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Everything posted by E-C-Bub

  1. If I was writing the final two episodes
  2. If it's truly separate, I don't think it'd be a bad idea. But it needs to be something completely different. Set it in a completely different location. Africa, or Las Vegas, Canada. Don't have the characters complaining about the southern sun and trekking through the woods.
  3. AMC has gone spinoff happy. Set to debut 2015.
  4. Didn't one of you say that GTA online is cross platform? Or am I making that up. I'm not a gamer. I'm assuming X-Box and PS players can't play together.
  5. Will be playing this game in exactly 24 hours
  6. Going to go reserve my copy so I can get it tomorrow during the midnight release.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hEUinWP-pOM I don't think any other show has a better marketing team than American Horror Story.
  8. I just had a crazy thought about how this show may wrap up. What if Hank decides to screw Walt over. He realizes that Walt is right and no one will believe him. So Hank decides to fake evidence and make Walt Jr. "Heisenberg". There's your "W.W." Hank figures that the only way to clear Walt Jr.'s name is for Walt Sr. to admit that he's Heisenberg. Now the show can really explore if Walt Sr. is able to admit defeat and accept that he's been caught. Hank did say "Screw family" and probably always figures Walt Sr. will admit that he's Heisenberg and will clear Walt Jr.'s name. Walt Sr. has gotten the ricin. Here's how I could see things panning out. Walt Sr. marches in to the police station or court house or prison armed with his big M60 gun. He fires the entire clip in to the air. He in one way or another admits that he is Heisenberg. He is arrested. He dies during processing by using the ricin as a suicide pill.
  9. Whatever the story is that led to her owning an after school hangout and not being a lawyer will probably be brought up during an episode as a major sore subject. Something like, Corey got his job teaching and talked her out of being a lawyer to take care of their kid. They can have the "I want to go back to work!" two parter episode that Boy Meets World had when Corey's parents got in to that argument.
  10. E-C-Bub

    Doctor Who

    Bring on Helen Mirren, Kate Winslet, or either one of the Weasley Twins for #12!
  11. E-C-Bub

    Doctor Who

    He was briefly seen standing with his back to Clara overlooking the skyline of the planet with the Library.
  12. E-C-Bub

    Doctor Who

    I work as a cameraman for a friend who does an internet show about pop culture. He got invited to the Peabody Awards this afternoon to cover the red carpet. Guess who I got to meet... I'm the fat SOB being touched by The Doctor and Stephen Moffat Matt Smith is bald now for a movie. Jenna smells like a delicious spice rack and has the softest skin you've ever felt. Moffat stinks of cigarettes and is an encyclopedia of Who knowledge. Reporters were asking him questions, some really obscure ones concerning the show back in the sixties, and Moffat was able to answer everything. He said there are a lot of unanswered questions from the original run that he wants to answer before his time as Executive Producer is up. He confirmed that John Hurt is The Doctor, a version never acknowledged, and that Matt Smith's incarnation is now the 12th. Anyway, I spent about twenty minutes with them since they were the last award and most of the press had cleared out by the time they came around, and they just sort of hung around eating the free food. Smith was wearing the boots he wears as The Doctor because they gave them to him and they're the only shoes that don't hurt his feet due to the amount of running and time spent in them. I'm just thinking of random things said or observed. Jenna has a mouth like a sailor and had to be reminded by the BBC publicist not to curse so much between interviews because she doesn't know who might be filming her. Anyway, that's it. Was fun. Got to fangirl out a bit.
  13. They were able to do that because the cars themselves were covered in gore/had rotting bodies. If you notice, Sophia's car that she chose to hide under is really the only clean one. I never mow my backyard because we don't have a sprinkler system in most of it (It's a big open field) and the grass never grows more than ankle high.
  14. Can an admin just ban him from posting in the Entertainment section.
  15. Great episode. Poor season finale.
  16. Oh man. Hershel "fixing" Morgan by talking to him about God and to look past the horribleness that happened to his son. But yeah, that won't happen. Hershel is walker bait. Also, I think the ending image of Morgan burning bodies and going back to repeat his process is the last we'll see of him. It's a fitting ending. That's just what Morgan does now, forever, until he dies.
  17. I haven't had a single problem playing.
  18. Again, he didn't pick up the hitchhiker so that when he met Morgan and realized what he may become, there'd be an anchor to the episode. Morgan was Rick without a support system. Rick was in the process of destroying his support system. Therefore Rick knew he'd one day become Morgan. Morgan changed Rick. If Rick saw the hitchhiker on the way back to the prison, there's a good chance he would've helped him, either by picking him up, giving him a gun, or advice. By the time they left Morgan, it was too late, a further reminder that Rick's thought process was wrong.
  19. The whole point of Rick's interaction with Morgan was to open his eyes about how wrong his current mindset is. Part of me believes that after Rick spoke with Morgan, if he had seen the hitchhiker again he would've stopped. All that was left by that time was a body and a backpack of potentially useful items, so he took what he could.
  20. According to several early screeners and the producers, tonight's episode is being called the best of season 3. I am nervously excited.
  21. The Rise of the Governor was used to fill in the gaps and history of a character that the fans wanted to know. The same purpose a flashback on the TV series would have. I for one would love to see the fall of the prison touched upon during an episode or the rise of Woodbury. There is a purpose to it.
  22. Whatever it was. It exists and was well accepted.
  23. Flashbacks can be very entertaining. What do they do for a story like this? Anything they want them to do. The obvious answer is Suspense vs. Surprise. If they reveal that a member of Tyrese;s group is a rapist or pedophile in a flashback, we as the viewing audience will now constantly be like "HE CAN'T BE TRUSTED!" it's suspenseful. That's just one example to what a flashback could do. Also, The Rise of the Governor was an entire graphic novel dedicated to the characters origin, and it was extremely well received. It depends on the type of flashback it is. You also hate everything, and weren't hugged enough as a child.
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