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Posts posted by HC

  1. So I missed all of last night's game because something I ate went to war with my stomach. It's almost as though the football gods knew that the thought of Joe Flacco Super Bowl MVP would nauseate me, so they went all out and made it so I didn't have to see it :shifty:

    You spent the longest Super Bowl in history on the toilet?

  2. Yes, I am a Grizz fan Szumi. Packers and Stl. Cardinals always come first, but Memphis is my hometown team, and I try to support them by going to the games on occasion. I'll admit that I overreacted to this trade upon hearing it. Keep in mind Memphis has a history of bad trades, including Pau Gasol(even though we got Marc) and Kevin Love, so it's hard to get excited about this. I've always liked Rudy since we initially got him back in '06(although at the cost of Battier) and felt he had the potential to be the guy here. I do realize he is overpaid for his production, but I really thought they would at least wait until the offseason to pull the trigger on a deal. It just feels like they are pissing away title contention, and if they wanted to get rid of Rudy all along, then why in the hell did they give the Cavs a 1st rounder to dump other guys?

    The actual trade isn't too awful upon further inspection. I'm not familiar with Davis, but everyone seems to be raving about him being a possible Z-Bo replacement down the road. I'm probably most disappointed at the fact that there were no first round draft picks given up, which I would've preferred strongly. I'll see how things play out from here. I understand the new ownership wants to remold the franchise in their image, but I just really wanted our core to make one last run at the title.

  3. God that was sickening as a GB fan. Kaep and Harbaugh are so smug, they deserve each other. Ross dropping that punt return was a huge turning point. Capers also had our D completely unprepared for Kaepernick. A lot of changes need to to happen in this offseason. Getting rid of Capers and finding a suitable RB would be a good start.

  4. So, the Steeler fans are out and about down here today. I was just at Wal Mart and I saw one wearing a Maurkice Pouncey jersey. Not only was it the jersey of a fucking center, it was one of their disgusting 2012 bumblebee throwbacks.

    Not even Chase would wear that.

    I would. And that Bears one that GM mentioned. You guys have no appreciation for history >_>

    Also, fuck Walt Anderson and his dipshit crew. I've seen some people on Twitter and the like arguing that it doesn't matter because the Bears offense is horrible anyway. That doesn't excuse poor officiating. Who knows, if some of those calls were correct, or the ticky-tack stuff left alone* (like it is in virtually every other game) the offense might have gotten into a rhythm like it seemed to be in the first quarter, and then we've got a very different ballgame.

    * I'm not complaining about ticky-tack stuff getting called per se, if it's a foul, it's a foul. My issue is that they're choosing to make those calls, then letting the opposition get away with murder.

    Even as a Packers fan, I can sympathize with the poor officiating complaint(Seattle, anyone?). With that being said, every team gets the shaft from the refs at one time or another and bitching about what could have been is a moot point. I still don't believe the Bears would have won. They have completely collapsed the second half of the season and just have too many problems, especially against GB who owns their ass routinely. A lot of it has to do with Cutler I think, and the sooner they decide to dump him the better they'll be imo. You can just see the fear in his eyes when in the clutch, and I wouldn't trust him to walk my dog, let alone drive my team to a win.

  5. You've both made incorrect interpretations of different rules at different points.

    Firstly, if a blocker is declared, both players DO gain priority prior to damage being dealt, so you do have the opportunity to cast Druid's Deliverance. Point to you.

    However, let's look at Druid's Deliverance, a two mana instant that reads:

    Prevent all combat damage that would be dealt to you this turn. Populate.

    This card prevents all damage that is dealt to the player casting it, and then performs the keyword ability Populate (which is not relevant to the question as asked). The important element is that it only prevents damage dealt to the player casting the spell, and does not prevent any damage dealt to his or her creatures.

    Compare the wording to the quintessential damage-prevention spell Fog (trivia - spells that perform like-functions are colloquially known as "Fog effects"):

    Prevent all combat damage that would be dealt this turn.

    Fog prevents all damage that's dealt to everyone and their creatures on this turn.

    So in the situation that you describe, the appropriate game state at the end of combat is that neither of you has your respective creature, but if you had a token creature in play you now have another (as per Populate)

    Thanks for clearing that. I'm glad to know I'm right about casting an instant, as he was pretty obnoxious about it.

  6. Bumping a bit of an old topic, but I don't feel like asking anywhere else so here goes: I'mnew to MTG and have been playing for a few weeks. Anyway, I got into an argument with one of my more experienced friends about the rules.

    It was my turn and I declared an attack an 8/8 creature. He decided to block it with a 2/2 that had deathtouch. Then I casted Druid's Deliverance, an instant that blocked all combat damage from him, thus cancelling his deathtouch and leading to me destroying his creature in combat. He threw a fit, first trying to unblock, then telling me that I couldn't cast it anyway as I don't have prioroty. Long story short, it blew up into a big argument that I want resolved. Who's in the wrong?

  7. I feel for Alex Smith here. Guy has finally been getting his career back on track recently. As it weren't enough for Niners to basically admit to wanting to dump him for Manning in the offseason, now he's losing his job after one week being out with a concussion. Kaepernick has shown flashes of brilliance, but dude has had one good game, against a now-slumping Bears team at that. It hardly warrants giving him the start over a proven guy in Smith. If this doesn't work out, not only does Harbaugh look like a tool, but he also has damaged the confidence of both guys in the process. Terrible decision, imo.

    Smith is coming off of a concussion. Why give him his job back if you can give him more time to heal AND evaluate your backup against live competition? It's not like Smith is an MVP or just won a SB.

    It's not as simple as evaluating the backup, nor is it about giving Smith time to heal. This is essentially Harbaugh saying he believes Kaepernick is the better QB for the team. If Colin has another repeat performance Sunday, Smith will be benched.

    Alex has developed into a very good, arguably top ten QB. Yeah he's not going to light up the scoreboard, but treplacing him with an unproven guy with one great game under his belt is foolish.

  8. I feel for Alex Smith here. Guy has finally been getting his career back on track recently. As it weren't enough for Niners to basically admit to wanting to dump him for Manning in the offseason, now he's losing his job after one week being out with a concussion. Kaepernick has shown flashes of brilliance, but dude has had one good game, against a now-slumping Bears team at that. It hardly warrants giving him the start over a proven guy in Smith. If this doesn't work out, not only does Harbaugh look like a tool, but he also has damaged the confidence of both guys in the process. Terrible decision, imo.

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  9. So, Sean Payton's contract has been voided by the Saints, making him free to sign with any team in the offseason.

    Jerry Jones had better be on top of this.

    It was voided by the NFL, not the Saints. He'll still probably be back in 'Nawlins next season.

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