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About Tyrone

  • Birthday 24/06/1995

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Upper Midcarder

Upper Midcarder (8/12)



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  1. Anyone know why Flair was only referred to as a 14-time champ when he showed up in 2001? Was it because of the last 2 WCW reigns? Just curious

    1. Mick


      Some of the title reigns were not recognized, such as his loss and subsequent return match victory over Carlos Colon, etc. Then there's the issue of the WCW International World Heavyweight title, where the two then-WWF reigns come into play, and so forth. At a time where nobody had held the WWF title more then six times, 14 or even 16 would still be impressive.

    2. C-MIL


      There were quite a few Caribbean promoters that supposedly convinced Flair he'd never get off the island alive unless he dropped the belt to the local babyface hero. More likely, they just tossed in some extra to get him to lay down without the NWA's approval. Either way, they weren't recognized or publicized beyond the local market, so there really was no "real" number. They just said whatever sounded good.

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