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Everything posted by Vamp

  1. As long as Harry Potter dies, I couldn't give a crap. Well actually, I won't be reading it either way but still...
  2. Vamp

    Doctor Who

    Wow, simple as. The script was good, characters were good, everything was good. And more interestingly the doctor came accross as an utter bastard who you know realise you should hate but you still can't help but love him. Very bizzare. And what a touching ending.
  3. Summer of 69 maybe? Everyone knows that.
  4. Vamp

    Doctor Who

    Despite being in the end trailer for about 3 seconds, Saxon seemed like the creepiest bastard in the world just by wearing an oxygen mask and tapping the table.
  5. Cheers for reminding me, I've been meaning to review the Artic Monkey album for a number of days now. The Arctic Monkeys-My Favourite Worst Nightmare 9/10 I can imagine quite a few people disagreeing with me here, but I think this is a great album. Admittedly I wasn't expecting anything like this from the Arctic Monkeys, especially a lack of any real "catchy" songs, but the CD's pretty enjoyable through out and does play with the emotions. Tad short perhaps?
  6. Vamp

    Doctor Who

    I'm convinced that the "You are not alone" message has something to do with the contrasting visuals of the Doctor in the first episode. The was a scene where he was outside the hospital, and yet he stated he had been inside, and then later one in which he had a very nasty scowl as he walked through the corridors in a dressing gown, and yet in the next scene he appeared in he was still in bed. In short, I think we have two doctors. Which should be very, very confusing indeed.
  7. Vamp

    Doctor Who

    Is anyone else somewhat surprised that they're not hyping the Face of Boe's secret reveal for this week?
  8. Vamp

    Doctor Who

    Now that's a Doctor Who espisode; fast paced, fun, energetic with some good old fashioned villains. Me likey.
  9. Wait, he's in Fame the musical?
  10. Vamp

    Doctor Who

    I don't know if everyone knows yet or not but according to RTD, the third episode will finally reveal the Face of Boe's secret. I'm guessing that's not a spoiler, since it's been hyped pretty much everywhere. Any guesses on the four words? Other than the hugely rumoured connection between them and the time war monument mentioned in the 2006 year book.
  11. Skins, finally got around to watching the whole series. I think awesome would be an understatement.
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