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Everything posted by Ruki

  1. My hopes for the Penguins moving to Canada have been destoryed.
  2. I don't use gambits personally. I much rather tell them what to do.
  3. I have to agree with stokeriño, the leveling thing is horrible...takes for-fucking-ever to level up! Main reason I'm not playing it right now....I'm tempted to start playing FF 8 again, but the second I get .hack G.U//Vol. 2 I'm dropping all other games.
  4. I never said I hated the Wings. I don't care for them.....I only care about the Leafs, the Penguins, and the Blue Jackets. And yes, I am glad I signed up.
  5. Hopefully Peca will be ready to play soon, any boost he could give would be great. Also, isn't Peca's contract only a 1-year deal? Think he'll bail out July 1st?
  6. The Leafs won? Awesome! The last I seen it was 3-2 with about ten minutes left, and then we left the resturant. I'm glad that they pulled it out
  7. Haha....that would be an interesting game. Got the pic of it?
  8. They had something else on IGN....apparently towns can grow and prosper depending on your actions now.
  9. From my experience, all they really have to steal are Tyrant Hides, or something like that. Worth between 500-1000, not sure exactly. But, if you want to make some cash, go to the Silkawood, equip Theif Gloves, and steal from the friendly bunny thingy (not sure what they are called). There is a chance to steal Stardust, which is worth 1500 gil per unit. You can also get a katana from them worth a few thousand.
  10. Wow.....that is some shit ass luck. I think the worst I had was Sundin go down for about a month, play a game, and out for a few more weeks after.
  11. AIDS....love you?

  12. Or, if you level up nicely, get a few quickenings and use them on them. Decent LP and XP.
  13. Your sarcasm helps nothing :P

  14. I'm pretty sure my levels are way too low. I'm about 31-33 for all six, and just about to enter the Phon(sp?) Coast, just have the Silkawood. I also found one of the hidden Espers, got slaughtered after getting it down to 50% hp.
  15. I'm tempting to start playing EHM 2005 again now...
  16. Ah, ok. I know that in 2005, I never really got anything with my picks sadly. Not anyone I used anyways, always sent to the minors.
  17. What kind of starts does he have? Shit?
  18. I think I traded him shortly after.....god I wish I had the money to buy the game.
  19. When I last played the game (before my demo expired).....I had Wade Belak(sp?) get suspended for 7 games with a game misconduct, and the game he got back, he was then suspended for 10 games. Maybe I shouldn't have set his fighting stat to "encouraged"
  20. Here's hoping Raycroft can do something amazing.
  21. Oh well, what's done is done. The Oilers fucked up in a lot of peoples eyes, but I can see where Lowe was coming from with the trade (better get something then nothing....unless you count STDS). Well, I'm hoping the Penguins can do well with their new enforcer protecting Sid the Kid, I'm expecting good things from them in the playoffs. Same with the Leafs, assuming they make it...which they better.
  22. There's a lot of rumors going around as to what was being offered for Smyth, and I'm hearing almost every number since I live in Edmonton (mood of the city is pretty low today from what I've seen). And I agree, I don't think Smyth as a player is worth that much.....but when he is the face of the team, then maybe he is.
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