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Monkey D. Lars

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Everything posted by Monkey D. Lars

  1. Will do, will do, still hate the fact that my cross didnt count it was clearly behind the line
  2. damn this game got lag online
  3. How have you guys gotten your Pro so good? My pro is all out of the gas after 65 minutes
  4. mmm I thought I scored a Goal with that cross
  5. Hopefully I can still join the 360 camp, haven't played for over a week because I was playing Asura's Wrath
  6. awesome, Alistair Overeem came to a show of the biggest dutch gamesite, gamekings.tv to play against Dennis, the guy who loves ufc over their and gave them tickets for the heavyweight fight of his >_<
  7. Can i also get an invite for the Camp?
  8. only if you think Overeem will win the fight with Dos Santos
  9. Just got the game ready to play it, but don't now who wants it but I got 1 Alistair Overeem code that I don;t use because I have two of them, so anyone? (XBOX360)
  10. I would love to join the EWB fightcamp when I get my game this friday
  11. I really just want to give up for today, my connection today is so so bad sorry guys im giving up for today I keep getting kicked off Xbox Live
  12. My connection to the EA servers is such a pain in the ass today
  13. mmm got dced by the EA servers :S
  14. Played it when I was young and liked it a lot
  15. Yeah I'll be online in about 2 and a half hours
  16. I needed to go to bed early because I have to work all day, but tomorrow im Free so tonight I will be online much longer
  17. nice goal, and I think i will be online tonight, if im playing another game just invite me
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