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Everything posted by Bill1996

  1. For anyone interested, this is the list of workers in the game that would be the first candidates for removal, along with some random notes: For the most part, this list of workers has no pic, has little to no info in the game whatsoever to try to do "detective work" on. What that means is, they don't have any alter egos, tag teams, etc, that could help get further on the search for them. Some do have info, but obviously, that info has never led to anything. I have a women's list as well, even though I'm pretty sure all of the women in the game have a pic. Those on that list, about all I have on them is a picture. That list is currently on paper though, so I can post that once I get a chance to type it up. Again, probably not anyone that most people have even heard of, or was even aware that they were in the game to begin with. -Bill
  2. To be honest, I don't think that's really necessary... If I have all of the info on a promotion, it really doesn't take long for me to add the promotion. I'd hate to put limits on it like that, for the simple reason that if a promotion goes out of business in June, when the next "add/remove" is scheduled for November, that's 5 months of having a defunct promotion in the game, when there is the very real possibility that it could be removed (and probably even replaced with another promotion) well before that. Don't read too much into the "10 pages of backlog" thing. It's actually only 9 pages and really isn't as much as it sounds like. Here's the breakdown: Notes from 2007-2010: 3 Pages Notes from 2011: 3 Pages Notes from 2012: 3 Pages Also, a good chunk of it is just notes, really, not anything that really needs updated. I'll put it this way, 2 months ago, there were AT LEAST 25 pages of backlog. So, it's been significantly cut down. Yes, anyone deleted will be noted. Like I said, my guess is, you won't even realize that most of them are missing, if I weren't to mention them. Primary candidates for removeal will be those who I can't find any info and/or pics on. The Loa guy that I mentioned from last month was a prime example. He wrestled one match over ten years ago and I couldn't even find one picture of him. So, long story short, if you see that a worker in the current update doesn't have a picture, they would likely be a candidate for removal... That means I haven't been able to even find a pic for the worker in the 5 years I've been doing updates. I would add him a production crew member being he drove a truck and ring announcers/ring crew are on there. Ralphus apprently has a son as well that is 44 in the game (Scott Dickinson) Ralphus is listed being 56 in the game which would have made him 12 when his son was born. Raise Ralphus' age to at least 62. Here's the thing about that... I actually thought about leaving him in the game as Production, as I know he used to drive a truck for WCW, which is how Jericho discovered him. Two reasons I didn't: 1: I still had no info on his birthmonth and age... Moving him to staff doesn't give me that information and would still be a "hole" in the "accurate data." 2: There is appoximately 1.5 shitloads of Production workers in the game... Is everyone really clamoring for John Riker to be added, when there are more than enough prods in the game already? I'll put it this way: If I had simply removed Ralphus, without posting about it and people not seeing that his pic was deleted on the "Pic Changes" document included with the updates, how many people would have even noticed he was gone? My guess would be, not many. I actually considered adding some of the mexican women (I beleive they are called "edecanes") to the game as Production workers, but decided it wasn't really worth it because: 1: Again, not having a birthmonth or age crates a "hole" in the data... Dunno how much is really known about the edecanes. 2: Realistically, how many people playing the game would actually use them? I believe that's what Ysabella Martinez Ruiz is (or was). BTW, she's still in the game as a prod for AAA, dunno how accutae that is. If she's not still with AAA, she'd be a candidate for removal, since I can't find a thing on her... But again, chances are, most peope aren't even aware she's in the data, anyway. -Bill
  3. I'm pretty sure you're kidding, but that's kinda why I've been gunshy to remove workers... I remember pulling a few that weren't even real people a few years back and people got pissed... The thing is, I've kind of decided that, if we can't find adequate info on them in the year 2012, what is the liklihood that people are actually using them anyway? I will say, before I make any removals, I'll be archiving the data a bit differently so that, if I remove someone and we do find info for them, they can be re-added relatively easily. -Bill
