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AnnIQ Edison

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Posts posted by AnnIQ Edison

  1. Downloaded TF2 but have zero experience with PC Multiplayer FPS games apart from a breif week run on Counterstrike a couple of years back. I must say that it is so much fun. My computer can't really handle the game if too much is going on and will lag but it's not too bad. Been playing Capture the Flag servers which seem the most fun. Soldiers seem to be my class of choice though I'll switch it around if I notice a lack of one class in a round (e.g. Medic or Engineer)

  2. Life of David Gale: Was quite good. The ending blew my mind but I guess if I was truly paying attention it would have been an option to consider. I'm always someone who doesn't think about the endings of movies while I'm watching them and just go with the flow. With this movie, doing just that was the best way to go.

  3. To move away from this DC reboot talk, I was wondering if there were any good Batman one offs that focused on The Riddler. There are clearly a heap based around The Joker and I've read most of them but I've always been intrigued by Riddler. I don't have the funds to look for long serials but one off like "The Killing Joke" or "The Dark Knight Returns" could be managed. So, do any good ones exist?

  4. An interesting note from the TARDIS wiki; River says no one must be allowed to take a single cell of the Doctor. However, every story since then has featured alien creatures stealing some piece of Gallifreyan biology (from the Doctor himself in The Curse of the Black Spot, The Rebel Flesh and from the TARDIS in The Doctor's Wife.

    But they did it in The Doctor's Daughter without consequence

  5. Read 'Darkly Dreaming Dexter' the other day and I must say that I was quite dissapointed with it. I obviously knew it wasn't going to be exactly like the TV show but it felt very shallow and I was expecting a long, drawn out psychological story but it just didn't feel that way and I just didn't enjoy the book. Again, quite dissapointing.

  6. Ok, just a thought: couldn't Home be related to the Family of Blood? The fact that he treats his family like they did, "Aunt", "Uncle", "Nephew" is a bit strange to me

    They were nothing alike though. One was some sort of planetary being "outside" the universe while the other is clearly an alien race within the universe.

  7. This weeks episode was fantastic. I was a bit skeptical at the beginning with them "leaving the universe" and that it may turn into another "Doctor's Daughter" story but holy hell was I wrong.

    There were some really nice little things that were in this episode that I thought were brilliant. I'll put them in spoilers just incase someone hasn't seen the ep yet.

    Note: I'm calling the planet "the consciousness" just to save time

    - It took me a couple of times to figure it out but when the consciousness tell Amy and Rory that he was going to make them slaves, I realised that the original two slaves looked like a really haphazard and older version of Amy and Rory.

    - I liked that we saw the TARDIS hallways. I think this is the first time they have ever actually shown a part of the TARDIS that wasn't the control room, no?

    - The whole "time loop" with Rory ageing and such was really creepy but a really good character developement for Rory. His absolute insanity when left for another 2000 years and then the creepy writing on the wall when he's dead was great.

    - Going to an "archived" control room and ending up in the Eccelstone/Tennant one was awesome. I was half expecting them to run into one of the old school, small room with tiny center console rooms but I can understand that they would want the larger version.

    - All the conversations between the TARDIS and The Doctor were hilarious but the final one was really, really touching. Nearly brought a tear to my eye.

  8. Read a theory that:

    The scene was cut intentionally because it may be that one of The Silence were present. They did say they have been around for a long, long time and that would also explain why the pirate was suddenly gone and noone noticed.

  9. I think all of them got revived apart from the kid (who was sat up but still plugged into the machines)? Didn't do a headcount though!

    Yeah but they never actually showed the last guy being taken. The Captain locks the two pirates and Amy/Rory/Kid in the room. One of the guys leaves but the other stays and is cut by the kid when he jabs him with the cutlass.

    After that scene you never see him again until the final scene where the ship crew all fly off into space.

  10. Did they ever explain what happened to that pirate who got cut by the sword from the kid? I don't remember them ever showing what happened to him and he just kind of disappeared.

    That is unless I missed something....

  11. The Shining. It was alright I guess. I can understand why it was thought to be very scary, the same way I can watch The Excorsist and understand why, at that time, it was thought to be horrifying. While the creepiness is still there it doesn't really do well as a Horror imo.

  12. Well, wouldn't regeneration be a side effect of Amy having a baby while travelling with the Doctor?

    Hinted at by their conversation in this episode, but I don't think they'd go down that route. Too simplistic a solution. Suppose it depends on whether the little girl has changed her face next time we see her. The 'Doctor's (clone) Daughter' regenerated didn't she, but didn't change appearance?

    She didn't regenerate, she was brought back to life by that thing that revitalised the whole planet.

  13. K-Pax - This is an older movie, made around 2001, that I haven't ever heard anyone talk about. My girlfriend actually remembered it and got me to watch it. Basically Kurt Russel is a psychiatrist who is given a patient who believes he is an alien (Kevin Spacey). The rest of the movie plays on whether he actually is or not.

    I thought it was great as the weighing up of is he/isn't he is built right to the climx of the film. I reccomend it.

    Jeff Bridges, not Kurt Russel. Other than that, yes, I agree. Good film.

    Whoops. Slip of the mind there. Yes it was indeed Jeff Bridges. I'll edit that now.

  14. K-Pax - This is an older movie, made around 2001, that I haven't ever heard anyone talk about. My girlfriend actually remembered it and got me to watch it. Basically Jeff Bridges is a psychiatrist who is given a patient who believes he is an alien (Kevin Spacey). The rest of the movie plays on whether he actually is or not.

    I thought it was great as the weighing up of is he/isn't he is built right to the climx of the film. I reccomend it.

  15. Yeah, but as far as they were aware it was "empty", and The Doctor had already established an alien presence.

    I guess. My logic was that if you find a maintanence shaft that is alien in origin you go tell The Doctor first.

    But then where would storyline progression go I guess.

  16. If you want to understand what is happening in newest season then start with last year's season.

    If you want a deeper understanding of who some of the enemies are then you really should start from at least Season 2 of the new series. The Matt Smith seasons call back a lot on what has already happened in previous seasons and not only will you not truly understand who the hell River Song is, but the final episode of Season 5 will go totally over your head.

    On the note that someone made about the room from The Lodger. I noticed that too.

    Something that really bugged me about that episode was that they go down the sewer to see if anything is strange and they find this clearly non-human maintenance shaft and don't think to tell anyone else about it.

    Other than that, good episode I thought.

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