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Commander Sheepard

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Posts posted by Commander Sheepard

  1. Most recent was Silent Hill: Shattered Memories. I was in one of the nightmare sequences, and hid underneath a bed to get away from the creatures chasing me. They all ran past me, and I thought I was safe, but decided to wait just a second to make sure there weren't any others around. Right when I was all set to crawl out from under the bed, one(that I didn't realize was in the room still) stuck its head under there and dragged me out. Had to stop playing for a while after that.

    Also, the first time I watched someone play Bioshock, just the whole atmosphere in general was pretty tense and uneasy.

  2. When my wife and I were talking about this, she made the comment that the main event was now going to be "Matt Hamill getting his ass kicked by Rampage for about 3 minutes before he finishes him". I had to laugh at how vehement she sounded about the whole thing. And note, she's a big Hamill fan, so it's nothing against him.

  3. So nothing like the board reset (or whatever it was) totally eating a mafia you're playing in, eh? Also, my friends and I are thinking about playing a mafia game that I read about online, where you turn off all the lights in the house, and the scum has to roam around until they find someone in the dark to kill. Then (after an appropriate amount of time for said scum to get away), the victim screams, the lights come back on, and everyone goes back to the "main room" to vote. Any thoughts on if this sounds fun, or is it just me? To my way of thinking, it'd be like hide and seek in the dark mixed with mafia.

  4. I was already moderately excited about this movie, but this four minute trailer really sealed the deal for me. And lucky for me, it's on mine and my wifes 11th anniversary. I'll go to enjoy the movie for itself, she'll go because she likes Ryan Reynolds, as well as because she said the movie looks interesting. So score, all the way around.

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