  4. Fair warning, another pretty big update, so obviously, that means bigger files on the Full and Beginner's versions. Got the backlog down to under 10 pages, so I'm pretty happy about that as well. Planning on this being "Housecleaning Month." Now that I've been doing monthly updates for over 5 years, I am starting to feel the data is a bit more "mine" than what I did in the past. Don't worry, all that means is that I'm to a point where I'm going to start removing workers and staff if they haven't been heard from in a while, or if a situation comes up where we just can't get any info on them. A couple examples are Ikaika Loa and Ralphus, who were both removed from the game this month. Loa, I couldn't even find a pic for and Ralphus, while there was a pic, there was little more info on him and he's been gone for so long that we're likely never going to get the info to fill those holes in the data (primarily birthmonth and age). I will be doing extensive research on workers/staff to make sure we're in a "dead end situation" with them before removing them and, to be honest, most of those removed, I would think 99% of people don't know they are in the data anyway. Long story short, I'm easing up a bit on the "No removing people from the data" rule... Doesn't mean I'm gonna remove thousands of workers or anything, just going to eliminate those that we can't seem to get any info on. -Bill MediaFire: FULL: http://www.mediafire.com/?lb99233jcxk2uaa DATA: http://www.mediafire.com/?8mp9jftwya71r3r BEGINNERS: http://www.mediafire.com/?94d0g4zc0x5nt56
  5. Here's the thing, though... He specifically said "I love you" to SOMEONE in the first few rows named Beth... Now, was it Beth PHOENIX? I can't 100% sure say it was, but I think I can provide evidence to show that they indeed are a couple... *Goes into Otunga Mode* Exhibit A: A pic of Beth and a guy named Michael Pongracz. This is from Beth's Twitter, taken before the WWE HoF this year, as the caption indicates: http://twitter.com/#!/TheBethPhoenix/media/slideshow?url=pic.twitter.com%2FVE31zrrH Exhibit B: The twitter account of Michael Pongracz tweeitng to Beth regarding a pic of her and Edge in the Devils jerseys: Hey @TheBethPhoenix! Well don't you two look cute in your #Devils jerseys LOL! Hope you guys are doing well! pic.twitter.com/aSnb7UBH — Mike Pongracz (@MPVoiceovers) June 1, 2012 Notice the comment: "Well don't you two look cute in your #Devils jerseys LOL! Hope you guys are doing well! Exhibit C: Another pic from Beth's Twitter, this is a pic of her and her "bestie" (which I assume means "best friend"). Beth is wearing the same dress, so it is likely from the HoF as well: http://twitter.com/#!/TheBethPhoenix/media/slideshow?url=pic.twitter.com%2FDfleUyy0 Exhibit D: A tweet from Beth's "bestie": because I <3 my bff's bf; GO DEVILS!! — minoa madness (@minoamafia) May 31, 2012 The tweet reads: "because I <3 my bff's bf; GO DEVILS!!" I'm not an expert at the abbreviations, but I believe "BFF" means "Best Friend Forever" and "BF" means "Boyfriend." After all of this, I find it hard to believe that it is just an amazing coincidence that Edge is dating a woman named Beth, but is ISN'T Beth Phoenix... I also find it amazingly hard to believe that, if Edge IS dating someone else named Beth that THAT Beth would let him go to a high profile event such as the Stanley Cup Finals with ANY other woman, let alone a woman like Beth Phoenix... I mean, if your name was "George" and you were dating someone, would you let them go somewhere with George Clooney? As far as "holding hands," I've been married for 7 1/2 years and my wife and I hardly ever hold hands... I also know that my wife wouldn't let me go to a hockey game (or anywhere else, really) with another woman... Especially an attractive one. As far as Beth being a Devils fan, Sabres fan, or a hockey fan at all, I'm not sure. But, even if she were a Sabres fan, it's not like the Sabres were playing. Plus, my guess would be that a majority of women would support their "man's" team, especially if they didn't have their own favorite... Before I met my wife, she was a Bengals and Reds fan. Once we started dating, she was rooting for the teams I like. She even has jerseys. Looking at it that way coud even strengthen the argument that they are more than friends... Again, I can't find anything 100% proof-positive, but given all of the evidence, I'd have to lean towards them being more than just friends... -Bill
  6. Is this confirmed? A man and woman can attend games together without dating. From the link: Here's the speech, skip to the 5:10 mark: It's not concrete evidence, but... -Bill
  7. Alex Silva, the one who got a contract, is currently on the OVW roster. However, Joey Ryan, the one who didn't, I can't find any record of him ever working for OVW... -Bill
  8. There curently is a stable in the game called "The Administration." It has Laurinaitis (Leader) Otunga, Eve and Teddy Long... I could see an argument for adding Big Show, but dunno why Hawkins and Reks would be added (unless something happens on Smackdown tonight and even then, it wouldn't be in the June update). Personally, I don't think the faction itself should be called "People Power," though... It would be like referring to the Obama Administration as "Change we can believe in." That was his campaign slogan, but not the name of the actual group of people... Hope this makes sense. Since it's a spoiler and won't air until tonight (June 1) it wouldn't be part of the updates until July 1, since, with the June update starting on June 1, you'd actually be booking tonght's Smackdown... Hope that makes sense. I'm currently in what I call the "Bells and whistles" stage of the June update. Basically, everything is ready to go, but I want to do a little more work on some things. But, the June Update, barring anything catastrophic, will be up within the next 24 hours. Here's a couple of things I noticed that I want some quick