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Everything posted by Kwanzabot

  1. Seriously though, why not just follow the already laid out plot?
  2. Yeah, looking back it ain't too good. Here's another alternative one:
  3. Contact Adress: takeyourchance@hotmail.co.uk User:ewo2006 CAW: AJ STYLES ¬_¬
  4. Someone get on SDvsRAW2006 online, UK, give me a match, does it like go dead around 12 o'clock or somit? Reply here with your pick of match.
  5. I was answering the question about an editable thing that can be edited via the net.
  6. AllDawson, it's called PHPNuke, just search for that in google and it should come up.
  7. -This ain't my best work, but it's the best I could think of for this Pay Per View. Orton at the time was considered a key point, and had Batista not caught on as he did, he would have been looking to Main Event Wrestlemania. However, the unexpected popularity of Batista coupled with Orton's bad backstage attitude changed all that. That is why I chose Orton, because at this point, most people could see him Main Eventing Wrestlemania. -The dragon is adapted from the NYR Poster last year, and I thought it was a good insignia to couple with this Pay Per View. -Finally, the Logo and The Text is done like that because I can't cut the NYR Logo for the life of me and all the PSD Sites' versions are not upto scratch. Therefore, I bevelled it and gave it a colour overlay. The drop shadow is there because I think it looks okay. Edit: Jimmy, if it's okay with you, you've got till monday.
  8. Any poster size you think is good, I use 300 width by 400 length. You are aware you signed yourself up for all year worth? Anyway, shall we say up by Monday at 12PM GMT?
  9. Basically, a poster for every PPV of the last year, best out of the amount wins. First up would be New Years Revolution:
  10. If this is a UK one with UK games, I'll give you £20 via Paypal for Pro Evo 5. If that's okay?
  11. Welcome back Futurama! If these don't get released in the UK I will knife David X. Yay, I'm excited now.
  12. Yeah, so this is my Backlash poster for my diary on another board. Just thought I'd post it here for some critisism, so I can improve it before I post it in the topic. And Also, which one is better?
  13. I particularly like this piece, but I'll put it to you. I don't think it'll be as good to you, but hopefully it's ok.
  14. How do you wrestle at One Night Stand? That's how you unlock the arena, but I don't know how to wrestle at that show.
  15. Have you seen yet? Old school Mankind Music! Apart from that, and including that, this game absolutely rocks, how is GM mode?
  16. C'mon Leeds! The Wolves Game was a good result, causing celebration in my house. It seems were on a bit of a role now, and ROTHERAM! YOU'RE NEXT~! Leeds-Berg! Leeds-Berg! Sorry.
  17. So, does anyone know how long this movie will be, all the others were a good 2/30 hours so I think this one may be 4 at the least.
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