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Everything posted by stevev10

  1. It's against the law to play EWR if you're not at least 13 [or can't comprehend the fucking rules] - calling the police!
  2. I don't understand as to how you haven't done it, you produced a post the other day with your BY2G roster - which I believe was with up-to-date workers. So what happened? Are you 11?
  3. OK here's what you need to do, go to the data folder and delete the file which says wrestler.dat
  4. This whole thread is a clusterfuck of major proportions!
  5. Alright so you've downloaded the file, you need to then Unzip the document and then cut each of these files [which you have just unzipped] and paste them into the data folder replacing all of the files which are currently in the data file. Then start the game!
  6. Hey guys, basically I'm looking to find a good font for small text - a friend a while ago recommended one off dafont.com, however, I cannot for the life of me remember what this was. Any suggestions?
  7. Yeah they were bad pictures tbh, and I only uploaded them because someome 'might' use them lol
  8. Christopher Daniels | Colt Cabana | Davey Richards | Rocky Romero Alex Riley | Kevin Thorn | Low-Ki | MVP Homicide | Chris Jericho
  9. You should totally do it your damn self Merry Christmas Bro. **Edit** She went from looking 16 on NXT to looking 30 in FCW That's what you get for dancing with Tony Chimel!!!
  10. Can I get stats for "Pretty" Peter Avalon [NWA Championship Wrestling from Hollywood]
  11. Made a dummy logo - feel free to use if you wish And a bad banner haha remember to rename it banner_NWA-H
  12. I've started playing on the December update as NWA: Hollywood - Just wondered if anyone had the Graphics [avatar and banner] for the promotion?
  13. Just wondering is this still going to be completed? I'd love to play this scenario, like many others. I don't mind doing the edting if need be as long as people want to feed me their opinion on what the stats should be.
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