opinions on... Hopefully quick enough to get the changes in the update: TNA has ZERO trainers... They also don't have a training camp. Now, I don't watch TNA much (just actually watched last night's show on DVR). Based on what I saw, I'm thinking one of the following should be done: Idea A: Give TNA a Training Camp, naming it "TNA Gut Check." Turn D-Lo Brown into a Trainer (he's currently a Road Agent, but Gut Check lists him as the Talent Evaluator) and set his as the Head Trainer of Gut Check. Idea B: Set the Team 3D Academy as TNA's Training Camp (Currently, they are the Development Territory, but have no booker). Have "TNA Gut Check" be the Development Territory, while setting D-Lo as the Booker for the Development Territory. We'd have to check Booker for D-Lo, but that probably should be done anyway. Personally, I think Idea B is the more accurate option. With the Gut Check workers apperaing on Impact, on what seems to be a semi-regular segment, being able to call those workers out of "Development" to the main roster, at least IMO, seems to be the most realistic way to handle it in EWR. Again, all opinions on this are welcome. I'd like to have some sort of decision by the time I release the June Update. -Bill Again, I don't watch TNA a lot, so that's why I'm asking for opinions
  9. Problem with that is the fact that there are many "on camera" figures in wrestling that don't wrestle on a regular basis and never really did. John Laurinaitis, Mr. McMahon and Eric Bischoff immediately come to mind, although I'm sure there are more. Simply making them staff members means that they can't be used in angles or matches at all, which is far from realistic. Hell, at this stage of his career, Undertaker only works WrestleMania season... The Rock hasn't been on since WrestleMania. while Triple H has been on camera, he hasn't wrestled since WrestleMania... Should we take these guys off of the game too? With the Milo Shizo situation, cagematch records his last match taking place on November 5, 2011. It's not like his last match was 10 years ago... He likely won;t be added this month regardless, so that gives us some time to see if we can get more info on his situation. But, there certainly are instances where someone should be added to the game and labeled as a Non-Wrestler. The simplest example would be Brooke Hogan, who obviously is going to have an on-camera position with TNA, even though multiple outlets have stated that she will not wrestle. -Bill
  10. Actually, I'm probably just going to delete him from the game. I know that this "technically" goes against my reluctance of deleting workers, but in cases like this, the only info I can find is that he wrestled one match over a decade ago. I can't even find a picture of him, much less any sort of info regarding his birthmonth, age, etc. As much as I want to try to keep everyone in the game, when we can't find simple things like a picture for the worker, it's probably better to cut the losses and just remove them. With the database currently holding over 5500 workers, I think we can live without a guy that we can't find anything on... -Bill
  11. I would say lower behavior but at 62, I say it is low enough already. I say we blame Kris... Seriously, though, I actually had bumped his behavior to 67... Could go back down to 62... -Bill
  12. OK, here's what I found... By Googling "carange revx wrestling" the first result that pops up is the Wiki entry for Youth Suicide: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Youth_Suicide If you search for "Carnage" on that page, you'll see that there are a LOT of mentions of him. First in Underground Empire Wrestling (UEW) then in the "UEW invades RevX" section. There's more mentions after that, but those are the important two... So, I Googled "Underground Empire Wrestling" and the first thing that pos up is a myspace profile: http://www.myspace.com/uew Searching their photos, picture #7 is a wrestler named "Carnage": http://www.myspace.com/uew/photos/2572959#%7B%22ImageId%22%3A2572959%7D My guess is, this is who "Carnage RevX" is... Looks like he was involved in a "Team XPW vs Team Perros Del Mal" match last year: http://www.santinobros.net/newsdesk_info.php?newsdesk_id=1190 Carnage would be the 5th pic down (half painted face). Dunno if with this additional info, we can get more info on him, such as his BMonth and age, but looks like we at least have a couple of pics to work with now... -Bill
  13. FWIW, I actually took care of that earlier this month. Nemesis has been deleted and Nemesis PWG has been renamed to Nemesis... Neither had pics but I found a pic for the one still in the game. -Bill
  14. Well, there are multiple options: 1: Post in the Stats Request thread: http://www.ewbattleground.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=63323 2: Look at stats for workers that are already in the game and compare them to who you're wanting to add and create stats that way. 3: Post as much info on the worker as you can (Youtube matches, homepage, etc). The more you have (and if others know of the worker) the better chances are of getting feedback. If others haven't heard or seen the worker, or there isn't a lot of info on them, it'll likely be more difficult. -Bill
