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Everything posted by Bobfoc

  1. And there's a digital-only version too. That's probably a response to the heavily rumoured cheaper Xbox Series X model. The one glaring question mark, of course, is the price.
  2. Me too. I didn't dislike it, but I had other games that I wanted to play. I'm also a bit tired of open world games. That looks a bit snazzy.
  3. This showcase has a lot of animals. Little MIX: The Lost Chapters Horizon: Zero Dawn 2?
  4. Demon's Souls. The rumours were true.
  5. Maybe it's a long shot, but if they made the maps from the previous games compatible with Hitman 3, like they did with Hitman 2, that would be brilliant.
  6. I would imagine so. Hitman 3? Interesting.
  7. I've only just thought of this because the game we're looking at is set in Tokyo, but I'd like a new and improved Tokyo Jungle.
  8. I've just had a thought. We haven't seen any shooting yet. That must be unprecedented at this stage of a major publisher's show.
  9. This looks like a cross between Pokémon and Bojack Horseman.
  10. This looks like Twisted Metal for happy people.
  11. I don't think so. I doubt it'll be a launch title because I think they'd have said so.
  12. 1080 would be great. I'm at sub-720.
  13. I feel as though I'm missing out a little bit here. My internet speed isn't great, so I'm not able to stream in HD. Any nice new graphics are going to be difficult to make out.
  14. As much as I respect Gran Turismo, it hasn't done anything for me since the first one. It was amazing seeing real cars rendered somewhat realistically in 1997, but it all feels so clinical now.
  15. I did what a lot of people did and read each book after its corresponding series. Because some of the show's events happened earlier in the books, I knew about Meera and Jojen's appearances and about Balon's death. That said, I had assumed they would happen differently in the show, so they were still surprises of sorts.
  16. Speaking of which, here's a stream: It's got some IGN stuff beforehand, but the reveal starts at 9.00pm BST. That's in about two-and-a-half hours.
  17. I thought it would be interested to discuss which parts of the story were spoiled for members here as they watched the show. Obviously, those who read the books first will have very different experiences, but leaks for the last couple of series were circulating too, so everyone was at risk of finding out things they didn't want to. I watched the first series when it came to DVD because a lot of people on here liked it. All I knew at that point was that Sean Bean's character died. I imagine that would have been a big surprise to people coming in completely fresh. I also had a strong suspicion that Robb would die when he did because Richard Madden seemed to be taking on several new projects at the time. I'd heard about the Red Wedding, but I guessed it would have something to do with Melisandre, The Red Woman. When Beyond the Wall leaked online, several sites ran the story with an image of Viserion's eye turning blue, which gave away the ending. As a bonus one, I remember reading online about how emotional it was going to be when Sansa died. Clearly, that was inaccurate, but it meant that I was waiting for it to happen for a couple of series.
  18. This is the obvious fight to have in the sense that unifying all the titles is desirable, but I'm feeling uneasy about this. Rumours are spreading that Saudi Arabia is a likely location, which would be crap. Something like this would ideally take place in a big stadium in England, but the uncertainty caused by the pandemic might well mean that that's off the table. My biggest concern is how fans will act during the build-up. AJ's caught flak for his involvement in the London Black Lives Matter protests, and Fury seems to have a lot of support from the world's more prejudiced fans. I think there's a real chance that racial tension could become a big part of this.
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