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Everything posted by TheWho87

  1. TheWho87

    Doctor Who

    Not sue how nerdy you like to get with Doctor Who, but this is a fun little video trying to locate the exact location used in a Doctor Who story that was recorded but never fully used on screen.
  2. The conversion process was simple if you followed a guide, the TL;DR version is you convert a save into a database then in Microsoft access convert the parts PWS needs into excel files, pop them in the right folder and let the game do the rest, after that it's no harder tidying up as it would be upgrading a database between TEW versions, it's just long if you use a big database. I do agree the game is still a WIP, there is still a whole load of things the dev wants to put in before it's considered "finished", but this also allows more feedback, especially compared to the screaming into the void that is the TEW suggestions area on GDS. There is a semi growing modding scene that's not just conversions, gazwefc (who did Killing the Business), has jumped ship and converted KTB but also has a series that focuses on the American scene from 1989 to 2002, I'd say there is enough original mods that outweigh conversions but compared to TEW it's way off. As for this, my plan is to try and build it up by importing in from a conversion and fixing stuff as I go along so that by 2023 the PWS and TEW mods are on a level field, although since PWS seems more forgiving with load times, compared to my TEW mod where I have closed promotions, every promotion in the PWS mod will be active, and if you look at the promotion lists there are promotions here that I don't have active in TEW (BLP, FSCW, GSPW, OVW, Prestige, WCPW, WAC, Wrestle Carnival). The biggest issues I know with this mod right now is that everyone is set as a face on the roster, but since face and heels right now is just a cosmetic setting it doesn't matter, as well as title belts set to their default settings, a lack of tag teams and events, my focus is on the worker pool more than anything else, promotions help with who's missing and who gets imported in the next batch to fix up.
  3. I've been dabbling with Pro Wrestling Sim , and have been converting my TEW mod over into this game and this just seems the more logical place to put it. It's still in an early beta stage, I'm importing in workers and tidying them up, so it doesn't have the full range of the TEW mod yet, but there are currently 38 promotions, mostly focused in North America, the UK and Japan with 2,693 workers. The main focus here is more converting and tidying up workers and roughly putting them in promotions, so a lot of areas are still a work in progress. If you are not familiar with Pro Wrestling Sim , the easiest way to describe it is as middle ground between EWR and TEW, the game itself is still in early access and has some flaws but it looks promising. Database & Graphics: September 2022 (BETA) Workers: Basic Universal Multipurpose Picture Pack Current list of promotions North America - Absolute Intense Wrestling - All Elite Wrestling - Beyond Wrestling - Black Label Pro - Deadlock Pro Wrestling - Defy Wrestling - Fantasy Super Cosplay Wrestling - Game Changer Wrestling - Garden State Pro Wrestling - Impact Wrestling - Major League Wrestling - Nation Extreme Wrestling - National Wrestling Alliance - New Japan Pro Wrestling of America - Ohio Valley Wrestling - Prestige Wrestling - Pro Wrestling Guerrilla - Ring of Honor - Shimmer Women Athletes - Shine Wrestling - WWE NXT - West Coast Pro Wrestling - Without A Cause - World Wrestling Entertainment Europe - Insane Championship Wrestling - Over the Top Wrestling - Pro Wrestling EVE - Progress Wrestling - Revolution Pro Wrestling - WWE NXT United Kingdom - Wrestle Carnival Asia - All Japan Pro Wrestling - DDT Pro Wrestling - Dragon Gate Japan Pro Wrestling - New Japan Pro Wrestling - Pro Wrestling NOAH - Tokyo Joshi Pro Wrestling - World Wonder Ring Stardom
  4. Here is the update for September, nothing too major this month, you will note that NXT:UK is still active and has some people who left the company in August, since they have TV taped for part of September I have left them in but with 1 month contracts, considering what seems to be the plan with the brand this will likely be their last inclusion and they will be shut down for October for whatever happens next. Beyond that nothing big has changed, I've added a few people who were missing for a few promotions, you can see the full list in the editor, but beyond that it's been the usual changes you'd expect every month, as usual if anything is missing post it and I'll change for next month. Enjoy Database: September 2022 Graphics: September 2022 Workers: January 2022 (Last KyKy Pack) Worker Expansion: June 2020 Worker Expansion contains pictures of wrestlers holding titles, along with non wrestlers cut on the same background used for workers. TEW Mods by TheWho87 on Discord Frequently Asked Questions Why is [Promotion] closed when they are active? Due to how slow the game runs with more promotions active, I have included active promotions but have them closed, to identify these they have their opening date and closed date the same. To activate the promotion simply remove the closed date.
  5. TheWho87

    Doctor Who

    It's more likely that they will do a telesnap recon if The Crusade is anything to go by. The only reason we got the last few animations was due to BBC America funding them.
  6. TheWho87

