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Everything posted by TOG

  1. That's right, give him longer than actual murderers. Or rapers. This is exposing a faulty system that provides far too many rights to those that rape and kill humans. It's exposing an entire generation who has been so subdued by the news and movies to human death that they feel as though a dog - do to it's innocence as being a less intelligent animal - being killed is more tragic. I love dogs, but a convicted rapist should get life. A convicted murderer should get life. Animal cruelty and illegal gambling? A year or two in jail and fines.
  2. That's right, give him longer than actual murderers.
  3. I understand what you're saying. I just think that the NFL is going to give Vick another chance. The guy is way to talented to let him go. Remember T.O. right. I know he wasn't dog fighting but he was messing up over and over again but even he still plays in the NFL. Vick did loose a lot of fans because of this but he still has a lot of fans as well and we can't forget that.
  4. He could also go play in Canada as well. However, I think the NFL will give him another chance but he won't be a Falcon anymore.
  5. TOG

    Bad Covers...

    American Pie is the shittiest song, Madonna or not.
  6. Oh come on, surely anal rape is better. Like X said, anal rapage doesn't lead to unwanted children. It can be a real problem for some women in that situation to decide whether to keep the ill gotten spawn of their attacker or to get rid of it. At least with the anal rape the attacker showed some level of compassion.
  7. TOG

    Madden 08

    Yeah, you have options to prevent that. Control one of your d-lineman, and if you think it's pass, then commit to the pass when the ball is snapped. You'll risk giving up yards if they do run the ball, but it's something you're able to control.
  8. TOG

    Madden 08

    The Wii version is getting bad reviews. People who loved 07 aren't liking 08. Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08 on the other hand sounds as if it will be incredibly fun on the Wii, so i'll probably get that instead (despite never having owned a golf game).
  9. But they're both good movies which you should see anyway, and they'll probably add to your enjoyment of this one, so I recommend you do.
  10. I fucking loved everything about that show (that I saw). The finale, Vito's gay storyline, and all. However, I missed like the first 3 or 4 seasons. I need to go back and watch them.
  11. I'd say it's true for a lot of comedies. The punchlines obviously just aren't as funny when you already know them.
  12. How can you not like that song? It's hardly the best on the album, but the whole album is awesome. She's also oddly attractive, except the teeth.
  13. You have the ugliest signature I have ever seen. Just sayin'.

  14. TOG

    Madden 08

    I'm waiting till I have my Wii to buy it; but they fuck up uniforms every year. This is nothing new. I hardly played 07, but in 06 I remember the Rams had the wrong color pants. It sounds minor, but it really does annoy the fuck out of me. That said, I think people criticize Madden too much. With the proper sliders (which it takes a ton of play to find them, and they do make a difference) I can get a great game out of it every year on All Madden.
  15. The scoring system is pretty terrible. Passing TDs being worth as much as Rushing TDs and Receiving TDs throws everything off.
  16. I tried to get tickets to the Boston show but the only ones left were balcony seats on a Tuesday night, so I wasn't that interested. I'm probably going to try and score some better ones if I can, but we'll see.
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