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Posts posted by lazy_arse

  1. Science has become my new favourite. I've really started to like him this week.

    Makosi is still going on about that baby! She's such a fucking attention seeker. Hope her and Vanessa are up this week. Not bothered who goes out of the pair.

    There are very few people I like now. I like Science and Anthony is alrite. Craig can be alrite but really gets on my nerves other times. Eugene does nothing, but his nerdy comments can be quite funny. Derek I also like. Orla is just good to look at, not much else.

    Hate Vanessa, Kemal and Makosi. I used to think Kemal was alrite but recently he's just getting boring and even more annoying. All three of them are so bitchy and two-faced.

  2. It's tough, but club just shades it mainly because realistically Tottenham aren't gonna win the Champions League anytime so it would be great to see it happen. If I supported Chelsea, Arsenal, Man Utd or Liverpool I would probably say country because those teams are consistently in Europe and fighting for trophies with them being very likely to win something in the near future.

    On the other hand, for England to win the World Cup or even European Championships would be great. The whole nation will be partying and I like it when supporters of rival teams such as Spurs and Arsenal get together to support England, putting club differences aside for that time.

    Club just shades it though.

  3. Right, lets see. Saskia getting up to some stuff with Maxwell under duvets = prostitute.

    But Makosi getting completely naked and going after two guys, probably shagging one, and nobody cared.

    Bunch of wankers.

  4. I definitely see a double standard here, that episode was about 59 minutes of a bunch of people bitching about her behind her back and yet she's this bully?

    I can't stand sitting watching whilst my sister rips it into her and fails to see a bunch of bitchy girls and a couple of queers, doing far worse.

    EDIT: That was possibly the most boring episode ever.

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