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The Buscher

The Donators
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Everything posted by The Buscher

  1. 0.91 WHIP too. Fuck anyone that doesn’t vote him for Cy Young.
  2. “Unable to come to terms on a deal”, aka “we don’t know why they’re not in so we’re just making shit up.”
  3. Lawrence is better, but Dabo did Bryant dirty.
  4. Kellen Clemens, Landry Jones, E.J. Manuel, Matt Simms, Tom Savage, T.J. Yates, and undrafted rookie Kyle Allen all attended a tryout for the 49ers. Matt Moore was also invited and would’ve been the presumed favorite to get signed, but he declined as he isn’t sure he wants to even continue playing.
  5. Even with the loss, he's still the first QB in history to pass for 400+ yards in each of his first three games. Of course, it's questionable if that actually is impressive or not given how ridiculously pass-happy the league is with three QBs already over the 1,000 yard mark just three games into the season.
  6. Has a flag ever been called on the kicking team on a punt or kickoff once in the history of football? Because it sure doesn't feel like it.
  7. Holy crap, the Lions not only beat the Pats but they did so in decisive fashion. I'd say this means next to nothing for the Pats though. They've looked bad in September, like, five years in a row.
  8. Realistically I can’t see myself ever giving up my NFL Sundays. It’s just been a big part of my life forever. It might get to a point of hate watching as I did with Raw for many years, stubbornly treating it like a terrible sports team and keep watching in hopes it’ll eventually turn the corner. But I just can’t see an NFL Sunday ever coming and me just going “meh, who cares”.
  9. You do earn VC, but no more than you would for any other match. And apparently much like last year you earn VC at a glacial pace.
  10. Confirmed that there are no unlockables for completing Towers mode at all. So it’s effectively pointless.
  11. Time for the Niners to bring back Kaepernick.
  12. Funny thing was Chad Wheeler still got destroyed by Watt for 3 sacks and a few more close calls. But honestly I don’t blame him, Watt’s drought was always going to end against this Giants line. They looked great in the first half and terrible in the second. After scoring 20 quick points they still managed to fail to get to 30, something they haven’t done since Coughlin’s last game. But a win’s a win. New Orleans probably kills them next week so all the more important to get this win.
  13. Except I’ve been a a big proponent of players having fun and have no issue with celebrating winning the Wild Card game, elaborate home run trots, or anything of that. But do go on.
  14. Ereck Flowers finally benched! So that'll spell the end for one of the biggest draft busts in Giants history. Top 10 pick completely down the drain for a guy who never once played like an NFL caliber lineman. He had horrendous technique even in college, I may not know a lot about evaluating linemen but even I could see that he would just drop his head and flail his arms almost every snap, which is a recipe for getting burned against NFL defensive linemen. Yet the Giants just assumed they could eliminate a career-long bad habit and turn him into a franchise left tackle. Undrafted second year man Chad Wheeler gets the start instead. Hell of a guy to lose your job to.
  15. May as well do a champagne bath for Opening Day, the All Star Game, and maybe even the trade deadline.
  16. This isn't a knock on the Yankees, but rather every team that's done this since the second Wild Card became a thing including the Mets two years ago - doing a whole champagne celebration merely for clinching a spot in a one-game playoff is so lame.
  17. Seems Spike is hinting at another delay occurring with their plans for upcoming content and like last time, also hinted their focus on the PS4 version is to blame. They completely underestimated how much trouble and hassle working on the PS4 version was going to cause considering how small they are as a studio.
  18. Welp, it appears that the Baker Mayfield Era has begun in Cleveland.
  19. Yeah, I'm going to need to hear a lot of good things before buying this. I thought last year's looked like it would tide me over in terms of wrestling games and I was bored within a month. Fire Pro is doing me just fine right now, and with a Promotion/Booker mode DLC set to come out eventually I think I'll be hooked for a long time.
  20. That would've been an improvement.
  21. The Ciampa/Kendrick/Cross omissions are really just ridiculous. It's just baffling that they'd go out of their way to get everyone from Oney Lorcan to Bianca Belair to Ariya Daivari to the Street Profits to Tony Nese into the game yet with Lio Rush who barely was on NXT and Mike Kanellis who is never used as DLC yet they'd leave out three people who are still on the roster when they had base models for them already. The whole "they weren't on screen around cutoff" doesn't fly when The Colons and countless others were rarely ever seen. It can't even be a space issue, either - not one single person gives a fuck that Brutus Beefcake or Greg Valentine are in the game.
  22. As far as I know their attendance is always optional. Like I know Michael Strahan hasn't gone back to the ceremony since he went in as he's got about 10 million other jobs. But it's always been a tradition for a large contingent of Hall of Famers to be there to welcome the new inductees to Canton.
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