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Posts posted by GhostMachine

  1. 31 minutes ago, Colly said:
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    It just seems silly because with everything he's done (Queer as Folk to It's a Sin and everything in between) it's obvious RTD is very progressive, but it felt very strange that even the Meep was calling Rose weird, and the metacrisis "causing" it reinforced that.

    Complete aside, is anyone familiar with the comics? I bought my soon to be 8 year old a crossover 13th/10th Doctor TPB for Xmas which I've now read and deemed perfectly fine despite their 12+ recommendation so I'm probably going to get a few more, but just in case anyone had any thoughts. Probably just going to go for a few of the other crossovers and a some Tennant ones.

    I own one of the IDW TPBs, but its reprints of Fourth Doctor stories from the 70's. Including the Star Beast one. I'd say that would be fine for an 8 year old, except possibly for one story where the Doctor becomes a werewolf. If you ever want to introduce the kid to Classic Era DW, that would be a good choice. (I got mine at a used bookstore. Was pretty much in new, pristine condition but cost a LOT less than I'd have paid in a bookstore or comics shop.)

    • Thanks 1
  2. On 23/11/2023 at 03:58, Lint said:

    Watched Blue Beetle today and it was a lot of fun!  Probably one of the best DCEU movies thats come out!  

    Xolo Maridueña was great in the role, and I hope he goes on to have a great career after Cobra Kai, but honestly George Lopez kinda steals the movie as his uncle Rudy.

    It was really just a fun movie that I enjoyed watching, something the DCEU hasn't offered since James Gunns Suicide Squad

    I'm kind of torn whether or not to watch it, because I'm just not a fan of that version of the character. I preferred Ted Kord, and used to own a copy of the old Captain Atom comic that had his first appearance.


  3. On 15/11/2023 at 19:43, GoGo Yubari said:

    Huh! Sure?

    Not bad casting by any means. But...

    Rumors are: 1. Vanessa Kirby might be playing Sue. Excellent choice if true, except for one thing: She's 35. This better be a FF that's been around for a while, if they go with her.

    2. What's NOT excellent is that Sue is going to be the focus of the movie, with Reed portrayed negatively.

    3. FUCK THIS!, if true: The Silver Surfer is going to be a woman.

    4. Anya-Taylor Joy as a villain. Possibly the aforementioned Silver Surfer. (Personally, I'd cast her as either Alicia Masters or Crystal.)

  4. 10 hours ago, Benji said:

    New intro is cool. Excited for Dr Who like I haven't been in ages.

    It sucks Tennant is only back for a few episodes, though. I marked out like a motherfucker when Jodi Whittaker regenerated into Tennant instead of Gatwa. I know this is Fourteen, but Ten is my second favorite Doctor after Four *, and its mainly due to Tennant's acting and facial reactions. He is the best Doctor actor so far when it comes to going from goofy or light-hearted to deadly serious in a split second. (I thought Matt Smith was great at it, as well, but Eleven was too goofball at times.)

    *And its a close race.



  5. With his college stats, I'm still trying to figure out how Boyle got in the NFL in the first place. Or why other teams after the Packers even gave him a shot. With his stats, he shouldn't even be holding the ball for extra points, let alone throwing it.

    And Hackett needs to be fired ASAP.

  6. 1 hour ago, Pooker said:

    I'm about half way through the album now. It's OK. I liked "Open Arms." Pink sounded great on "Can't Get No." "Night Moves" was good as well. Her voice just doesn't work with some of the songs 

    "Magic Man", "Wrecking Ball" and "Bygones" are pretty good, but I didn't care for "Whats Up?" or "World On Fire". ("World On Fire" is not a particularly good song.) That's all I have heard so far, but "Baby I Love Your Way" , "Either Or", and "Stairway To Heaven" will likely be the last songs I listen to. (The first is one of the most overplayed, overrated songs of all time. Do not want to hear the fake Trump-lover Kid Rock. As for the last, I'm kind of sick of Lizzo.) 

    Will probably listen to "Open Arms" next. I know Steve Perry wasn't Journey's original lead singer, but without him or Gregg Rolie, I consider them a cover band.

  7. Regarding the Children In Need short:


    So now not only did The Doctor (12) save Davros as a kid and give him the inspiration for the Dalek gun and `EXTERMINATE!', but now he named them and gave them the suction cup? Sheesh! 

    Also, they're saying Davros has been retconned. But isn't this really just retconning when he created the Daleks? Because wasn't he supposed to have created them after he ended up disfigured? 


  8. On 18/11/2023 at 11:13, Benji said:

    The Rookie Feds backdoor pilot episode may be the worst one in the series. Nothing about it makes me want to watch the actual show. Simone is utterly lacking as a character and has nothing compelling about her.

    The Rookie isn't exactly golden TV, but it's main character has always been a humble and charismatic everyman with a interesting and likeable cast. Simone is obnoxious (her first scene is drifting a car in an FBI car training session which she isn't meant to do, her second is being in a massive JTF meeting and laughing and talking down her superiors) and none of the other FBI members are anything other than bland.