  15. Just so everyone's aware, I adjusted all of the monthly events so that they fit under what Sophie suggests the promotion should be running every month. For example, previously, WSU had PPV's in their monthly schedule, when Sophie suggests that, a Small promotion (which WSU is) should not do Large or PPV events. For anyone curious, here is a list of the promotion sizes, along with what Sophie suggests for that promotion size: Global: PPV's every month National: At least Large every month Cult: At least Large every month Regional: Medium to Large every month Small: Not big enough to run Large or PPV For anyone super-curious, this is a list of the chnages that were made: Not a major change, but I figured making these changes would mean the player wouldn't have to... Just a little bit of a time-saver for those starting a new game. -Bill
  16. OK, I just read the spoiler as "Keep Fujita in Zero1 and keep his finishers as Fujita Driver and Boneyard." I didn't know that it also meant "Don't give either of them the AE." No biggie, that's a simple fix. -Bill
  17. I thought it was up to Black Tiger VI. IMO Since NOSAWA has some issues the last few years, stealing a Taxi and now the pot bust, a 75 behavior should be better. Main reason I say VII is because I saw it from this post from Puroresu Spirit on Facebook announcing Hiromu Takahashi as the replacement for Black Tiger 7 (NOSAWA Rongai) in the BOTSJ's. It might be an error. To date there have only been VI Black Tigers. NOSAWA has two Super Cacao alter ego entries so perhaps replace one to Black Tiger VI/VII. I still think it is VI due to the fact there was only V until the new Black Tiger debuted... Also in other NOSAWA notes, replace Dark Guerrera with NOSAWA Mendoza as an alter ego. Dark Guerrera was Elix Skipper. FWIW, currently, the Black Tiger VI alter ego is currently assigned to Minoru Fujita... -Bill
  18. If we add Heyman to WWE, it would be under a Written deal... Heyman isn't going to work for another wrestling promotion. His appearances are basically to keep Lesnar on people's minds without Lesnar having to actually be there. -Bill
  19. Before I forget, had a few notes that I'm looking for additional info/opinions on: He's still on TNA's roster page... Usually they remove workers that leave relatively quickly, correct? I realize that Anrquia is gone from TNA, but are Hernandez, Sarita and Rosita not still together? I don't watch TNA too often, so I'm honestly asking. Is he currently working for another promotion that is in the game? That's kind of the "line" I have on giving TNA workers open deals. if they are actively working in another promotion in the game, we can set them to an open deal, with TNA and the other promotion(s) listed as well. If not, I keep them under a written deal with TNA. Couple other questions that I could go either way on: 1: Should Paul Heyman be added to WWE as Brock Lesnar's Manager? 2: Should we drop Chris Jericho's behavior for the flag incident in Brazil? -Bill
  20. With the FCW tapings not ending until after the start of June, we'll keep FCW as the development territory at least through the June Update. I've read that they are continuing to tape NXT before SmackDown "until the current season ends." So, nothing that occured on the Full Sail NXT tapings will be reflected in the update until we at least get word that those episodes will actually air. Hopefully, June will give us a better idea on how to approcah the situation. I've also read that there are plans to have a so-called "Finishing Training Camp" in Stamford, which reportedly will be for workers who are almost ready for TV, just need a little more polishing. Given the information we currently have, I firmly believe that NXT should be a bookable show. Pending on where all of the pieces fall, perhaps the "Finishing Camp" will end up being the Development Territory. Again, currently, we just don't have enough concrete info to know what pieces fit where. -Bill
  21. This is the pic I currently have for "The Big O" (the one affiliated with Ryder): This is the other one, currently named "Big O": And, here's the pic I cut it from, right on his Twitter account: http://twitter.com/#!/uhohitsthebigo/media/slideshow?url=pic.twitter.com%2FTwGILBbj -Bill
  22. Colours TV should be removed as a station in the game. I am not sure what should replace it: Comcast SportsNet, G4, MAVTV or Root Sports. Well, MAVTV I'm pretty sure has had wrestling on it in the past (Think they carried Wrestlicious, still might show it). Also pretty sure that it's been suggested in the past, so swapping the names out wouldn't be an issue. Dunno how close Colours and MAVTV are as far as production values, audiences and risks are, though... BTW, the TV-PG risk issue has been fixed as well. -Bill
  23. Usually, I start considering adding a worker to the data once stats are provided for the worker... -Bill
  24. Thing is, ISW isn't in the game anymore, so if you want to suggest overness changes, simply suggest them individually, like you did Addy Starr and El Hijo del Bamboo... Those two have been adjusted. -Bill
  25. That is a loose construction. He really doesn't strike me a psycho. Evil Preacher seems like a better fit IMO because he is preaching against the evils of the world without the religious overtones to it. Well, Husky Harris currently has his charisma at 78... That's high enough for the "Cult Leader" gimmick... "Censor" could be a fit as well... Dunno if either would be a better fit, just throwing out a couple ideas... -Bill
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