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The Donators
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Everything posted by Ruki

  1. That may be true....but I can still make threats if things don't go my way!

  2. You're my hero.....just want you to know

  3. If Picachu or Mewtwo doesn't win SSVM: TT, then Sarah Lanark is going to make a visit to your house...>.>

  4. Firesale Mafia > Firesale > EWB vs. PWF

  5. I will miss you over the month :(

  6. Ruki

    Let me love you!

  7. Actually, it isn't a rom...and the game is completely legal. They got permission from Nintendo, and they said it was alright as long as no money was being made.
  8. Ruki



    >Magic >>>Death


  9. It's weird, I kill all the monsters and when I return to the area, there is only one left standing. But I think leaving and coming back would work, I was planning on going for a hunt...but ended up finding that Esper and dying.
  10. Anyone know why the auto-leveling won't work for me anymore? I went in and had my party do it for 10 levels or so, and then I went and saved the game and turned it off. I came back, planning to do it with the other three, but I cleared all the monsters in the area....but the creature (can't think of it's name) never appeared.
  11. Aww...but that requires effort. So what level are these monsters?
  12. Ruki


    I'm going to cry now Fuck you Fox!
  13. Ruki


    I really hope that black lady (I'm not racist) doesn't win the race like "God says"......if so, it'll be pretty anti-clamatic.
  14. I got the Barheim Passage, and went in the door that the Bangaa was standing outside of....and I went in expecting super hard monsters, only to cry in dissapoitment. So...where are these monsters that kicked the shit out of the bangaa?
  15. Ruki


    Still one of my favorites.
  16. Mid to low thirties....and I had a pretty hard time.
  17. You see, I wasnt' that smart. Although I doubt I could out run a thunderbolt.
  18. I've been on the Canada wagon since I started caring about hockey. Go 'Nucks and Sens!
  19. So....I was fighting an Esper and managed to kill it (Vaan only one alive, 100hp), but after that...it's fucking zombie minion hit me with Thundara and killed me before I could heal/revive anyone. I was pissed.....and I wasnt' even looking for the Esper, I was looking for the fucking mark in that cave, before I went an auto-leveled up a few of my characters.
  20. I'd take it if I had a 360.
  21. A pokemon league could be fun, depends on how it works exactly.
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