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Commander Sheepard

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Posts posted by Commander Sheepard

  1. I'm just afraid the Cowboys take Taylor Mays if he's still available. We got rid of one "super athletic" safety who couldn't cover for shit not that long ago. We certainly don't need another one yet. And honestly, anyone who could watch Romo get bent over in that game against the Vikings last year and NOT think that maybe offensive line help is needed, is crazy.

  2. This is just a note for anyone who is running or in any games I'm in: I may not be around much the next couple of days. One of the groomsmen for my wedding, who is also one of my wife's good friends, was hit by a car crossing the street. He has broken ribs, blood in the lungs, and his brain stem was severed. They don't even know if there's any brain activity right now. So I may be headed to St. Petersburg Fl, which is where he lived, in the next day or so.

  3. No!!! We can't lose Asante! Why can't we try to pawn off Sheldon instead! I like Sheldon Brown, but Asante/Nnamdi would be wonderful

    But anyway, I came here to post this...

    As we've mentioned once or twice, quarterback Tim Tebow's habit of openly expressing his religious beliefs could potentially rub folks the wrong way, especially in a locker room of grown men who choose to keep their beliefs to themselves, who don't share his beliefs at all, and/or who only want to hear "God bless" after they have sneezed.

    We're told that Tebow already has gotten a taste of the resistance he might face at the next level.

    At the Scouting Combine, the Wonderlic exam is administered to players in groups. The 12-minute test is preceded by some brief instructions and comments from the person administering the test.

    Per a league source, after the person administering the test to Tebow's group had finished, Tebow made a request that the players bow their heads in prayer before taking the 50-question exam.

    Said one of the other players in response: "Shut the f--k up." Others players in the room then laughed.

    We're not passing judgment on this one; we're just passing along what we've heard. And it illustrates the type of challenges that could be faced by the team that drafts Tebow.

    That said, some teams might embrace those challenges. The final decision will depend largely on the composition of the team, and the personalities of the coach, the G.M., and the owner.

    He better get used to it if he tries to "convert" other players in the NFL. Sure, people like Reggie White, Brian Dawkins etc were/are known to wear their religious beliefs with pride, but they are/were respected veteran players. I don't think it would be as tolerated from a rookie like him

    According to something else I read, Tebow hs said that this isn't how it happened. He said the only person in the room that he talked to was Max Hall, and that several other people who were in the room can back him up that this story isn't true as stated above. Take that for what it's worth, but it sounds like maybe it's something that got blown out of proportion, like seemingly EVERYTHING with Tebow does.

  4. The way I look at it is this though: Nintendo first tried motion control with the Power Glove, which was a miserable failure. Then they came out with the Wii, which has been a HUGE success. Nintendo first tried 3D with the Virtual Boy, which was both a miserable failure and potentially hazardous to your health. So I have to think that they're not going to release something like this unless they KNOW they have it right. Yeah it may end up with some gimmicky shit like what happened to the Wii (especially right at first), but the potential is so great that if and when it DOES get done right, then it could be something very special. Plus I just want them to release a Star Fox game for it so that I can play that in 3D. :P

  5. So has everyone heard about the next portable system coming from Nintendo? Set to launch sometime before the end of this fiscal year (which would be next March), it's going to feature 3D without the need to wear glasses, backwards compatibility, and according to various semi-unconfirmed reports, rumble feedback, some form of motion capability, better online, and gamecube level graphics. Oh, and there are also rumors that the next gen of Pokemon games will be a launch title for the system, which would ensure about a bajillion sales in and of itself. Any thoughts?

  6. My roommate is super pissed because he was playing Heavy Rain at the time it happened. Before we read up on the fact that it was a major problem with lots of systems, he had deleted his save data for the game, thinking it was corrupted. Needless to say, profanity was used when he found out that he didn't need to do that.

  7. I found the game to be a little repetitious as far as goals go, and I really didn't like the ending. Not the ENDING ending I guess, but the pacing in the last, say, 2 hours or so of the game just felt too long and drawn out, almost like they were saying "We have to extend the game, here, let's add some stuff for no reason". Kind of worked to kill the mood at the end for me. But still, a more than solid game overall and lots of fun. I'd give it a solid B+, though I don't think I would play it again any time very soon.

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