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Posts posted by TOG

  1. I am currently trying to decide between a Wii and a 360. I mostly play Madden and GTA games, so it is looking like i'll get a 360, but the Wii looks fun. I'll end up having all three per usual though, so I imagine I can start with the 360 until the Wii has more titles.

  2. Perhaps someone who knows more about the business side of football can help me out here...

    What advantage is there, if any, to just releasing a player instead of trying to trade them?

    Why would the Texans release both Carr and Davis rather than shop them around?

  3. I feel like Atlanta got by far the better end of the deal. Sure, Schaub has proven to be capable when given a chance, but he's still a gamble. Nobody knows how he'll play when he's taking every snap. Furthermore, is Schaub the caliber of player that is worth dropping two spots in the first round and losing your second round pick when your franchise still desperately needs to build on having solid draft picks?

    Plus, how can they even think Schaub will be better than Carr? Neither have shown themselves to be ahead of the other.

  4. Because i'm curious where everyone stands, what are your your top two favorite teams?

    I like the Colts in the AFC. The NFC i'm more of a bandwagon fan. Last season I liked the Saints. I use to be a big Seahawks fan but I hate Hasselbeck.

    I also have an affinity for the Raiders, just because of the history behind their franchise, though I wouldn't consider myself a big fan.

  5. From ProFootballTalk.com...


    Per numerous media reports, including the Las Vegas Review-Journal, newly-signed Dolphins linebacker Joey Porter was cited for misdemeanor battery on Sunday night after allegedly punching Bengals left tackle Levi Jones in the face.

    The altercation started at a gaming table at the Palms casino.

    Per an e-mail from a reader who claims to have witnessed the incident, "They started talking sh-t, Joey Porter saying he'll always be a Steeler. He showed off the Super Bowl ring and Jones got up to him, and Joey Porter pretty much kicked his ass . . . . Jones never got a shot in."

    Of course, this means that the Dolphins will be getting three points in Turd Watch. And that we'll also have to figure out how to reset our "days without an arrest" back to zero.

    Eventhough he's highly overrated, I will always consider Joey Porter a Steeler and he will be missed. I hope he has 50 sacks this year, as long as he gets none against his former team.

  6. I fucking hate whining about athletes and their paychecks. It's nothing new and nothing to complain about. Plus, it's fucking difficult to even get a decent paycheck in the NFL. You have to put your body on the line constantly and i'd like to see any average guy work as hard to stay in shape and perform well as they do.

  7. Oh well, the assholes might not be the majority but they're definitively the most noticeable part of the gaming crowd. They're also curiously bi-polar on PvE servers: they'll help people of their own side quite nicely, but so help them if they find someone ten levels lower from the opposite faction, they'll gank them mercilessly. 'tis a bitch, I'm afraid.

    Arathi Basin is loads of fun. Even with a 52 warlock I can still easily finish in the top 3 on the "Damage Dealt" chart. On the flip side it often means that I've died the most while doing so, but that is the price to be paid for being so damn good >_>

  8. Either there's a decimal point missing from that Washington contract amount, or the Patriots have been slipped some highly potent shit.

    Somehow I'm seeing Brady falling short of 2500 yards next season. Of course, I see that every year when they sign retread receivers, and it never happens. Bastard.

    And speaking of Brady, did anyone hear confirmation of whether or not he's also knocked up Gisele Bundchen? :pervert:

  9. I don't know who he is, but RIP and kudos.

    Which brings me to something else... everytime I hear people talk about suicide they inevitably say that it's "selfish". That's utter bullshit. This case is different, because he was in bad shape, but still.

  10. I vote Evil Empire. In part for the reasons discussed above, but also because even though LK's looks alright, it shows absolutely no imagination. It's an average poster in every way. Also, the colorizing of Shawn Michaels irked me. It's an 8 man tournament for the world title, you want each guy to come off looking like he could be the next champion in order to sell it's importance. This comes off as "Come watch Shawn Michaels and these 7 other guys"

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