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Posts posted by TOG

  1. Why is she wearing a Star of David? She is/was a neo-dweebie Christian, or is it just her being a dick like everyone who wears crosses and has no actual faith? I'm not a fan of organised religion, but I always find stuff like that quite disrespectful for some reason.
  2. Right, i've basically been going through my PC cleaning out my music that I find myself skipping nowadays and after hesitantly coming to the realization that I don't listen to much metal these days, I went on a hip hop/rap downloading spree. People I especially like right now are Sean Paul, Ludacris, Busta Rhymes, and Nas so I am looking for artists in that vein that I may not have heard before. Recommend away.

  3. I've never heard the term "griefers". I think it's a lame American RPer term.

    Yeah, spirit matters fuck all for a paladin.

    Having never played a paladin to high levels, I can't comment on the importance of plate armor in the low 40s, but as long as you didn't gimp your mana pool too much the extra durability must be quite nice, even for a healadin.

  4. I just think it's in terribly bad taste to pick apart a dead woman's life choices while their are people mourning her loss.

    All I'm saying is this. I didn't put her in the situation she was, nor did you. The only person that fucked up her life was her. Her death, if it was caused by the drugs and shit, was due to her fuck ups. I definitely feel for her family, especially her three month old who's never going to see her mother, but ANS was pretty much worthless, at least from what we saw in the media. Maybe it was different, maybe she was a great person and all that junk, but since I never saw that, I can't say anything good about her. Good Riddance.

  5. This is ridiculous. Somebody died. Some people knew who she was, and felt the need to acknowledge her death politely. If you don't want to do that, don't post.

    People get less attention when fewer people know them. It makes perfect sense and is to be expected. Nobody is saying Anna Nicole Smith's life is worth more or less because she was famous.

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