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Dr. Rated-R

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Everything posted by Dr. Rated-R

  1. Don't bother unless you have a decent graphics card. The RICE plug-in, which replaces the default video plug-in and is needed to change game textures, is in itself pretty shit. Like, it does what it does, but the default video plug-in works better for, you know, displaying the game. With the default plug-in I get No Mercy as it's meant to look, but with the RICE plug-in, the menus are black and shit. The matches work (generally) fine and look good, but it all runs slower. And, like I said, everything except the matches is basically just black. >_<
  2. I'm adding both promotions now. UPW as well. Which'll bring us up to 8 promotions overall, I think. Which is, all things considered, amazing. I haven't done a lot of work in the last few days (as is life), but I'm hoping to catch up the slack tonight. (Y) EDIT - I'm wanting to edit tag teams soon (I've noticed that a lot of the EXP numbers are WAY bloated), so if anybody has any suggestions for teams that aren't in/are inaccurate/need changed for whatever reason, feel free to throw them out there. EDIT 2 - It should be noted that card positions and whatnot will be mostly random/going on basic logic for the indy feds, as I didn't follow the scene. If anybody wants to fix them later on, I'm all for it, but for now, let's just get them in the game.
  3. I took a look at the Superstar Looks. I'm thinking I cut the number in half. Some of those were just ridiculous. I'm fairly certain the Midnight Express should be nowhere near the Superstar Look. I'm uploading the latest version of the scenario (v3) right now. It'll be edited into the first post in the thread in a second. Consider NWA Wildside a Beta version of the promotion, for now, as it's nowhere near complete. Since there are only three pictures I've changed (to my recollection), I'm just going to upload them here: ^Save as Kid_Kash2.jpg. ^Save as Big_Show2.jpg. ^Save as logo_NWA-W.jpg, in the Logos directory.
  4. Everything suggested since my last post has been dealt with. I've also gotten a logo for Wildside and put it on the same background as the rest of my logos. I'll release a "2001 logos pack" with my next update, most likely. I'm changing some things around (stats, mostly) myself as well. The next update should prove far superior to the last one.
  5. I like yours. The background is nice, the Angle/DX cuts are nice, and the effect on the text really fits. The other ones are just generic forum banners with no emphasis because of the color, and the text looks horrible.
  6. I've taken care of everything suggested so far, including the errors with people speaking. I've also done a fair amount of work on the staff (announcers and owners, especially). I'm still doing some Other Workers stats adjustments, and I'll probably be going over the WWF roster (I put a lot more work into WCW previously, hence small errors like Val Venis being American) soon enough, including some age adjustments. WCW could probably use some age adjustments as well. Expect a major release some time within the next week. Any time from tonight through Friday, depending on when I've done everything I can think of for now. And TOG, I'm all for adding Wildside if you're willing to help out (again). I'll get a matching logo/banner, but I wasn't into the scene then so I won't be much help. You have no idea how much I appreciate all this. EDIT - What do you think about, in regards to WCW's contracts, leaving them all written with the exception of the guys who are on the expensive AOL Time Warner contracts? Off the top of my head (I need to research it), that would let guys like Nash, Goldberg, Buff, Lex, Sting, etc have open contracts. The idea behind it would be that everybody else accepted new contracts when Bischoff and Fusient purchased the company, but the AOL Time Warner guys, with their bloated contracts (I'll up them all to a set, high rate of 200,000 or so), have yet to do so, and it's in your hands to decide who you'll want to fork over the big bucks for.
  7. Can you give me some stats for the CZW and XPW guys in your next-to-the-last post, TOG? I haven't really saw any of them (except a handful of Super Dragon), and I want to make this stuff accurate. I just want to point out that most of the stuff that's actually ridiculous (Coach's talent, things like that) were in the game by default. I didn't really touch staff members too much, although I did a lot of work on them yesterday. I've taken care of everything else you listed. Thanks dude, you've been a HUGE help so far.
  8. New version released! Yeah, links for the picture pack, promotion logos, the new version, and for the old version (just in case), as well as a vague change log and list of who is in the picture pack (and which workers have "Unknown" for their pics) can be found in the original, newly organized post. =) EDIT - note that the pictures won't all work if you continue a game started with the first version. Like, in the original data Kevin Nash's picture is set to "Kevin_Nash" and not "Kevin_Nash2", you'll have to either start over with the new data (which I suggest because of the improvements), or change it manually.