    Shame, because I like Niecy Nash, but this one clearly isn't for me.

    I pretty much agree with you about Niecy Nash. I like her, but I find that I watch Feds more for Britt Robertson (Have watched several other shows she has done) and Kevin Zegers than her. Zegers' character was bland but has gotten a LOT better. He was one-dimensional as all-get out when the show began.

    And Niecy's girlfriend on the show was soooo hard to cast: Its her real life wife.

    • Like 1
  9. NBA legend Metta World Peace was the latest unmasking on The Masked Singer.

    Why mention it? Because his character was Cuddly Monster, and one of the guesses was Draymond Green. The timing of it, and the idea of Green being anything `cuddly' were just funny. 

    (No one got it right, by the way. The other guesses were Shaq and Dennis Rodman.)


    • Haha 1
  10. Burned out = Have heard so much you're sick of, and have been possibly for a long time. But, it has to be bands, artists, or songs you actually like (or liked).

    For me, its easy: The band Volbeat and the ACDC song Thunderstruck.

    I haven't DJ'd online in years, but I got absofuckinglutely sick of Volbeat, because I had tons and tons of requests for them. I haven't listened to anything by them in years, except occasionally the song they did with King Diamond. I may eventually listen to them again, but honestly I'll be happy if I never ever hear Sad Man's Tongue again as long as I live.

    Thunderstruck for the same reason. It got played too much back then, by me and other DJs. I've heard it maybe twice in the past three years.



  11. Someone on Facebook actually asked if Wentz going to the Rams made them contenders, because they now have two Super Bowl winning QBs on the roster. (The post was written as if he meant this season, NOT in the future.)

    First of all, they've already got 6 losses. They are not winning the NFC West unless half the 49ers and a good chunk of the Seahawks suddenly get injured or drop dead, and they certainly will not win a Wildcard spot.

    Second, Wentz is only a Super Bowl winning QB thanks to Nick Foles. Wentz hasn't played in a Super Bowl at all.

    Third, they definitely need to shore up their defense better. 

    So I have no clue what he's thinking.

    *edited add* And Stephen A. Smith thinking the Bears should trade Fields to a more respectable franchise. Not sure any `more respectable' franchise would be willing to give the Bears what they'd ask for him. Or if any really need him that bad. (Cardinals might, but they're worse than the Bears.)

  12. On 09/11/2023 at 18:10, TheGrandAvatar said:

    You can't beat the classic Vincent Price, Lon Chaney Jr, Bela Lugosi and Boris Karloff classic horror movies. Even the cheesy Hammer Horror and their rival films from Amicus are still decent enough to watch these days. I also find them less taxing. 

    Watched Midsommar recently and the opening has stuck with me more than the rest of the film did. It's unerving, filmed in a way to get you to feel how you do with it, a brutal kicker and one that I think probably unnerved me a lot more due to my own trauma. 

    I will stick to classic horror, slasher and zombie films in future. . :lol:

    I just realized something: Bauhaus and Deep Purple did songs about Bela Lugosi and Vincent Price, Bobby Pickett imitated Karloff in all of his songs, and Lon Chaney is mentioned in Werewolves Of London. But....has anyone done any songs about Karloff or either of the Cheneys?

    Posted that because its a cool song, AND the video is a pretty good tribute to Price. (Apparently the band members actually knew him.)

  13. 7 minutes ago, gunnar hendershow said:

    You know I've never seen that despite having gone through a big wave of watching a lot of the staunchly anti-war canon.

    Just going to say this: After watching the movie, I was a lot more sympathetic to the French troops, but not so much the officers. 

  14. Shedeur Sanders' car got booted by campus police. 

    Before anyone is even remotely sympathetic, he had been ticketed by them before. And the car is a Rolls-Royce.

    Colorado is 4-6 right now. About one more win than I expected at this point. *Might* beat Washington State, but they won't beat Utah.

    The Vols are going to get absolutely shelled by Georgia.


  15. Has anyone watched Paths of Glory? its a Stanley Kubrick movie starring Kirk Douglas, set during WW1 and about the French military. I won't give the plot away, but its sadly based on a true story. 

    I can't decide whether it or Dr. Strangelove is my favorite black & white Kubrick film, but I've seen Paths a few times more.

  16. 2 hours ago, Toe said:

    I didn't like Halloween Kills, so I waited to see Halloween Ends. Watched it by myself, headphones on, and I really enjoyed it. 

    Kills had a shitty ending. ie, the townspeople teaming up and getting killed by Michael, mainly because they take turns instead of ganging up and the former Sheriff can't shoot straight. I especially hated Tommy getting killed off. Then they killed off Laurie's daughter. Ends sucked because Michael isn't even the killer.

    A much more satisfying ending to the whole franchise would have been to do something like the end of Kills, but with the townspeople teaming up, actually fucking him up, and Laurie delivering the coup de grace. Then dumping his carcass in the shredder like they did do. Instead, we have Laurie basically executing Michael, who is too old and weak to be a massive threat.

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