Edit: I just checked... He's currently at 81... To be honest, I think that's even pushing it as far as a PBP or Color guy is concerned... As a Prod, I just think he's much better. -Bill
  10. This would seem to confirm it: Follow the real Stan Stansky right here -------> @StoneyHooker Because Arthur Rosenberg says so! #Arthur316 — Kirby Mack, or Not. (@NotKirbyMack) June 5, 2012 I've also just read that Kamala has had both of his legs amputated in recent months. Obviously, this means he can't wrestle anymore, but his Wiki page states that "Since 1993, he has been writing, performing, and producing his own music. He has written over 100 songs." The question is, should we make him a staff member (under production) or just remove him from the game entirely? -Bill
  11. That's because, the plan was to remove the worker from the game completely. Usually, if a worker that I'm removing is in a promotion, I take them out of the promotion first, to make sure it doesn't cause any runtime errors or anything crazy (like if you pull an announcer out of a promotion when they are set on a TV show in that promotion). I must have simply forgot to actually remove him... -Bill
  12. I can't believe there is a wrestler named Stoney Hooker... But, apparently, there is: http://cagematch.net/?id=2&nr=7362&name=Stoney+Hooker A quick peek at his Twitter... ....CALL FROM WWE! Booked in my Hometown Next Month!!! #LifeIsGood — Stoney Hooker (@StoneyHooker) May 25, 2012 He's from South Carilona, which is where I believe RAW is taking place tonight... Are we sure this isn't one of them? -Bill
  13. The point I was trying to make was, I'd rather deal with the happy Show than the pissed one... Relating it to Mutoh, I'd much rather deal with Mutoh than I would Muta... But, does that make him not menacing? Cause, he could very well become Muta... Just trying to compare. Even though face Show is happy and smiling, we wouldn't take the menacing off of him, simply because he's playing a face character... Should Mutoh not be considered menacing, just because he's not in Muta getup? -Bill
  14. I'm just saying I'd much rather stand next to the Big Show that is smiling, kidding around and handing his hat to kids than this one: As a babyface, I don't see him nearly as menacing as he is when he's a heel... That's all. Size doesn't necessarily make a person more menacing... Hell, I've been to a few Shimmer shows and would much rather stand across from Kharma (Amazing Kong) than Sweet Saraya. Don't get me wrong, I'd rather not stand across from either, but give me a choice and I'm staying the hell away from Saraya. -Bill
  15. This is kind of what I was saying, though... Bill Eadie and Barry Darsow, as themselves or under their other gimmicks, likley wouldn't qualify as "menacing." But, when they put that Demolition makeup on and take on that gimmick, it's hard to argue that they are indeed menacing, even today. I'm not really familiar with Mutoh, so I dunno if his in-ring mannerisms could be considered menacing or not. The point I was making is that, in a lot of cases, it's the gimmick that can determine how meanacing (or unmenacing) the worker is. I certainly wouldn't have said Big Show was menacing a month or so ago, when he was on his knees bawling in the middle of the ring... But, he certainly could be considered menacing now... Honestly, with Mutoh having the unique gimmick and the effect of "menacing" doing very little, except for opening up some gimmick possibilities that require menacing to be checked, whethr it's checked or not isn't really going to do anything in-game, either way. -Bill If the gimmick makes the person menacing, shouldn't that mean that the person has to have menacing ticked to use the gimmick? All's I was saying is, there are certain gimmicks in the game that require menacing be checked, in order to work. Mutoh currently has the "Unique" gimmick, which doesn't need menacing. Therefore, unless Mutoh's gimmick in the game is changed, it doesn't really matter if he has menacing checked or not. But, I would think that, for example, Barry Darsow would have to have the ability to be menacing, otherwise, Demolition Smash would not have been menacing. Even though Darsow played non-menacing characters such as Repo Man and "Hole In One," that doesn't mean that darsow doesn't have the ability to be menacing, he's just not using that ability in those other gimmicks. Another way to look at it is Doink. As a heel, yes, he is menacing (at least IMO). As a face, where he is wearing the same makeup and has pretty muchy the sme gimmick, he's not menacing (again, IMO). Teh ability to turn that on and off lies with the worker not the makeup or costume. I guess the question is, is there anything that Mutoh does different under the Muta gimmick that he doesn't do in other gimmicks, or is he "just wearing a scary mask?" again, I haven't watched him enough, but I'd have to assume he's doing something different to give that mask/makeup the "menacing" effect that it gives off when he wears it. -Bill
  16. This is kind of what I was saying, though... Bill Eadie and Barry Darsow, as themselves or under their other gimmicks, likley wouldn't qualify as "menacing." But, when they put that Demolition makeup on and take on that gimmick, it's hard to argue that they are indeed menacing, even today. I'm not really familiar with Mutoh, so I dunno if his in-ring mannerisms could be considered menacing or not. The point I was making is that, in a lot of cases, it's the gimmick that can determine how meanacing (or unmenacing) the worker is. I certainly wouldn't have said Big Show was menacing a month or so ago, when he was on his knees bawling in the middle of the ring... But, he certainly could be considered menacing now... Honestly, with Mutoh having the unique gimmick and the effect of "menacing" doing very little, except for opening up some gimmick possibilities that require menacing to be checked, whethr it's checked or not isn't really going to do anything in-game, either way. -Bill