  9. I actually came in here to say that I was browsing OWW and saw that Heyman joined the commentary team in early March. Yeah, ECW's definitely out.
  10. I thought they declared bankruptcy in March. Hence the non-inclusion. Shows what I know. >_< About what would you suggest for ECW, public image-wise? EDIT - it should be noted that I've been messing with some indy stats (for some reason Mike Shane has an 85 in speed?), as well as changing some worker pictures around to time accurate ones in the data, and I'll probably release a small pic pack to go with it soon, as well as updated data with ECW included. EDIT 2 - actually, somebody else would be better suited handling ECW. I was never much of a fan, most of my ECW experience is just random PPVs and matches, I was never a consistent follower. If somebody can handle ECW tell me, and I send over the new data. Release 2 will come after ECW is all well and done.
  11. Aside from guys like Rhino, Raven, Tazz, and the Dudleys, no. Sabu, Dreamer, Sandman, and the like are in the Others database.
  12. 2001 scenario, set on April 2nd, the night after WrestleMania X-7, under the premise that Eric Bischoff bought WCW instead of Vince McMahon. Promotions included are WWF (updated), WCW (updated), XPW, and CZW. Stats for a good deal of the workers have been overhauled to be more accurate, a good deal of worker nationalities have been corrected, and the vast majority of workers have picture names set for them. Scenario last updated on November 26, 2006. Major props to That One Guy for his help on this edition.
  13. Hollywood Hogan (nWo 2002) Kevin Nash (nWo 2002) Scott Hall (nWo 2002) Michael Buffer Positively Kanyon Abyss
  14. The front looks really badass. I love it. The only thing I could suggest doing would be to use the burn tool a little bit on the taping of his left hand. It's too bright and it just stands out. You could also brighten up the "Ultraviolent" text just a little, but not much. Although that may just be a preference thing. Again, the front is great. The back, however, looks really unprofessional. It's not bad graphically, but it just doesn't look like a real DVD case would. The text is a little large, and it could probably do with like some copyright notices, the DVD logo, and so on. Just the general things that all DVDs have. Designing the back cover of a DVD is hard work, I've noticed. Also, can you link me to the tutorial/template/whatever you used to make the case graphic look like an actual, opened DVD case?
  15. Chris Cornell - Unplugged In Sweden. It's just Cornell and an acoustic guitar, playing stuff from Audioslave, Soundgarden, Temple, and some covers. It's an unofficial bootleg, but the quality is amazing. His cover of "Billie Jean" is fucking amazing. As is the rest of it.
  16. Did anybody, pre-WWE, refer to him as K-Fed?
  17. I love Bright Eyes. They just never really come up in discussion at EWB, for some reason. I've never really sat down and thought about which album I like best, but considering tracks from Fevers & Mirrors make up the vast majority of my "Top 10 Tracks" in musikCube, I guess that would be it.
  18. Here's a KyKy pic of Sting in his new look, capped from last night's BFG. I did the cap and I put it on the BG. It's obviously not the greatest quality, but it's the best I can do until TNA posts a decent pic on their website.
  19. Can anybody get me a decent quality version of Eric Young with his new black hair? I can't find a good pic or I'd do it myself. The KyKy background would be preferred.
  20. You could try Frailty. It's not a zombie movie at all, but it gets props as one of very few movies to actually creep me out. The basic plot is that this guy thinks he's been chosen by God to hunt demons that are walking the earth in disguise as humans. He keeps having dreams that end with him getting lists of several names of the demons, and he (with his children) sets about killing these supposed demons. It's really good, even if my description of it sounds stupid. If you want some stuff that's just disturbing (and thus frightening, which in 2006 is hard to come by), Hostel and Cabin Fever (both directed by Eli Roth) are good places to start. Cabin Fever's about a flesh eating disease and Hostel's about this underground industry in Europe where you can pay money to torture American travelers. Both are things that could actually happen and, aside from the heavy violence (especially in Hostel), that's the most frightening part. And if you want stuff that's much more disturbing, you could look into Takashi Miike. I've only saw Audition and I'd suggest it. As for zombie flicks, I'm not a big fan and you've obviously saw the Romero stuff, but uh, you could try 28 Days Later if you haven't. Or, if you want something less scary than just really uh, brutal and funny, you could try Dead Alive. It's directed by Peter Jackson of LotR/King Kong fame, but Dead Alive couldn't be more contrasting to those films.
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