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Everything posted by Kwanzabot

  1. Spoiler: Click here to viewYeah, that is how it goes. She's basically set the books from 1991 -> 1997. She apparently included the names of popular consoles for pop culture references, under pressure of editors.
  2. I was very, very bored, so I decided I'd make a couple of graphics. Rate/Hate. MVP Cade and Murdoch Sterling James Keenan (Probably my least favourite) El Ligero If anyone wants to use any of them (which I doubt), feel free, but ask me first in the thread, and give me credit in your sig.
  3. Isn't it only the first 500 pages?
  4. Ok, so I've just been promoted to the Premiership as Leeds, first season in. However, Bates has only given me £2m to spend. I have a team that barely got into the playoffs, so I really need help finding players. Any recommendations?
  5. Okay, how did you finish reading it last night, when it comes out tonight?
  6. Spoiler: Click here to viewIt's not too much info, and doesn't reveal anything I didn't think would happen. But still, wow, I know some of what happens
  7. Anything by Robert Rankin. It's genius that makes you think, and it is very humourous.
  8. www.imageshack.us But there is a resource directory at the top of the graphics forum.
  9. Urgh. I'd have considered going to bombard Bates, but I can't be arsed travelling out there, especially since he probably won't even be there.
  10. I think you should be a Leeds United fan, like me. It's always dramatic, and fun, plus we have awesome fans.
  11. Oh my god. I came second! Wow.
  12. Europe - The Final Countdown Polysics - I My Me Mine Lordi - Hard Rock Hallelujah Lordi - Would You Love a Monsterman? Metallica - Enter Sandman
  13. If tickets go quite cheap, I'll probably go most weeks. My dad pointed something out to me today -- technically, if they wanted, they could make a standing stand. E.g, making the Kop more traditional.
  14. This is the most depressing season of my life. Damn God for hating us Leeds fans.
  15. Hopefully I didn't make this in waste. Probably one of my best ever graphics. Also, AD's kicks ass.
  16. I'll take this. I got a couple of things I want to try out.
  17. Yeah, what does everyone think of it thus far. Basically wondering whether I should stick with this design? (PS. Wait for Image to load)
  18. Thanks very much. I'll keep people updated with how I do.
  19. I have a serious problem when it comes to sticking with a game. Any ideas?
  20. That is one great manip, I especially love the fire, it looks very realistic.
  21. If you mash all 4 buttons with that, they die very quickly. Just a heads up.
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