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Everything posted by thuganomic

  1. Nah, I'd still take Mariano over him [/New York Bias]
  2. Batman Returns sucked. Superman II was alright X2 was better than I expected, but still bad. I haven't seen Spidey 2......so I gotta vote for the best one I've seen....SUPERMAN II!
  3. Um, he's the best freakin hitter in baseball ever? *Don't want to get into Bonds vs. Ruth vs. DiMaggio vs. Williams vs. Random HoF-er here
  4. Come on, how can the Bambino NOT be in?
  5. How can Tobey keep on going? Isn't his back already screwed up from doing 2?
  6. Spiderman needs the Kingpin, was he in Daredevil (Kingpin, I mean)?
  7. They don't have to make it without Pixar....as I believe they can still make sequels with Pixar, or am I just completely wrong here?
  8. You can make the same argument for Divac as you can for T-Wolves. Cassell is aging, Sprewell is past his prime. The only way I see the T-Wolves going far, is if Wally has a break-out season.
  9. Just getting in the playoffs means making it to the 1st round..... If you mean advancing, I say no. Spurs, Mavs, Kings, Rockets are now all better.
  10. Didn't see this posted anywhere. Seeing has how I've never seen UFC before, this has grabbed my attention. I'll definitely check out the first couple of shows.
  11. No, Mishmow. Don't even try and put any blame on the soldiers. Whatever your views are, to even suggest that soldiers want to openly shoot civilians and blow up houses is ridiculous.
  12. Poor naiwf....that was the best chance for the Knicks in recent years. They had a shot in 99, but Duncan just destroyed them I do agree that you need 2 stars to win a title.....the Pistons this year were just the exception to the rule. Shaq + Kobe, Jordan + Pippen, Duncan + Robinson, Magic + Worthy, Bird + McHale + Parish.....goes on and on.....
  13. *Dances Seriously....despite giving up a lot, I love this deal. Hopefully, we can now attract some good complementary pieces. Is Jim Jackson sticking around? God....I hope so.
  14. I have Marvel vs. Capcom for PS2. Chun-Li and Wolverine rule....
  15. It's not ALL GM's fault, they've had to take the good with the bad. One thing I'm mad, though, even though I understand why they did it, was taking on Penny Hardaway. He makes a ridiculous amount of money.
  16. Bah. I still don't think Pettite is worth the money that he wanted.
  17. Clemens has shown that he has completely no regard for loyalty. Red Sox fans should know what I'm talking about. Pettite - meh. His injury problems prevented the long contract, and even this year, it's been proven the Yankees did the right thing by not resigning him. I sure wish we had Clemens though.
  18. Well, Pettite and Clemens hardly showed loyalty by fleeing to the Astros. Still, I agree with you. Especially since Donovan Osborne sucks. Giving Pettite's number to Osborne was pretty disrespectful.
  19. That has always been a possibility, because he is under contract, and there are not many teams willing to take his mammoth salary.
  20. Bah. Rowan Atkinson should SO play Voldemort. That guy in the article pales in comparison to Mr. Bean.
  21. Actually, from what I understand, this movie is NOT a direct attack on Bush, as it also criticizes Clinton. Is that true? I have yet to see the movie.
  22. Matt is on the show next week? Explain.
  23. Rodney Rogers is horrible. If the Nets get rid of Kenyon Martin, don't be surprised to see Jason Kidd go soon after. This team is at a crossroads, and if they can't get Shaq, or resign K-Mart, expect a complete rebuilding stage just in time for their move to NY.
  24. or Bernie. But that's until Beltran comes next year
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