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Everything posted by KoA

  1. PES sucked when I played it. I don't know; it just seems a lot weaker than FIFA to me. Put me down for FIFA 09 by the way
  2. Thanks, I've found out how to do it and I've managed to curve it but I can't get it right at all. So, I'm turning this in to a request topic! Here I have an edited version of the Manchester United logo. I've painted over the text and the picture in the centre (which has been replaced with a large smiley face). What I need one of the kind people of EWB to do is add the curved text 'Chipchester' in the top box and 'United' in the second. I'm not bothered about font, whatever looks good, just so long as its similar to the yellow used in the box. Here's the template to use: http://i152.photobucket.com/albums/s200/Ch...terTemplate.gif Cheers
  3. Just playing about on Photoshop making a logo for one of my Xperteleven teams, and am trying to edit the Manchester United logo. Just need to ask, is there anyway I can get the text to bend round like it does in the United crest?
  4. I'll be honest, I'd prefer someone like Rosberg or Kubica driving the McLaren. But, Kovalainen is hardly bad. He's a great driver, and, as said, you can't say he isn't good enough to drive a McLaren, because as has also been said he's beaten people like Michael Schumacher, David Coulthard and Jean Aleisi in the past. Okay, in different types of cars, but too out race those experienced drivers you have to be pretty damn good. He's been plagued with problems and unluckiness; he'll be better next season and McLaren will have stronger chances in the constructors championship no doubt. That's been McLaren's problem in the constructors table, the last time they acutally retained both drivers during the close season before now was 2005-2006. Consistency within the driver set up should prove invaluable. And I agree about the FIA/Brundle story. He's the best pundit going and the BBC would've been daft to not lure him away. The FIA are acting stupidly about this. It was a year ago and it's all blown over now; get over it!
  5. Yeah it's a great track. It'll take a LOT to persuade Bernie though. Here's another piece of news taken from Planet F1, concerning Martin Brundle's move to BBC for next season.
  6. I don't think I can see Ecclestone bringing the race back to be honest. Not without drastic changes anyway.
  7. Ok cheers. So will it show the same IP address as my laptop? I'm confused.
  8. Quick question; does the PS3 have an IP address? Like on the browser and that.
  9. KoA

    FIFA 09

    Because I wanted to. And I was seeing if my aforementioned account problems where solved, and they are after a change of PSN email address
  10. KoA

    FIFA 09

    Dimitar Chipatov scores a stoppage time winner for Inter in the second game of Serie A
  11. Rather uneventful race today. Hamilton was unthreatened, Raikonnen and Massa didn't really do much...Highlight of the race for me was Kubica's charge through the field. It's a shame he couldn't get up another few places though, would've loved to see him still be in contention come Brazil. I'd like Hamilton to win the world championship now Kubica is out of it.
  12. KoA

    FIFA 09

    No luck finding how to change it. Anyone got any ideas?
  13. KoA

    FIFA 09

    Exactly the same email address and password I use for my PSN. I'm going to try and find how to change my email address on the eafootball world website now; I couldn't find it before. Here's another goal from Bulgaira's finest Dimitar Chipatov that I quite liked. Found the run quite cool tbh
  14. KoA

    FIFA 09

    The email I used to register the account last night is the one that I use on the PSN. Should I change the email address on that account and see if that works?
  15. KoA

    FIFA 09

    Okay, if anyone can make sense of this/help, I owe them. I registered on the eafootballworld website last night. Now, I didn't know that you were meant to use your PSN stuff, and now that I've uploaded a goal video from my PS3, it created a second account called TheStig93 (my PSN name) on the website, and I've no way of accessing it. Anyone got an idea of how I can? Because I'm stumped... And here's the video for anyone who may be curious. Dimitar Chipatov scores his second in the game for Wisla Krakow against Polonia Bytom.
  16. As in a USB Flash Drive? Just plug it in at the front?
  17. Nearly four hours it took in the end. Most probably because I was busy on the internet on the laptop and that.
  18. Is it just me or has anyone else experienced a really slow download time for this update? I mean it's usually damn slow anyway, but this is taking the piss. Or maybe it's because I've got a lot going on with the internet connection or something...Meh.
  19. Just a question; is Force Unleashed available as a demo on the PSN?
  20. Oblivion. I thought I'd like it because I usually like that kind of game. Did the tutorial and played around for an hour or so after that, then got bored. Just not my cup of tea I guess, so I'm going to trade it in with FIFA 08, get some cash, and get FIFA 09.
  21. It's good news about Alonso that. Had he gone to BMW I couldn't have seen Kubica being happy about it, and I like Kubica, so that's good for me. And Force India won't win a GP this year. For all of the reasons Kat said, plus more. Gascoigne said they can do it because STR did. There's a big difference between their seasons. For one, STR have constantly out-qualified Force India, and Vettel has pretty much always qualified in the top 10, whilst Force India have been at the back with Honda all season. FR don't have the qualifying strength that STR - specifically Vettel - have. They aren't in STR's league. And, besides the performance from Sutil in Monaco, they've done nothing as I can recall.
  22. Fixed (Y) I thought the entire race was fascinating as you really weren't sure who was gonna finsih where ad had the conditions changed Hamilton would have been upfront more, but either way keeps the championship interesting. The best thing I can say about Vettel is that you didn't see too much of him through out the race, he was so calm and great we had to watch the rest of the race for the excitement, fantastic drive! Cannot now wait until the night race in Singapore with early weather reports giving a 60% chance of rain, brilliant! Oops, my bad Can't wait for Singapore. I've been waiting for this race all season, the concept of it makes it really interesting. I can see this being the race of the season, and the street circuit/wet weather combination is always good and the fact that it's at night in these conditions...Wow...This is going to be one hell of a spectacle!
  23. Ha, it's like James Allen said, he'll give racing drivers a bad name with that attitude!! Obviously, I'm joking to. Vettel has a very bright future ahead of him. Anyone have any idea how long he's contracted to Red Bull for? I can't see him staying beyond his deal that starts next season, one of the tops teams will have him if he's still on the boil, which he should be. He's got real talent, and I can see some interesting battles between him, Hamilton, Kubica, Kova, Massa and the like over championships in coming years. Vettel has the more competitive Red Bull next year though, and I can DEFINITELY see some more wins coming.
  24. Flawless drive and a well deserved win from Vettel. It's a shame Lewis couldn't pass Massa, I think he would've though if not for the tyre change. He could've finished second at least if they didn't make that choice. It's great too see someone else besides Hamilton or Massa win though, and I'm pleased it was Vettel. It was a brilliant race and a brilliant drive from Vettel, and I don't care how much he downplays it, he's the next Michael Schumacher
  25. I've got Oblivion too complete which I bought today. Played for an hour or two and got very bored of it. Really don't like it at the moment. I'll keep hold of it though, see if I feel any different in the coming months. Only cost me £13.49 pre-owned when I traded in some really old PS2 games. So, I didn't really pay full price to be honest, so it's not really worth taking a pre-owned game back and saying it doesn't work for a refund. Also want to do Assassin's Creed again for some reason. I'll definitely be on that soon. Going to pick up something with good online as well; any suggestions? I have CoD4 by the way, so not that.
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