    Doctor Who

    The next classics blu-ray collection has been announced. This covers the stories - Planet of Giants - The Dalek Invasion of Earth - The Rescue - The Romans - The Web Planet - The Crusade - The Space Museum - The Chase - The Time Meddler And looking at the official announcement The Crusade will have it's missing episodes reconstructed telesnap style.
  7. Another free game on the Steam, free till August 11th. https://store.steampowered.com/app/699920/Despotism_3k/
  8. I'd agree, I'd even argue that everyone should have at least a basic level of English, the problem is there is no way to filter workers by the language they can speak and to mass edit eveyone will change those who have it set as higher as being dropped, it's either risk dropping some or doing it manually for everyone.
  9. Here is the update for August, don't recall there being much big changes this month, I've given the ROH roster a tidy up based on their last show but beyond that it's just business as usual, added a few workers (full list of these in the editor), and the usual monthly updates and changes. Anything missing mention in the thread and I'll get to it for next month. Enjoy Database: August 2022 Graphics: August 2022 Workers: January 2022 (Last KyKy Pack) Worker Expansion: June 2020 Worker Expansion contains pictures of wrestlers holding titles, along with non wrestlers cut on the same background used for workers. TEW Mods by TheWho87 on Discord Frequently Asked Questions Why is [Promotion] closed when they are active? Due to how slow the game runs with more promotions active, I have included active promotions but have them closed, to identify these they have their opening date and closed date the same. To activate the promotion simply remove the closed date.
  10. Free Steam game till 10am tomorrow. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1646730/POLE/
  11. Updated everything posted in the thread, also regarding the situation with WWE, they are being set with Stephanie as owner and Triple H as the booker. The next update should be out some point Tuesday.
  12. Here are the new AEW World Trios titles in the BUMP style
  13. One thing I loved bout Bernard Cribbins is that he appeals to so many generations, he started out in the 50's and one way or another everyone in the UK would have heard of him, from his films to the Wombles to Jackanory to Doctor Who.
  14. TheWho87

    Doctor Who

    Some news on the next/last animation of a missing story.
  15. Once again, been a while since I've updated this, just a matter of trying to hunt down pics to expand, and the biggest expansion here is that there are more belts this time, there are some updated worker pics too but only around 200+, as with last time there are two options for belts, Straight and Angles, each folder contains the same images, only different is how they are displated so use which ever one you want. Enjoy. Download: BUMP Workers July 2022 Download: BUMP Belts July 2022
  16. TheWho87

    Doctor Who

    So there were plans for a third Dr. Who film from the same producer who did the two Dalek films. Here is the article. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/tv/0/outlandish-doctor-who-story-never/ It's behid a paywall so you can also view it here. https://web.archive.org/web/20220705073911/https://www.telegraph.co.uk/tv/0/outlandish-doctor-who-story-never/
  17. Here is the update for July, the big update this month is swapping out Championship Wrestling from Hollywood due to a lack of recent info, and replacing them with Deadlock Pro Wrestling, along with this I've given AEW, GCW, MLW, NWA, PWG and TJPW a little tidy up, and for AEW a few pop level boosts. Beyond that it's just business as usual, added a few workers and updated a few names (full list of these in the editor), but beyond that just just the usual monthly updates and changes. As usual anything missing mention in the thread and I'll get to it for next. Enjoy Database: July 2022 Graphics: July 2022 Workers: January 2022 (Last KyKy Pack) Worker Expansion: June 2020 Worker Expansion contains pictures of wrestlers holding titles, along with non wrestlers cut on the same background used for workers. TEW Mods by TheWho87 on Discord Frequently Asked Questions Why is [Promotion] closed when they are active? Due to how slow the game runs with more promotions active, I have included active promotions but have them closed, to identify these they have their opening date and closed date the same. To activate the promotion simply remove the closed date.
  18. Just a heads up, the next mod update should be out over the weekend, most likely Saturday.
  19. Ok so Forbidden Door and the non-AEW talent used on the show, I'm going to put them in AEW on 1 month handshake deals for the time being to see how they are used, likely some will stay and some will not be used again, and anyone who is "All Elite" is considered signing a written deal. Here's a list of whom would be given these contracts, spoiler for spoilers.
  20. Just put in these, for the media group changes I've put them under the following - Warner Bros Discovery Networks - Warner Bros Discovery Asia-Pacific - Warner Bros Discovery EMEA
  21. Gone through and changed those, a few I had fixed up already for next month as I have done a small roster tidy for AEW, I've also done some minor pop boosts across the roster, most notably putting Page, Omega, Bucks & MJF to a Well Known level they are at the same level as Andrade, Jeff & Joe but below the big ex-WWE guys. I held off on the Elite stuff since with Kenny injured not sure what's happening there. Also regarding rosters I've given GCW, MLW, NWA, PWG and TJPW a small tidy up too.
  22. A bit of lost TV has been found! In 1976 Margaret Hamilton reprised her role as the Wicked Witch of the West from Wizard of Oz for Sesame Street, the response from parents at the time was that she frightened kids and the footage has never aired or released again. https://www.reddit.com/r/lostmedia/comments/vf7yu2/found_sesame_street_847_margaret_hamilton_wicked/
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