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Status Updates posted by SeanDMan

  1. I officially cannot dislike a man with that avatar.

  2. I see you, poking around in my profile, thinking no one notices. I notice.

  3. I suppose it's a question as to whether stylistically applied oddness outmodes the involved oddness.

  4. I thought you were going to bed. YOU LIAR!

  5. I used to consider Metric a guilty pleasure until I realized they are a Canadian band fronted by a hot poet, and if you can't dig on that then it's not a problem with me, it's a problem with you. So full support the Metric system.

  6. I want to congratulate Metalman on his recent win in the UEFA Champions League. You really earned it, man, celebrate the fuck out of it.



      thanks! I am glad that someone can appreciate my hard work.

  7. I was going to tell Stokerino at a recent mention of your name that he was crazy if, after the debacle that was Overlady, he had you sign up for EWB...

    ...then I saw today you've already signed up yourself. Brave, brave woman.

  8. I'll hump your girlfriends leg.

  9. I'm SeanDMan and I approve these messages.

  10. I'm so glad that I'm an island.

  11. I've been updating my progress in a thread in the longue:


    The counter in my sig is also live.

  12. If it's any consolation, I didn't MEAN to kill you.

  13. Is it possible for anyone to do anything ever without you decrying it as a personal affront to you?

  14. Is that what he's doing? I always thought he had like an inhaler or something.


  16. It seems like Starty Marty wants to start golfing.

  17. It was hardly an objection, more just confusion.

  18. It's possible that if you used Photoshop to combine the two, making some sort of Jericho/Liger hybrid, you might win back some cool points.

  19. It's sort of ironic given the last profile comment you have, how BR V ended up going. -_-

  20. Join BSG Mafia you motherfrakker.

  21. Join Survivor 2299, compete to be the last man standing.

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