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Everything posted by Mick

  1. Damn that Intro Music and all the money that video game took for me!
  2. Back when I was in HS, I was in chorus, and we would auditition for Epcot Center's "Disney Candlelight", which would be a big show with the Voices of Liberty, an orchestra, and a celebrity guest narrator (eg Gary Sinse, Levar Burton, Uncle Freddie from 'Fresh Prince', James Earl Jones, The Black Guy from Miami Vice....) And we would have a set, which was the following: Shout for Joy Oh Come, All Ye Faithful Il Les Nest Angels From The Realms of Glory Oh Holy Night Rejoiced with Exceeding Great Joy What Child Is This? Do you Hear what I hear? Joy To The World Hallelujah Let There Be Peace On Earth* Was added to the set in 2001 because of 9/11 But still, those songs bring back a lot of feelings about the holidays. I'd say that the bolded ones were favorites long before I was in HS, though. Also, "Let It Snow" and "It's Begining To Look a Lot Like Christmas" are favorites. Because I'm a bass, I go around doing my best Sinatra impression at times.... Ah, memories....
  3. Hate to beat the ER horse again, but Abhraham Benrubi, who plays the huge happy clerk Jerry has potnetial
  4. Noah Wyle It sucks that he hasn't really done anything besides ER. John Goodman His performance in "The Big Lebowski" was phenomanal.
  5. NES Megaman 1-5 All the NES CastleVania's Double Dragon NES - Lifeforce NES - Contra Final Fantasy 6 Blaster Master Breath of Fire 1 Dragon Warrior IV Star Fox True Love \ Runaway City \ ---> 3 Sisters Story / Season of the Sakura / GTA: Vice City GTA: San Andreas True Crime Shining Force Punch Out!!
  6. In that case, they'll bust a cap in yo ass whenever they see you. All the respect I gained was from taking over the territories. Now I'm in San Fierro, and the fucking Ballas own the 40 I won for Grove Street .
  7. If your respect is high enough (or maxed, like mine), they won't even shoot at you. They know what a bad muthafucka you are.
  8. LOL...yeah, I have. NRG-5000, plus oncoming traffic = Super CJ.
  9. Right now, I have CJ in the black ZIP shirt, black khakis, gold watch, blonde cornrow hair, and the work boots. I think I might give him the afro and stache, and change his wardrobe up a bit.... Then....(Cheesy 70's music) Who's the baddest banga on the block........MICK!!!....You damn right.
  10. So, thankfully, via hopping the fence at Los Santos International, I stole my first plane: The Dodo!!! But, like the name suggests, I miscalculated a course, and crashed right into the control tower....boom. So, I hopped the fence again, and find a nice private jet. I hop in, and take to some nice, relaxing flying, and go over the desert..... And Area 53. A few rounds of Anti-Aircraft fire later.......one dead CJ.
  11. I'm in a nostalgic mode, so does anyone have the EWR 1. 4 game, and some scenario? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
  12. WHAT?! Somebody get my gun....
  13. WTF?! WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE, AND WHERE DO THEY LIVE? As a massive fan of AC/DC (Every Album and DVD Owned, inlcuding collectables, plus 4 T-Shirts), these blasphemies must end. They call themselves Six Feet Under? Well, I'm going to make sure that they are six feet under. Oh it's true. It's damn true. Fuckers.
  14. Well, it doesnt' matter. My PS2 is now a PoS2. It's dead. So, next payday... Brand new PS2. Then GTA.
  15. After two days of trying, I was finally able to download the trailer. Like it has been said above, It was fucking sweet.
  16. One of my co-workers said he has the same problem as I do, right down to the annoying clicking sound. I'm not too found of it, but it would certainly appear that a (Brand) new PS2 is order for me.
  17. I thought it could've been the game, so I exchanged it for a fresh copy, but I still have the same problem. I've tried cleaning the disk, vaccuming the dust out, but it doesn't work.
  18. So I have the game. And I keep getting disc read errors. And it's pissing me off. Any advice?
  19. I have a feeling that these new 9/11 miniseries/TV Movies will possibly be remeberd as "The Day After" for our generation.
  20. Yeah, that show was pretty fucked up. It probably will get cancelled.
  21. Mick

    South Park

    That was pretty fucked up with PETA, and I loved when they banished Stan. That was taken right out of Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome.
  22. No. It was like something you'd hear at a dance club.
  23. Okay... I saw this song on VH1's "I Love the 90's", only I couldn't catch the title. I remember the video being a white guy trying to sing this reggae song, and all the stars blasting it. I know it was early 90s, maybe 94 at the latest, and at one point in the song, he sings something that vaguely sounds like "Why Worry?" Anybody have any clue what the hell song this is?
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