  17. This is a tough one. He definitely has a distinct presence as Great Muta and all that, but as himself, without all the extras, is he really menacing? I don't know... I'm on the fence and would love to hear some other input. Here's my take... The guide defines "Menacing" as a "menacing, or intimidating look." Now personally, I don't think a guy like the Big Show is "menacing or intimidating," especially when he's playing a face or is not in character. But, he becomes a helluva lot more menacing when he's a heel. Guys like Ax and Smash (Demolition) aren't menacing at all, if you take the face paint off... Same could be said about Road Warrior Animal, The Warlord and The Barbarian, especially given the fact that they are all in their 50's... Yet, they all have menacing checked. I'd also ask this: Is Mutoh (without the "extras") at least as menacing as Haku? Because Haku has menacing checked as well... Hell, Triple H has menacing checked... So does Randy Orton... So does Mick Foley... Even Doink has menacing checked. In the end, I think a lot of it really depends on what character/gimmick the worker is playing. Obviously, as I said before, Big Show isn't nearly as menacing as a face as he is when he's a heel. All of the other workers I mentioned above, you could certainly say they were menacing in one gimmick, while not so menacing in another... Did anyone think Repo Man was menacing? King Haku? Dude Love? Doink as a face? I'd say no to all of those, but certainly would say that Demolition Smash, Meng, Cactus Jack and Evil Doink were in fact, pretty menacing. Long story short, Mutoh certainly is capable of being menacing, even if he's not necessarily being as menacing as he can be currently. For that, I would have to say he deserves menacing to be checked. But, anyone can feel free to disagree. -Bill
  18. We all know that when/if Joey Mercury is released, he will return to the ring and thus we will need to put him back in. It happened with Finlay and I am sure it will happen with others. Plus WWE has enough trainers, hell the game has enough after I added RPW and FUW into the game. The only thing the game needed was two road agents... I would rename Val Kabious once he debuts in FCW. I am pretty sure you are using the list of WWE personnel wikipedia page as Andre Tyson is his real name. (Which by the way has Averno as a WWE talent that has not been assigned DESPITE the fact he has continued to wrestle for CMLL for a year after his rumored jump to WWE to feud with Sin Cara. Unless I missed something when did Mason Ryan actually join All World Talent? Pretty much agree with Red here... But, I'll make quick comments... Not much to comment on Mercury... Red hit the nail on the head. When FCW gives Val Kabious a name, then I'll worry about renaming him... They change worker names down there more than some people change underwear... Same deal with Chris Russo... Russo hasn't even bothered to change his twitter account if he is in fact going by "Jack" now, which I have seen NOTHING about. I realize Ryan was teased as joining All-World, but don't believe he's actually been "officially signed." Regarding the "All World Experience" tweet, I read that as part of the "recruiting," not that he's a member as of yet. Finally, I must have missed it, but why should Laurinaitis and Tensai have a friendship? -Bill
  19. Um... Because I didn't even recall that Sin Cara's brother was even in the data until someone else brought it up, but have had people bitching for 6 months about "Brutus" still being on "Brutus Magnus"...? Honestly, that's the best I got... That is good BUT in the past, you have wanted to limit the (insert name here) (insert promotion) here people when there are multiple people using the name. Now that the original Magnus is gone, the two options are Brutus Magnus (who has used several names) and Magnus who has used one other name that is also currently used. That is why Nemesis NWA-A is The H.H. Nemesis and Iceberg IWS is The Iceberg now. Hell, you even just recently renamed Nemesis PWG to Nemesis after the original was removed from the game. Just wondering the logic gap here... Heh, I just explained my "logic gap"... I forgot there was even a "Magnus CMLL" in the game... You raise a fair argument. -Bill
  20. Hate to do this in the thread, but just had an idea and want to get it down beofre I forget... I'll be sure to check it if it's in the thread... RE: OVW/TNA relationship: Why not simply name TNA's Development Territory "Ohio Valley Wrestling?" Any TNA worker that is in the OVW in-game could then be set to a Development deal in TNA, while also under their deal in OVW. We wouldn't need to remove the OVW promotion from the game and probably would be the most realistic way to handle the relationship... Hell, worst case (if the game won't accept the name) just name the development territory "OVW" as opposed to "Ohio Valley Wrestling." Dunno if any workers would need to be adjusted this way currently, but certainly could be in the future and would allow people that use TNA to sign talent and "Send them to OVW" while not affecting the in-game promotion. OK, guess now that I've typed all of that out for everyone to see... any thoughts? -Bill
