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Everything posted by Kaney

  1. Yeah, I wasn't sure whether you needed it to be a volcano or not for it to work, but it was alright once you figured out the sequence.
  2. I did this ages ago, you just need to get the order sorted out. B)
  3. All I said was Splinter Cell was better at stealth than MGS. And it is, remaining unhidden is a critical factor in Splinter Cell, but it's just an afterthought in MGS. The highest extent of stealth in MGS is standing behind a corner, and waiting for a guard to walk by. Besides, it's just a game. Calm down. :blink:
  4. I thought it was easier than the first one actually. The best thing to do when you're stuck is to hang around in dark places and make sure you knnow the guards route. If you can shoot the light out whilst being perfectly hidden in the dark, you should be okay and if the worst comes to the worst, there's usually a second or two where you can turn his light off with a quick melee attack. I can't count the number of times I've been in a sticky situation and just managed to get out by smacking the guard over the head. Sure, you run the risk of being caught, but more often than not it works. And Splinter Cell is much better than Metal Gear Solid, in terms of gameplay at least. Apart from Snake Eater (since I haven't played it) the MGS games have been disappointingly non-stealthy compared to Splinter Cell.
  5. Sad thing is, I can actually see it being Homer. He's already married a Vegas hooker, and he's kissed Ned Flanders before (...didn't he? I think he did but I'm not 100% sure) and Homer is the fall guy of the show.
  6. I can't remember if this is a factor, but it is in most of the driving school tests : Is your position messed up at the end? Most of the time you need to be facing forward perfectly straight. I haven't played in a while, so that might be a load of rubbish. I usually finish at around thirty seconds too, so I can't think what might be wrong. :\
  7. I don't think I ever done it either. Don't you need to hit it in the centre to count? And thanks for telling us tha Iwc, I hadn't know that. There goes my inflated sense of self-esteem when I finally beat Vertical Bird the 24th time
  8. That mission was a bastard, I think it's because of the fact that the shotgun has a wider range, so it can hit more than one target at a time. It was annoying, but there were a lot more missions that were harder. I didn't know you needed to buy the AK to do that bit though. And I've never heard of this before. Out of curiousity, do you know what other missions are like this?
  9. I used Polyamorous for my theme tune in SD!vR But I didn't really like the music in the game, so it was kinda 'lesser evil' type deal. I can't say I was too bothered about either of their songs. Benji might have been a bit harsh, but it's kinda true. When you have a dozen or so guys telling you the same few songs are awesome, chances are that you'll follow suit.
  10. Didn't someone else already post this? King Ellis springs to mind, but I'm not sure if it was or not. But yeah, I read this ages ago on GameFAQs, so it does work but I'm waiting to make sure it doesn't bugger up anything before I go ahead and try it.
  11. No...I meant it's not any of the four directions. Hence why I said that the grapples were either O+Up/Down.
  12. I think that was only you. And everyone else in the world who played the game. ← I know, But I'm just making sure you bastards caught it ← Fank yoo
  13. It's not. Me being one of those types who never bother with manuals, took ages to realise that the only running grapples now are O+Up or O+Down. O+Left is Irish Whip while O+Right is go-behind-thingermajigger. I didn't know that, thats a pretty good tip. Hopefully it works with Rumbles too
  14. I think that was only you. And everyone else in the world who played the game.
  15. Hm, I suppose that does make sense. I tried making the old WWF World Title, but I can't get a centerplate that looks normal. The best I can do is a huge eagle thing that doesn't look right. Since I haven't saw the belt in god knows how long, it probably is right and I'm just stupid EDIT : How do you do that thing with Kane/Big Show/etc where they gorilla press slam you over the ropes?
  16. Yeah Magus, that happens. Off the top of my head, one time HBK had just entered the ring, and everyone was busy so I grabbed him in an attempt to wear him down. I threw him over the ropes, and when I grabbed him for the button bashing thingy, it just punched him off. His body was perfect condition and his meter was full, so I guess it's just random. :\ Button mashing should rot in hell though. I was just playing a Rumble normally for fun, and in that one Rumble, I ended up with a blister on my thumb from trying to be eliminated
  17. If you haven't played the Playstation version then it's awesome. If you have, it's not that much better, except it has Metal Gear Solid 2 graphics. Some of the cutscenes are more over the top, but I don't think any of the dialogue has changed. Still a good game, but don't expect much if you played the original.
  18. Looks like it's a fake, by the end of the thread they showed enhancede pics and stuff, supposedly it says Adobe Photoshop when opened in notepad. I haven't been able to try myself, but it seems fairly...pointless.
  19. Have you done the mission with OG Loc where you use it? If so, it should appear at a small quay somewhere in Los Santos, I'm not sure of the exact location :\
  20. The challenges were a good sidegame from the main season, but I hate the one where you need to reverse a finisher. I spent a whole weekend trying to do this and it just wasn't for happening. I thought I was being a bit sneaky, when I reversed RVD's Five Star Frog Splash, but it didn't count. I reversed Beefcake's Sleeperhold (admittedly it was stopping the bar in the 'reverse' slider) but it didn't count. I finally managed to do it with Rock's Rock Bottom the normal way but it didn't count, even thought the requirements were fullfilled. suspect it may be because that was the only challenge that I attempted with my CAW >_<
  21. Kaney

    Red Dwarf

    I missed the whole phenomena, and have been relegated to watching episodes on UK Gold (I think :\) but the best bit I've seen so far was the episode where they have to escape (same series as the dinosaur one) and Kat was trying to get beat up so he could go to the sick bay. He kept getting in someone's face to piss them off, his expressions were hilarious.
  22. I've only done one season on SD!, a full year with my CAW and never even saw JBL in a match, let alone backstage. I only saw Taker at the end of the season I did on RAW (Not gonna spoil the storyline) but it's cos he was the Champ, and he was taking Trish away. I was surprised cos I hadn't heard him talk in ages
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