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The Donators
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Everything posted by Bobfoc

  1. That's a nice surprise. I really hope we get a Let's Go Gold/Silver at some stage, but it's been said that it will only happen if there's enough fan demand.
  2. Willie Thorne has died. That's a big loss. For all the personal demons he had, he was an entertaining commentator and pundit.
  3. If you have Xbox Game Pass and have downloaded The Witcher 3, you can get a free GOG copy on PC for the next seven days.
  4. There's some sort of Pokémon stream on YouTube tomorrow. It will probably offer a few extra details about the new DLC.
  5. For anyone wanting to remind themselves of the most recent events in the books, as well as hear about some plausible plot theories, I'd highly recommend the YouTube channel In Deep Geek. It has a lot of well researched and clearly presented videos that have really helped get me back in the mood for more content in the ASoIaF universe. There are also videos that cover Lord of the Rings and Westworld, if you're into those.
  6. For the next seven days, if you own The Witcher 3 digitally on Steam, Origin, Epic Games Store, PlayStation 4 or Xbox One, you can get a free copy to download on GOG for PC.
  7. You could have had a sequel with any survivor at all. It just wouldn't be as effective, probably. As good as the first game's opening was, I think Bioshock had my favourite beginning.
  8. A showcase for some new VR games starts in an hour.
  9. I'm just having a little joke. You're perfectly within your rights to not like the game. I wasn't hugely keen on it the first time round. We all have popular games we don't "get", and that's fine.
  10. These two blokes at the docks. We never got to find out their hopes and regrets.
  11. Sod The Last of Us 2. Someone has made a playable browser version of Lee Carvallo's Putting Challenge.
  12. I only knew Ain't No Love in the Heart of the City from Whitesnake's version. The original is better, I think.
  13. Starting shortly. I don't know how big the announcements will be, but it's going to cover several platforms.
  14. You were right. It's only £15.99 for UK customers, and presumably something similar elsewhere. Mind you, it uses Denuvo DRM, so that could be an issue for some people.
  15. This starts in about fifteen minutes:
  16. Astro's Playroom will be a pack-in game pre-loaded onto the console.
  17. That looks much more inspired than recent entries in the series. The variety interests me.
  18. You need a lobotomy, sold separately, for that.
  19. Maybe I'll order it. I have some PSN credit. I'm not sure.
  20. The Last of Us Part II is getting glowing reviews. The most common complaints are that the pacing is sometimes slow and the collectibles feel a bit archaic.
  21. I'd be very surprised if it were below £500. The RRP of the Xbox One X is still £449.
  22. That wasn't a bad show. There's nothing that blew me away, but there wasn't anything I really disliked either. I'm looking forward to Microsoft's event next month now.
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