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Everything posted by Ruki

  1. This song was great. Also, a Spoilercast of Rebirth!
  2. From reddit, people are saying Call of Duty which, ehh
  3. Just started Infinite Wealth. I forgot how much of a goodie-goodie Kasuga is. I love him.
  4. The next 3-4 years will be torture. Fantastic game. If anyone is still playing, rush the story. It should be experienced with minimal breaks. The rewards for the side quests ain't worth it.
  5. Rolled credits on Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth. High chance it's my game of the year. Waiting 3-4 years for the finale will be torture, but worth it.
  6. Just finished chapter 13, this game, holy shit.
  7. More chapter 13 stuff More chapter 13 stuff
  8. For the past week I've been obsessed with Gamedle. https://www.gamedle.wtf/?lang=en# It's one of those daily puzzle games. There's Classic mode, where you guess the boxart of a game with it pixeled out and slowly revealing it as you get incorrect guesses (I've had a few that I managed to get on the first), Artwork where it's the same as above but artwork, Keywords where you are given a few key phrases about a game and gotta figure it out and Guess... where you try and figure out the game. Each guess it will tell you if you're right on the genre, year, series, etc... and you got to narrow it down by that.
  9. One day the Leafs will be able to beat Boston.
  10. I've played 2-3 hours of Eiyuden so far and I'm enjoying it! The run speed and battle animations could stand to be a little quicker. And not being able to save anywhere on the world map is bogus. Also the random encounter rate is a little low.
  11. Judgement is a steal at that price.
  12. Yeah, I did most of them. Not doing the pirate treasure (because the reward seems meh), I'm skipping a Gongaga one (because Gongaga), and the last Kyrie mission. But I ended up watching the Tifa cutscene on youtube. Gonna watch the rest later I think!
  13. I've also never played SMT. My only concern is that I've heard it's just dungeons and high difficulty combat, not much story.
  14. I got Red for date night, I was expecting Tifa! Aerith as #2. That's a surprise!
  15. I know @DragonCore made a thread about it, but I feel like it might be too niche a game for most on here. Gonna watch this after the kids go down tonight, but everything I've seen before this has me excited. So I doubt that changes (especially because I heard there's a job system? I'm a slut for job systems)
  16. At the start of COVID I was super into 14. Got through the base game and first expansion before I moved to playing D&D for my socializing fix. But I did start up a new trial account about a month ago to scratch an itch that was growing. I am leveling a rogue before going Red Mage at level 50. Got a ways to go, only defeated Ifrit last night.
  17. I think I am right before the final boss? (You know, the last Queen's Blood player)
  18. Just finished it with my wife, we both loved it! I can't wait for season 2!
  19. https://old.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/1c9jywa/eiyuden_chronicle_hundred_heroes_review_thread/ Reviews seems to be all over the place for Eiyuden Chronicle. I was hoping for a better reception!
  20. Decided I wanted a smaller sub-game (since I usually have two games on the go, FF7-R2 being the main atm) before Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes comes out next week. Decided to try out Soccer Story. It was a fun enough game, nothing mind blowing, it was going for that Golf Story feel, and I give it a C+ in that regard. The sprites are fun and expressive and the world is silly/over the top. That's about the last it gets right. The gameplay is painfully simple, and after enough stat-boosts, way too easy (I won the final match 6-1 without trying... and the final 1v1 match I won 14-0). It's also quite glitch-y at times which leads to frustration. And each zone also has the EXACT same set up. Tell them you want to play soccer, convince a team to play. Beat the team. Convince another team to play. Play the first team, then the second team, then go to the next zone. Repeat. It is fine and mindless, which is sometimes all you're after. It helps that it's a short game, I think I finished in 10 hours?
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