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Gene Kiniski

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Everything posted by Gene Kiniski

  1. Just download PokerStars and it's simple. The game tells you what you have and such, you'll pick up on it damn quick. I never really played before today and I'm doing, well I'm doing.
  2. LDeck, what was the #'s behind your name again? LowerD??? Anyone want to play me I'm on PokerStars right now as YogiMike.
  3. I just started playing and I guess I've had begin' luck or something because I'm doing great. Now that's a fluke, it has to be.
  4. Kou, look me up at PokerStars, I'm YogiMike.
  5. This will be awesome as I am long time UFC fan (marking out for Shamrock before his wrestling days because of UFC). This will be a great move for them I believe.
  6. I could see him ending up with Kansas City for some reason, he just seems like he'd fit in there well. To me he's not a Green Bay style. Minnesota seems a little of the wall, either way best of luck to him.
  7. Does anyone know who Lesnar tried out for over the weekend and what the results were?
  8. They had us watching the spelling be when I had to do one of my "S.T.O.P."/"Scared Straight" weekends in detention and it was horrid. Most of staff and guards couldn't handle it so they ended up stealing the remote of the director of the place.
  9. Does it include a second disc of inspirational speaches about teen pregnancy?
  10. Yeah, it's "Slow Motion", thanks. I could have never figured that out (it's my girlfriend who listens to rap, not myself) so thank you. Oh and yes, it's simple and repetitive.
  11. I just saw a preview on tv for the Gene Simmons (sp?) solo album which I believe was title "Asshole". Has anyone heard anything off of it or have it? If so is it worth-while or just another comeback to be looked over?
  12. elJoJo, it's just new technology that will use your finger prints to access your music.
  13. Anyone know what rap song (newer one I believe) has the lines "I like it that" then goes on to something about ass or something along those lines? I looked it up on LycosMusic, but I couldn't get a clear response.
  14. I had to post this because when I saw the name I thought of the board member.
  15. From that pic she kinda looks like a younger and blonde Christinia Applegate (sp?). I'd still rather have my girlfriends (my own personal opinion so please don't start the useless flaming).
  16. It wasn't "back in time" it was a jump in dimensions. Master and Commander: *** 1/2
  17. I thought this post was going to be important or something, I opened it and said "Who?". Ah well, I guess all that can be said is, who?
  18. The Last Samuri - **** The movie was simply amazing.
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