  21. Um... Because I didn't even recall that Sin Cara's brother was even in the data until someone else brought it up, but have had people bitching for 6 months about "Brutus" still being on "Brutus Magnus"...? Honestly, that's the best I got... Really, the only way to ensure that the shows don't get high ratings would be to lower the max ratings for the networks... Problem with that is, you'd then have to subsequently cut the ratings of all of the networks and, with the lower ones having so little potential as it is, there comes a point where they shouldn't even be in the game... I mean, are you gonna sign a TV deal that, at max, gets you a 0.03 rating? The other problem is the fact that WWE was on Spike and was able to pull the higher ratings. In the height of the "Monday Night Wars," RAW did a 8.1 and was regularly in the 5's and 6's... So, they certainly are capable of getting the high marks on those networks. It's just kind of a catch-22... Either drop the potential audiences, which isn't realistic becasue it's been done before and would also drop some networks off the board completely or just kind of grin and bear it and accept it as one of EWR's flaws. -Bill
  22. Isn't Magnus Sin Cara's brother(?) in mexico? Magnus CMLL is Sin Cara's brother... He's talking about the one named "Magnus" (worker 2049 in the most recent update, tags with Quentin Barboni). I found him here, named "Magnus Von Steel": http://www.genickbruch.com/index.php?befehl=bios&wrestler=11462 He's wanting TNA's Brutus Magnus to be named "Magnus." The only way to do that would be to rename the current Magnus to Magnus Von Steele... Magnus CMLL (Sin Cara's brother) would remain the same. I wouldn't do Dok Hendrix... Michael Seitz would work, but he's referred to as "Michael PS Hayes," especially on the WWE Classics on Demand shows. Just figured that would be the easiest way to do it. Hell, with one being a worker and the other being staff, only the actual name of the pic would need to be changed, kind of how Ted Dibiase (The Million Dollar Man) has his pic named "Ted_DiBiase.jpg," while his son, the wrestler has his pic named "Ted_DiBiase_Jr.jpg." Both are named "Ted Dibiase" in the game. -Bill
  23. Unfortunately, that sort of thing can happen, with the game only allowing a name to be used once. That's actually one of the reasons I haven't added Michael Hayes from OVW into the game yet... It obviously conflicts with the WWE's Michael "PS" Hayes. Neither of those two will be removed, because I was able to find accurate info on both of them relatively quickly... What could be done is rename Scott Parker to "Solid Gold" Scott Parker and rename Magnus to "Magnus Von Steel." That would allow for the other renames to happen. Typically, I don't like to add a worker's nickname in the in-game name (for example, Randy Savage was not "Macho Man" Randy Savage) but there have been instances where it has been done, such as Dangerous Danny Davis (to avoid the conflict with the OVW owner). This would be a situation where it could likely be accepted. ... Hell, maybe that's my answer to the "Michael Hayes" dilemma... Simply rename the staff member to "Michael PS Hayes"... -Bill
  24. Problem is, I'd about bet that the only reason he is used is becasue he has a low wage. In my research, I've only found a "Spiffy" Sean Styles (who is in as worker 1367) and a "Sexy" Shawn Stylz, who I don't think is in the game, but can be found here: http://www.onlineworldofwrestling.com/profiles/s/shawn-stylz.html The "Shawn Stylez" in the game is British, has a friendship with Jeremy Vengeance and a hate with the other Sean Styles. Haven't been able to get much of anything from that info, either. Chances are, if we find info on him, chances are, I'm gonna bump his wages up anyway, which again, is probably the only reason people hire him. Finally, just to clarify... Just because I posted a long list, that doesn't mean they will all be wiped out immediately, with no discussion... If we can get info and pics for these workers, they'll stay in the game. -Bill
  25. Honestly, what I think needs to happen is, the relationships needs to be streamlined somewhat. Some workers have a junkload of relationships. That's fine if they are legit, but we also have to understand how those relationships work in the game. Looking at CM Punk, for example... He has loyalties with people like Allison Danger, Evan Starsmore and Smash Bradley. I highly doubt he'd take a major morale hit (or, if on an open deal, leave the company) if these guys were released. Guys like Colt Cabana and Daniel Bryan? That's a little different. IMO, the problem with the loyalties is the student/trainer relationship. I realize the game states that "Loyalty usually applies to either trainers and students, or long-time tag partners, and is basically a more intense version of friendship," so in a lot of cases, workers who trained other workers get hooked up with a loyalty relationship. The problem with that is, guys like Ultimo Dragon then end up with 50 "loyalties" and releasing him or one of his former students causes a big-ass chain reaction. I mean, I don't see the Honky Tonk Man quitting or getting majorly pissed if you release Sig Masta Rappo... That kind of thing, while they might have trained together or whatnot, I think needs to be re-evaluated based on how it effects the gameplay, as opposed to just saying "Well, he trained him, so that's a loyalty." I liken it to when Finlay was working with the Divas... If WWE fired a diva that he was working with, chances are, he'd not really give much of a damn and certainly wouldn't quit his job over it. Sorry for the rant, just trying to say that I believe the relationships, while necessary as a whole, need to be looked at in terms of in-game result and my guess would be, a lot of relationships would be downgraded or removed, which would help solve the issue of it being "bloated." -Bill
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