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Posts posted by TOG

  1. Being the pretty much the lone Colts fan on the boards, this is the greatest thing to happens since, well ever. After enduring two straight losses to the Patriots and last year to the Steelers, I can no longer hear the "choke" label anymore.

    I thought that this year's game was far more entertaining than last year's, more than likely because of the turnovers and what-not, but it wasn't as good as the Pats/Eagles or the Pats/Panthers.

    The fuck you are? Have you even read this topic?

  2. Being the pretty much the lone Colts fan on the boards, this is the greatest thing to happens since, well ever. After enduring two straight losses to the Patriots and last year to the Steelers, I can no longer hear the "choke" label anymore.

    I thought that this year's game was far more entertaining than last year's, more than likely because of the turnovers and what-not, but it wasn't as good as the Pats/Eagles or the Pats/Panthers.

  3. I think you'd be fine. I don't know, though. Check the WoW site.

    Though for your purposes you should be fine with just standard WoW. As long as you play on the same account, you should still be able to access your BE. It's not like you need Outlands right now.

  4. Ah cool, cheers. I was wondering about RFK because I passed it going to Thousand Needles and all I saw were level 21 elites outside it.

    And okay, I know what you're talking about now. We've got a twink in our guild named Gingivitis, he was level 19 when I joined the guild and he's still level 19 now. All he does is stay in Warsong Gulch.

    I've thought about doing the AB BG for a bit now, but I've always sucked hardcore at BGs. I just wind up getting owned. A lot. Then again, that was playing as my feral druid..

  5. is level 26 a decent enough level to enter Razorfen Kraul? I ran SFK with a couple guys at 24 and we only died once (my fault, Consecration draws more aggro than I want).

    Also, what's the WoW definition of a twink?

    And am I one, Tog? :( I have at least 7 blue items on right now, although all of them have been quest rewards or drops from instances. I got a really nice breastplate from the murloc in Wailing Caverns as well as the Cobrahn's Grasp belt from Lord Cobrahn in WC.. I rolled need on both since no one in the party objected, and I was the only guy there who could wear mail (plus, it was way better than what I had).

  6. Waaahahahahahaha, that's awesome :P

    The lack of Discord really, really annoys me. I never realised how much I loved it/needed it until it was gone :(

    Is there a similar addon to Discord that works with TBC?

    (PopBar is shite, and doesn't count).

    Someone help :( Waagh.

    I just need a replacement for the default action buttons. Must have a configurable number of rows and columns, preferably a configurable number of seperate bars, like Discord had. But must REPLACE (or have the option to at least) the default action bar, not add to it.

    I want to make it look like this again:ui2je5.th.png

    (Ignore my pitiful amount of money, and the fact that I died in Uldaman at level 60, and my enormous ping. ¬_¬).

  7. Good one Rex. You're practically playing a home match here, like 65% of the fans are Chicago fans and you can't use that to your advantage.

    You can't use your receivers to your advantage.

    You can't read a play to save yourself.

    Sorry but I've had it with Grossman now, I know its the Superbowl, I know its a big stage but if not now, then he'll never do it to be fair. He still has the chance to bring it back, but does he have the ability?

    I'm not even gonna let people get away with saying Manning had much to do with the impending Superbowl win, people will make a big deal out of it but without Rhodes or Addai he wouldn't be getting his ring, but the focus will be all on Manning.

  8. I get totally mobbed by the Alliance all the time, my opinion of them is lower now. >_> *coughnerdcough* There was a 24 Draenei shaman fucking around outside Wailing Caverns the other night /spitting and taunting everyone, and when I finally attacked a 65 druid pounces me in cat form and one-hit kills me, then camps the corpse. Finally got a 68 Tauren Shaman there who took care of it.

    And then while innocently farming for jewels in contested territory, I got ganked by a group of five 35+ guys who also decided to camp the corpse. Eventually, my friend (who was there with me getting ganked) got a level 38 warlock to help us out. After a few embarassing deaths they left us alone.

    But yeah, I'm almost level 25 on my pally now. I met two really, really awesome RPers today. Partied up with one in the Ghostlands to do Dar'Khan Drathir and then we went and did Barrens/Stonetalon Mountain quests after that. Then, on my way to the Undercity from Orgrimmar I met a level 67 Troll Shaman who talked like a rasta and made fun of me and the other blood elves for being so short.

  9. - Much faster grinding than a paladin, especially with a good wand. Thus, taking more advantage of the rep bonus.

    - Obviously, far better healing. I would like to be a good healer, so that's a very valid consideration.


    Sure, you can kill a mob way faster than me. But while you're casting spells and shooting your wand while running away from that one mob (or wasting even more mana on PW Shield) until it dies... and then drinking (and this is after you had to run away because you pulled two at once), I'm on my third of the group of six I just pulled, and haven't used 25% of my mana yet.

    And don't worry about needing to drink half way through a trashmob fight in BRD, I've got enough healing power for the entire group and can do it while offtanking. So yeah, you might as well go Shadowform ¬_¬

    Now, Druids on the other hand... they can heal. But Priests? Shackle an undead, Shield the tank, and get in line and Wandspam, biatch.

  10. I wanna make an alliance alt, I am certain it will be human (the rep bonus is nicer than people credit for, and in my opinion they are the best looking alliance class [yes, I hate night elves]).

    I am certain I will play a holy type of character (I plan to RP a bit along the way).

    I just don't know if I want to be a priest or a paladin.

    Immediate priest benefits that come to mind for me:

    - Much faster grinding than a paladin, especially with a good wand. Thus, taking more advantage of the rep bonus.

    - Obviously, far better healing. I would like to be a good healer, so that's a very valid consideration.

    Immediate paladin benefits that come to mind:

    - Free mount. It's my first alliance character, so with nobody to support him, this is going to save a lot of grief.

    - Far more durable and versatile.

    I can't decide. :ohwell:

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