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AnnIQ Edison

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Posts posted by AnnIQ Edison

  1. I agree with everyone that the script was hilarious and overall the episode was good but my god, I hope we don't see a Cybermen episode for the next 3 or so years. They have been done to death and when you can start having main stay enemies being destroyed by "love", you have an issue. At leas the last Dalek episode had them appearing in something new and novel. This was just filler for the sake of filler and could have been replaced with any number of throw away aliens.

  2. Choke. 7/10. It was good, the story wasn't anything amazing and it wasn't laugh out loud funny, but I enjoyed it. Sam Rockwell is always a winner for me and hey, Britta from Community naked! Wonderful.

    My exact feelings on the movie and my exact reaction to figuring out where I knew Britta from.

  3. So I've watched a couple of good movies recently. All of these I've only seen for the first time so be prepared for shock.

    Shawshank Redemption: Brilliant, brilliant movie. Deserves all the praise that it's gotten. I knew very little about the storyline of this and only knew that it was a Stephen King novel and it involved a prison. I truly didn't see the escape coming and it was great.

    Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels: Another awesome film that reminded me of Trainspotting. That kind of British underground type of deal. Really fun and a great watch.

    The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo: I had zero knowledge of what this movie was about when I watched it. The storyline was brilliant and was really engaging. I had no idea it was a foreign film though. That took me by surprise.

    Good Hair: This was an interesting one. It's a documentary by Chris Rock about African American hair styles. I went into this film with no expectations but it was actually quite interesting. The economy of hair styles and such is quite interesting and apart from a small section near the end that gets a bit sexist as Rock talks to some guys about having to pay for their girl's hair and prefering white women because they can touch their hair, it's a film I'd recommend if you want a mindless look into a part of culture that you don't normally hear about.

    EDIT: Forgot one. Forbidden Planet: Watched this on a whim the other day. It was actually much better than I thought it would be for a sci-fi film from the 50's. Biggest surprise was that Leslie Neilson was the captain. I had only been familiar with his comedy stuff when he was older so I had no idea he was in this.

  4. While my instinct says I'm going to be wrong, I really hope that there is no Undertaker RTWM this year. His stories are always above and beyond the ridiculous and I feel that dedicating a story to someone else (e.g. CM Punk) would be better.

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  5. That's not what I was talking about. There were about two lines where Rory explained to her that he loved her for more than her looks. That'd have been okay once, but he made that point twice. That was for the audience's sake in case they didn't get it. Or at least that's the way it felt to me. It was just a tad too heavy handed at a point that didn't really need to be made for the audience's sake anyway.

    I would think it's because she's become so stubborn and against Rory and The Doctor after the amount of time she was left alone that Rory needed to reassure her that it wasn't just her looks that he loved. Also, it would have been appropriate for the time it was said. The first time would have been when they first met, the second probably when the two Amy's were there and the only difference was "their looks".

  6. I'm a bit dubious about how when women fancy a 900 year old alien they don't feel a need to show that it makes sense (because, you know, he's hot) but when a woman is in her fifties and wrinkly they have to bash you round the head twice to make sure you see that it's normal for Rory to still love her. I kinda figure we know by now that he loves her for more than her exceptional looks, we don't really need to have him tell us twice that he loves her for more than just what she is.

    Because one is the woman he loves and he has to choose between the older version and the younger version. The other is a 900 year old alien who looks 27.

  7. If I'm playing a single player game then I don't really enjoy having others around. It just feels like I'm being anti-social when 1. They would be at my house and 2. I would have invited them there and therefore shouldn't then isolate myself.

    It doesn't help that my main core friend group aren't really into heavy gaming so wouldn't even want to play on rotation or anything. They got bored with Guitar Hero after 3 plays through.

    My girlfriend though is much better and watching while I play but she normally suggests it when I say "I want to play but I don't want to leave you by yourself" type of thing. She'll normally help a bit if I get stuck or give some advice but she'll need a laptop or Iphone or something to play on so she can fade in and out.

  8. This topic brought up a memory of my dad and I watching Goodnight Sweetheart when I was younger. I loved that show. It had everything. The 90's, Time Travel, WWII, Psychology and Humour. I can't believe it took me this long to look up what the name of the show was called.

  9. I liked the they may have just answered the "What happens if this Doctor wants to regenerate?" question. It looks like there may be two options. The first is that Regeneration is something that the TARDIS can control (hence the "Regeneration Unavailable" line), or...

    They say that when River gave the Doctor her extra lives, they allowed him more lives to regenerate with.

  10. If you enjoy video games and sim style games then get Game Dev Story. It's the first phone game I've become addicted to. I don't know what it costs on the Android but it's not too bad on Iphone. It's not that difficult and there is no "end" per say.

  11. At the moment I'm reading a book called "Faking It: The Quest for Authenticity in Popular Music". My interest in the topic came up through Uni where I have thoroughly enjoyed my music subjects based on Popular Music (duh). It's quite interesting to see a different perspective on artists such as Kurt Cobain and Elvis and who *their* influences were instead of always seeing them as the "starting point" to influence future bands as most places will reference them as.

    While I'm here (since I can't find a "General Book thread"), I've heard that Catch 22 is a book that people should read. Now, I don't know much about the actual story except that it has something to do with war and that's what concerns me. I don't really like books that are about war and peace and the struggles etc. Should I still look into it or is that the crux of the story?

  12. Watched the original King Kong today. It was alright. Someone told me that they felt no sympathy for Kong by the end of the film due to the limited effects etc. and I was in agreement with him until the Empire State Building scene where I felt empathy for Kong.

    It's defenitely a movie everyone should watch at least once, even if some of the effects are laughable at points.

  13. Is it possible that Catwoman comes in as a "replacement" of sorts while Batman is gone? Obviously I have very little knowledge of Catwoman's origins except that she was a theif and her and Batman had a thing, but if Nolan wants to work her in somehow, that seems to be a good way to do it.

  14. That trailer readout sounds fake as shit.

    Ruki is apparently seeing Harry Potter in an advance screening tonight though, maybe he can confirm.

    I was excited to see the trailer (almost more so than the actual movie)

    ....I was pissed off when they skipped all the previews :angry:

    I was exactly the same. I had heard that a whole bunch of new trailers were going to be released with the new HP movie and they skipped them all at the midnight session.

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