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Commander Sheepard

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Posts posted by Commander Sheepard

  1. I just have to wonder what the fallout for the other conferences is going to be if all of this goes down. Specifically, you know the SEC isn't ABOUT to just take this all in stride. Rumors have already started about them moving to get Florida State and Miami, with possibly Clemson and Virginia Tech also in the works if the "Pac-16" becomes a reality.

  2. So just a general question/musing: When you've been eliminated from a mafia you were playing, do you generally still look at the thread and keep track of what's going on? do you wait until the endgame and the post game wrap-up? Or do you just forget about it and move on.

    I ask because I find myself wondering what's going on in games that I'm dead in and checking back in with them frequently, but I notice that doesn't always seem to be the case.

  3. So I'm thinking about what mafia I want to run next. I've narrowed it down to either Divine Comedy Canticle Two: Purgatorio, A Lord of the Rings mafia, or a made-up game called "This is your life" or some such. The last would be based around people I grew up with.

    Any thoughts or comments? I'm open to suggestions as well...

  4. Picked the game up yesterday. Not far into the story, but really good stuff. Just got done with some online play with a couple of my friends where we went grizzly hunting, andd then took out 4 or 5 hideouts. Great stuff, even if I kept getting lost on the way.

  5. So even though I hate Glee (don't ask why, reasons too numerous to mention), I think I may have to watch this week just to see and hear Neil Patrick Harris sing Dream On. The little clip they played during The Simpsons just now was the first I've seen of him in it, and it looked AWESOME.

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